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03-05-2013, 13:02
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Originally Posted by accyman
in a court system where a victims evidence was thrown out because it was too convincing...
Please elaborate.
03-05-2013, 13:05
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Originally Posted by gpick24
Please elaborate.
last year a femal victim who was mugged was told that her evidence was to condeming to the accused and her evidence was thrown out by teh judge
i will try to find it on google but im pretty sure others will remember it as it was a big topic on here
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03-05-2013, 13:08
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
here you go.Sorry its teh sun but it made all teh papers not just the sun
'Perfect witness' just too good | The Sun |News
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
03-05-2013, 13:29
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Originally Posted by gpick24
Common sense says not, an example I read while looking this up was, imagine abortion to become illegal, would everyone who has had an abortion or taken part be prosecuted. Most, if not all of us has done something in the past that is now illegal, travelling in a car without wearing seatbelt is a good example.
Depends on who's common sense, using an emotive subject such as abortion is extreme, even the unfortunate women that 'miscarry' will in technical terms have aborted!
Then again something as simple as a seat belt, is not a good example, like everything in life, these things happen.
Smoking illegally, wearing or not wearing a seat belt or even 'legally removing a child from your own body' cannot be used as examples compared to removing another persons childhood even IF they are willing partners, (I do have a proviso in this, if the child for example became pregnant by the actions of a child of the same age, should they both be condemned by society? God, back then in puberty just about everyone wanted to...).
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03-05-2013, 16:06
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Odd  how not so long ago he was claiming that sex abuse victims were getting karma for past lives...now looks like he's getting a bit of the old karma for his sins.
Coronation Street Ken Barlow actor Bill Roache causes fury by claiming sex abuse victims are punished for sins in past lives - Mirror Online
The problem with this karma argument is - that millions of kids starve every year - now if that is karma?, then what life where they in before to get this karma - if the population was much less even a few 100 years ago. Basically there arn't enough life times to get all this so-called karma!
Last edited by kestrelx; 03-05-2013 at 16:10.
03-05-2013, 17:12
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Its a good job we this ain't in the good old US of A all these cases would fall on the Statute of Limitations, only murder has no limit on when charges can be brought against an accused. Well that's my understand, although there could be other instances, which I'm unaware of
03-05-2013, 17:53
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Originally Posted by Less
Depends on who's common sense, using an emotive subject such as abortion is extreme, even the unfortunate women that 'miscarry' will in technical terms have aborted!
Then again something as simple as a seat belt, is not a good example, like everything in life, these things happen.
Smoking illegally, wearing or not wearing a seat belt or even 'legally removing a child from your own body' cannot be used as examples compared to removing another persons childhood even IF they are willing partners, (I do have a proviso in this, if the child for example became pregnant by the actions of a child of the same age, should they both be condemned by society? God, back then in puberty just about everyone wanted to...).
You`re absolutely right Less, I need to word my posts more carefully on such a sensitive issue. I was of course referring to induced abortions. Not trying to start a debate on it either, just a point that if some people had there way it would be illegal.
03-05-2013, 21:33
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Originally Posted by accyman
Sorry Accyman, only just got round to reading that story. Utterly disgusting.
04-05-2013, 09:04
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
they way things are going prisons are going to have the best panto's ever this xmas
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04-05-2013, 16:41
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Originally Posted by cashman
Degree of decency my arse, Hes just after a lighter sentence.  I watched his denial a few months back. 
I tend to agree - your are not alone in thinking that.
This blog adds detail to the 'rape' allegation.
Stuart Hall: ?Plea Bargain? ? | theneedleblog
05-05-2013, 11:14
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
I was shocked the other night when ITV broadcast the sex offenders register, then i realised it was just rolling the credits at the end of an episode of Coronation Street
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
06-05-2013, 15:42
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
For those of you who believe that compensation culture contributes to these arrests, I would like you to watch this Australian news bulletin concerning Rolf Harris. The woman was a witness, not a victim, so has nothing to gain.
Rolf Harris 'witness' interviewed - Video - The West Australian - Yahoo!7 News
06-05-2013, 16:37
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
slightly off topic but why did we need to send three police officers to australia to take a written statement surely she could have made a statement to australian police and had it signed and mailed to scotland yard or even a video statement emailed.Just seems a lot of money spent on taking a statement.
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
06-05-2013, 16:53
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Originally Posted by accyman
slightly off topic but why did we need to send three police officers to australia to take a written statement surely she could have made a statement to australian police and had it signed and mailed to scotland yard or even a video statement emailed.Just seems a lot of money spent on taking a statement.
If that evidence needs presenting in court the testimony of the officers who interviewed may be required.
I would rather our bobbies got a free trip there, instead of Aussie bobbies getting a trip here.
06-05-2013, 17:09
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Re: Bill Roach latest 'star'to be arrested.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
If that evidence needs presenting in court the testimony of the officers who interviewed may be required.
I would rather our bobbies got a free trip there, instead of Aussie bobbies getting a trip here.
in cases like this if found guilty and if the guilty can afford it they should foot the bill for expenses like this but then that opens up paying for your trial if found guilty for everyone.
or does that come under court costs ?
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
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