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03-06-2008, 18:41
Resting in Peace
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Sorry to use my personal consultant on these matters, but just explaining where your VAT money goes from petrol :-
'Firstly, the tax on fuel is proportionate to the cost of driving. The Treasury pays for a range of things from the fuel budget - new road construction (1mile of motorway is estimated to cost £4m from inception to completion), road maintenance (which is suffering from a massive backlog), public transport infrastructure and subsidy (disabled passes, concessionary passes, fare reimbursement for socially necessary services), police and emergency services, logistics maintenance and infrastructure (pipes, transport etc) and the administration agencies (DfT, DVLA etc which are necessary). That's not including the huge expense of the now necessary consultation and public inquiry procedures that are in place to liaise with interest groups and stakeholders'
All down to the privilege of driving. Comes with a price.
04-06-2008, 00:54
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by Less
Ooooh No! Every mile done by them is adding to global warming, it's not as if they make any worthwhile contribution to the world!
At this point Less loses his bottle and runs for cover, knowing that there is bound to be at least one biker without a sense of humour!
what u expect us to do, float to work on the same drugs your smoking?????
we could always ditch the bikes and buy cars instead, which take up more space and cause more congestion, and also use more fuel
most normal bikes get about 40mpg, nowhere near the 100mpg of scooters etc
anyway, enough of the scorned biker rattling on
heres a post ive just made on another site
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:29 am Post subject:
it pizzes me off,
really it does
not so much the price, but the fact that they are doing this for 2p a litre
and in doing this demonstration they are creating a standstill which will only damage the working class
the working class dont need this, they wanna move the demonstration to downing street, chain their bikes to the gates
and leave them there till the price comes down by 30p a litre
its a complate waste of their time and the poor people who are trying to travel to work on that route
if them motorways and roads are blocked, some people may lose their jobs
what if an ambulance has to get thru on a life/death call
the trucks should just stay out the way for that reason
precious minutes could make a hell of a difference to an ambo on blue lights
if ur gonna do a demonstration, do it right, 1000 bikes is impressive but its all for so little, they would have to do this once a month for 2 years to get anywhere, and thats if its successful in bringing the price down 2p a litre, which it probably wont be
we should get all the bike clubs in the country, and all the sites, and work together on a proper demonstration
something has to give somewhere, and as usual its left to the bikers to do the dirty work, coz the truckers have proved all they can do is cause a nuisance,
04-06-2008, 01:04
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Bleeding Greasers, get a skooter bruv. 
04-06-2008, 01:04
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by katex
Sorry to use my personal consultant on these matters, but just explaining where your VAT money goes from petrol :-
'Firstly, the tax on fuel is proportionate to the cost of driving. The Treasury pays for a range of things from the fuel budget - new road construction (1mile of motorway is estimated to cost £4m from inception to completion), road maintenance (which is suffering from a massive backlog), public transport infrastructure and subsidy (disabled passes, concessionary passes, fare reimbursement for socially necessary services), police and emergency services, logistics maintenance and infrastructure (pipes, transport etc) and the administration agencies (DfT, DVLA etc which are necessary). That's not including the huge expense of the now necessary consultation and public inquiry procedures that are in place to liaise with interest groups and stakeholders'
All down to the privilege of driving. Comes with a price.
sorry to use common sense, but yer personal consultant is probably using garbage spouted by the treasury, firstly i was always led to believe that our road tax license payed for the bulk of road mantainence, if it don't were the hell is it going? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
04-06-2008, 05:51
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Re: Biker fuel protest
You know - people in this country are just happy to allow the government to do what they want. If people protest & complain as a group they will have more impact & the government may eventually listen. Good on the bikers that are doing this. It is about time that we as a nation let the government know what we think. The increasing fuel prices are being passed on to consumers within the prices of food aswell - so it is the conusmer, me & you, who lose out in all ways. With the current "credit crunch" & the increasing prices we are entering a serious recession & the government should be trying to do all it can to minimise the effects of this.
Keep protesting - let's make ourselves heard!
04-06-2008, 08:39
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by fz911
what u expect us to do, float to work on the same drugs your smoking?????
we could always ditch the bikes and buy cars instead, which take up more space and cause more congestion, and also use more fuel
most normal bikes get about 40mpg, nowhere near the 100mpg of scooters etc
anyway, enough of the scorned biker rattling on
heres a post ive just made on another site
At this point Less loses his bottle and runs for cover, knowing that there is bound to be at least one biker without a sense of humour!
Congratulations, you must be that biker! 
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
04-06-2008, 08:52
Resting in Peace
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by cashman
sorry to use common sense, but yer personal consultant is probably using garbage spouted by the treasury, firstly i was always led to believe that our road tax license payed for the bulk of road mantainence, if it don't were the hell is it going? 
There was a report in one of the papers this morning (don't know which) which was saying the GB has the worst maintained roads in Europe
04-06-2008, 08:56
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by fz911
what u expect us to do, float to work on the same drugs your smoking????? silly comment, no need for it, just ruined your chance of being taken seriously in a debate
we could always ditch the bikes and buy cars instead, which take up more space and cause more congestion, and also use more fuel - well done, you've just had a go at the majority of people on here that do use cars for safety and practicality reasons
most normal bikes get about 40mpg, nowhere near the 100mpg of scooters etc - and?
anyway, enough of the scorned biker rattling on
heres a post ive just made on another site
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:29 am Post subject:
it pizzes me off,
really it does
not so much the price, but the fact that they are doing this for 2p a litre
and in doing this demonstration they are creating a standstill which will only damage the working class
the working class dont need this - good old class debate. most working class people need the price of fuel to come down to survive. Cheaper fuel, lower overheads for food suppliers etc. Also more money in haulage firms, more jobs, more money in food suppiers etc, more jobs and so on
they wanna move the demonstration to downing street, chain their bikes to the gates
and leave them there till the price comes down by 30p a litre - not even going to comment
its a complate waste of their time and the poor people who are trying to travel to work on that route - if there are fair warnings to people, I think the majority of folk would be happy. I dont recall many unhappy travellers with the last protests, most people inonvenienced would benefit from the lower prices anyway and support the protest. Obviously peak travelling times would have to be ruled out.
if them motorways and roads are blocked, some people may lose their jobs
what if an ambulance has to get thru on a life/death call
the trucks should just stay out the way for that reason
precious minutes could make a hell of a difference to an ambo on blue lights - true but again I dont recollect this happening on the earlier fuel protests, and I'm damned sure that if it had, the Government would make sure we'd still be hearing about it now
if ur gonna do a demonstration, do it right, 1000 bikes is impressive but its all for so little, they would have to do this once a month for 2 years to get anywhere, and thats if its successful in bringing the price down 2p a litre, which it probably wont be
we should get all the bike clubs in the country, and all the sites, and work together on a proper demonstration -depends what your aim is. The Government are not going to drop the prices because of 1000 bikers. However people are votes. The more the votes protest, the more they will listen
something has to give somewhere, and as usual its left to the bikers to do the dirty work, coz the truckers have proved all they can do is cause a nuisance, - ermmm pardon?? Did the truckers not have a demonstration last week. or does that not count because it was down south? With the greatest of respect, how about you stop putting yourselves above car and truck drivers and work together. I would happily support trucks, lorries, bikes, cars. Hey I'd cheer on a tram if I thought it would help. To me, anyone that can take the time out of their normal day to protest about something for the good of the country and its population should be commended, no matter what vehicle they use to do it in
04-06-2008, 09:09
Resting in Peace
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by cashman
sorry to use common sense, but yer personal consultant is probably using garbage spouted by the treasury, firstly i was always led to believe that our road tax license payed for the bulk of road mantainence, if it don't were the hell is it going? 
Did include road maintenance Cashy. Not an opinion, just a list of facts of where the VAT goes, that's all.
Actually, 'tis my son LOL, who is a Transport Planning Consultant, has to deal with issues on costings every day, even down to how much a road hump is gonna' cost. All our information is gathered from sources, just like we all google on here to find out further details on issues.
04-06-2008, 09:12
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Re: Biker fuel protest
So he's the chappy that authorises the humps that seem to erupt on our streets every March at Budget dumping time lol
Sorry Kate, wasnt aimed at you or your son personally!
04-06-2008, 09:17
Resting in Peace
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by onlyme
So he's the chappy that authorises the humps that seem to erupt on our streets every March at Budget dumping time lol
Sorry Kate, wasnt aimed at you or your son personally!
LOL .. no it's OK ... not quite like that Onlyme .. works for a private company, but obviously does lots of work for councils, etc., just recommendations, and the how's and costs .. other bodies authorise these.
04-06-2008, 11:55
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by katex
Sorry to use my personal consultant on these matters, but just explaining where your VAT money goes from petrol :-
'Firstly, the tax on fuel is proportionate to the cost of driving. The Treasury pays for a range of things from the fuel budget - new road construction (1mile of motorway is estimated to cost £4m from inception to completion), road maintenance (which is suffering from a massive backlog), public transport infrastructure and subsidy (disabled passes, concessionary passes, fare reimbursement for socially necessary services), police and emergency services, logistics maintenance and infrastructure (pipes, transport etc) and the administration agencies (DfT, DVLA etc which are necessary). That's not including the huge expense of the now necessary consultation and public inquiry procedures that are in place to liaise with interest groups and stakeholders'
All down to the privilege of driving. Comes with a price.
The tax is ridiculous (65%) compared to 30% accross Europe, this goverment hasn't built a single mile of new motorway in 11 years, road maintenance is no existant and is the responsibility of county council not goverment (paid for by your council tax), police and other 999 services again paid for through LCC (council tax), consulation kwangos cost millions and are paid for from central goverment etc etc.
Here is the real reason for high fuel tax
1 Unjustified wars in Afganistan and Iraq
2 Single mothers with kids
3 Imigrants who jump the housing ladder
4 Incapacity benefit
5 Spongers in general
Solution get rid of the above and cut duty and vat
04-06-2008, 11:55
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by katex
Sorry to use my personal consultant on these matters, but just explaining where your VAT money goes from petrol :-
'Firstly, the tax on fuel is proportionate to the cost of driving. The Treasury pays for a range of things from the fuel budget - new road construction (1mile of motorway is estimated to cost £4m from inception to completion), road maintenance (which is suffering from a massive backlog), public transport infrastructure and subsidy (disabled passes, concessionary passes, fare reimbursement for socially necessary services), police and emergency services, logistics maintenance and infrastructure (pipes, transport etc) and the administration agencies (DfT, DVLA etc which are necessary). That's not including the huge expense of the now necessary consultation and public inquiry procedures that are in place to liaise with interest groups and stakeholders'
All down to the privilege of driving. Comes with a price.
Just a couple of points.
Wasn’t the Road Fund License supposed to be ring fenced for the maintenance and building of new roads?
What about the import duty? What happens to that?
Currently the duty on a litre of petrol/diesel is just over 50p. This is added to the actual cost of fuel and then VAT is charged on the whole amount. A bit like having your cake and eating it.
04-06-2008, 11:56
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Re: Biker fuel protest
and create all the poison that comes out of your exhaust !! My bike has a cat convertor and is clean and green even at 190mph
04-06-2008, 12:07
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: Biker fuel protest
Originally Posted by katex
Did include road maintenance Cashy. Not an opinion, just a list of facts of where the VAT goes, that's all.
Actually, 'tis my son LOL, who is a Transport Planning Consultant, has to deal with issues on costings every day, even down to how much a road hump is gonna' cost. All our information is gathered from sources, just like we all google on here to find out further details on issues.
Seeing as you have touched on road humps.
Here in Darwen, loads of new humps have appeared yet there is no money to fill in the thousands of holes. After all a hole is just an upside down road hump, far smaller and thus would use far less material to fill it.
Road humps are supposed to be a traffic calming measure yet on Railway Road new humps have been laid on the road. Prior to the humps you would consider yourself lucky if you could get up to 20 mph let alone above 30 mph. What was the point???
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