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Old 04-06-2008, 12:17   #31
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by gixerman View Post
Only if u live in manchester stupid, and you should get out of bed in a morning
Originally Posted by gixerman View Post
and create all the poison that comes out of your exhaust !! My bike has a cat convertor and is clean and green even at 190mph
The procession is starting from winfields which is not a million mile away from where shilleleigh lives so it was a valid point.

Cats aren't green mate, they are full of precious and dodgy metals and chemicals that require specific processing at the end of their life.

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Old 04-06-2008, 12:27   #32
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Question Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by gixerman View Post
The tax is ridiculous (65%) compared to 30% accross Europe, this goverment hasn't built a single mile of new motorway in 11 years, road maintenance is no existant and is the responsibility of county council not goverment (paid for by your council tax), police and other 999 services again paid for through LCC (council tax), consulation kwangos cost millions and are paid for from central goverment etc etc.
Here is the real reason for high fuel tax
1 Unjustified wars in Afganistan and Iraq
2 Single mothers with kids
3 Imigrants who jump the housing ladder
4 Incapacity benefit
5 Spongers in general

Solution get rid of the above and cut duty and vat
I accept that a few single mothers with kids have opted for that life style and are playing the system but most single mothers with kids are single mothers with kids because the father of the kids has walked out on them.

Immigrants who jump the housing ladder? Interesting accusation. Would that be the social housing ladder (rented accommodation)? Or would that be the buying housing ladder?

Incapacity Benefit? No doubt that there are many lead swingers but that is down to the system not weeding them out. Try to remember that it is a qualified doctor who puts someone on the sick. Are you challenging a doctor’s qualification?

How do you propose getting rid of single mothers with kids, immigrants, people on Incapacity Benefit and Spongers??? Maybe we should shoot them all???

The only thing that you got right was your first rant.

Your sweeping generalisation smacks of a selfish bigot spouting a load of nonsense.
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Old 04-06-2008, 12:28   #33
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by gixerman View Post
Only if u live in manchester stupid, and you should get out of bed in a morning

Shillelagh actually live up Rising Bridge Gixerman, and you did mention that's where some of you were congregating, so expect lots of acceleration to be heard around there.

What route are you taking by the way ?
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Old 04-06-2008, 12:31   #34
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Seeing as you have touched on road humps.

Here in Darwen, loads of new humps have appeared yet there is no money to fill in the thousands of holes. After all a hole is just an upside down road hump, far smaller and thus would use far less material to fill it.

Road humps are supposed to be a traffic calming measure yet on Railway Road new humps have been laid on the road. Prior to the humps you would consider yourself lucky if you could get up to 20 mph let alone above 30 mph. What was the point???
Probably something to do with this Jambutty, best option within the budget for safety :-

'there is a wider argument about 'individual vs community'. Whether advantages gained by individual behaviour should take precedent over the good of the community. For instance, walking is a component in all journeys. Whether that is a 5mile walk in the morning to work or 30feet from the car to the office door. Car accidents are the number one cause of accidental death in England. 61% of all child KSI's (Killed or Seriously Injured) in road accidents 2000-2005 were child pedestrians. This is 16,020 children over a five year period. This is falling but still unacceptable. These children saw none of the benefit from the private car but suffered a serious negative consequence of its use. The same arguments apply to congestion, pollution and use of (now scarce) resources. '
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Old 04-06-2008, 12:59   #35
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Question Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Probably something to do with this Jambutty, best option within the budget for safety :-

'there is a wider argument about 'individual vs community'. Whether advantages gained by individual behaviour should take precedent over the good of the community. For instance, walking is a component in all journeys. Whether that is a 5mile walk in the morning to work or 30feet from the car to the office door. Car accidents are the number one cause of accidental death in England. 61% of all child KSI's (Killed or Seriously Injured) in road accidents 2000-2005 were child pedestrians. This is 16,020 children over a five year period. This is falling but still unacceptable. These children saw none of the benefit from the private car but suffered a serious negative consequence of its use. The same arguments apply to congestion, pollution and use of (now scarce) resources. '
If the budget allows for ‘X’ tons of road surfacing material it would be more cost effective to fill holes than build large humps. I have yet to see a hole that is as large as or larger than a hump. In any case the trend seems to be to build the humps too high so that many cars catch and damage the edges, not to mention the car underside.

Apart from all that road humps may well slow traffic down but they also cause more pollution.

The antiquated Victorian attitude of punishing the whole class for the behaviour of a few applies when the issue is to the detriment of the whole. But when it comes to the advantage of the community the powers that be seek a majority verdict.

Just exactly what does 61% killed or seriously injured mean?

Is it 1% killed and 60% injured? Or is it 60% killed and 1% injured. Or is it something in between? Lumping killed and injured in the same statistic is meaningless.

I wonder how many of those kids killed or seriously injured can be laid down at the door of the motorist and how many such events are down to the child stepping out without looking if it is safe to do so?

How many adults with kids to hand actually stop and look before crossing the road? Far too many just cross. Mothers with prams stand at the kerb and the pram is in the road.

Whatever happened to teaching kids road safety at an early age?
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Old 04-06-2008, 13:13   #36
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Gixerman - how come you aren't at work today?
Throwing a 'sickie' are you?

Manchester police have had enough aggro recently.
If I was a Manchester council tax payer I would be groaning at the extra costs your protest will generate.

There are better ways to register your discontent
write to your MP - sign the on line petition - VOTE!

Instead you are just having a bikers day out to disrupt commerce and traffic in the city

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Old 04-06-2008, 13:16   #37
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
If the budget allows for ‘X’ tons of road surfacing material it would be more cost effective to fill holes than build large humps. I have yet to see a hole that is as large as or larger than a hump. In any case the trend seems to be to build the humps too high so that many cars catch and damage the edges, not to mention the car underside.

Apart from all that road humps may well slow traffic down but they also cause more pollution.

The antiquated Victorian attitude of punishing the whole class for the behaviour of a few applies when the issue is to the detriment of the whole. But when it comes to the advantage of the community the powers that be seek a majority verdict.

Just exactly what does 61% killed or seriously injured mean?

Is it 1% killed and 60% injured? Or is it 60% killed and 1% injured. Or is it something in between? Lumping killed and injured in the same statistic is meaningless.

I wonder how many of those kids killed or seriously injured can be laid down at the door of the motorist and how many such events are down to the child stepping out without looking if it is safe to do so?

How many adults with kids to hand actually stop and look before crossing the road? Far too many just cross. Mothers with prams stand at the kerb and the pram is in the road.

Whatever happened to teaching kids road safety at an early age?
Can't disagree Jambutty, road safety has to be addressed at both the drivers and pedestrians, road humps are addressing it to the motorists and sure have saved many lives in the past. I think that most adults are responsible when on the pavements with their children, and, yes, there are the odd few that stick the pram out first, but have noticed not so often these days. Children will run out between cars true (no matter how many times they have been taught road safety) when they get excited and distracted by the fun of playing out, that's why road humps can be useful I suppose.

Sorry, don't know the split of deaths against serious injury, but no matter what it is .. still a community concern.

Hate those little high humps .. the ones on Asda car park are real bone-shakers if you just go over them at a higher speed (I mean like 12 mph or something)
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Old 04-06-2008, 21:13   #38
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
Gixerman - how come you aren't at work today?
Throwing a 'sickie' are you?

Manchester police have had enough aggro recently.
If I was a Manchester council tax payer I would be groaning at the extra costs your protest will generate.

There are better ways to register your discontent
write to your MP - sign the on line petition - VOTE!

Instead you are just having a bikers day out to disrupt commerce and traffic in the city
you don't thow sickies when you work fo youself and employ several people, however I did find a little time to get this thread going. I worked from 7am yesterday through til 8.30pm, that is my typical day
With regards to the cost of policing just think how much tax I pay every year in fuel duty, with six vehicles on the road my weekly fuel cost is approx £250 x 50 working weeks = £12,500 cost of which 60% is tax, I think that allows me to be a little p----d off
And yes I am having a day off with pay, why because I deserve it
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Old 04-06-2008, 21:38   #39
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
There was a report in one of the papers this morning (don't know which) which was saying the GB has the worst maintained roads in Europe
Also they have a much better reliable affordable cleaner public transport system & also they really encourage cycling & cycle path priorities, certainly big style in Holland & Germany - never seen so many bikes used & more chance of getting run over by a cycle than a car over there - amazing! Think we should take more stock of that here


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Old 04-06-2008, 21:43   #40
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by gixerman View Post
you don't thow sickies when you work fo youself and employ several people, however I did find a little time to get this thread going. I worked from 7am yesterday through til 8.30pm, that is my typical day
With regards to the cost of policing just think how much tax I pay every year in fuel duty, with six vehicles on the road my weekly fuel cost is approx £250 x 50 working weeks = £12,500 cost of which 60% is tax, I think that allows me to be a little p----d off
And yes I am having a day off with pay, why because I deserve it
Your profile has changed dramatically
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Married, 1 daughter, 1 dog, 1 cat
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winding u lot up
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How did you find out about us?
Local Press

You would have had a welcome if you hadn't tried to extract urine

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Old 04-06-2008, 22:57   #41
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Gixerman - before you call someone stupid get to know them first maybe just maybe you will find that person who you call stupid isnt so stupid after all and has a valid reason for saying what they did. You have only been a member on here for a few days get your facts right first. If i am woken up before 7.30am there will be a grumpy shillelagh on here tomorrow big time. I do not live in Manchester - you say you are meeting at rising bridge - if you are meeting at rising bridge that means a few motorbikes will be passing mind you probably not that many if you are in charge of it. Where in rising bridge are you meeting - at the garage - that means you are meeting on the lorry park - probably a few lorries will be parked on there at the time you are meeting.

By the way Winfields is at Acre - which is not rising bridge - learn to read a map.

Mick i was polite - i didnt exactly say what i wanted to say - swearings not allowed....
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 04-06-2008, 23:10   #42
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Re: Biker fuel protest

They might not make it to Manchester if they wake up a few lorry drivers

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Old 04-06-2008, 23:12   #43
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Re: Biker fuel protest

They might not get to the garage - if they wake me up!!!!
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 04-06-2008, 23:25   #44
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Re: Biker fuel protest

ok did somone just say their bike was green at 190mph and also call someone stupid lol

190mph on a peice of plastic with two wheels with a bit of leather and a skid lid to protect you

mind you i spent my teenage years around bikers and soon learned that usualy whatever speed some biker claimed to be traveling should have about a third taken off to get you the speed they were ACTUALY traveling at.

i like to call it the bullsh*t buffer which is usualy the difference between the speed the bikes handbook says it can do and at what speed the rider lost his bottle at and thought hell i will just say i did the speed as the handbook says it can do it
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Old 04-06-2008, 23:27   #45
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Re: Biker fuel protest

Originally Posted by gixerman View Post
The tax is ridiculous (65%) compared to 30% accross Europe, this goverment hasn't built a single mile of new motorway in 11 years, road maintenance is no existant and is the responsibility of county council not goverment (paid for by your council tax), police and other 999 services again paid for through LCC (council tax), consulation kwangos cost millions and are paid for from central goverment etc etc.
Here is the real reason for high fuel tax
1 Unjustified wars in Afganistan and Iraq
2 Single mothers with kids
3 Imigrants who jump the housing ladder
4 Incapacity benefit
5 Spongers in general

Solution get rid of the above and cut duty and vat
Better solution, get rid of pratts like you. Maybes wouldnt solve the fuel problem, but I would hapily pay the extra
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