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Old 20-09-2006, 15:36   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Black music awards

Well really I don't know where this should go General Chat or Music Bands, noise, or perhaps straight to the bin?
I found this on the bbc site.

Are the Mobos good for black music?

The Mobo Awards were established in 1996 with the aim of promoting music of black origin - and have become a mainstay of the UK music calendar. But critics have accused organisers of abandoning the event's early principles and bowing to commercial pressure. We asked two music industry experts for both sides of the debate.

see above link for rest of the article.

I think perhaps they are good for black music and if you're into that kind of thing good luck to you.

The thing is though what would happen if I was to start The Promotion Of White Ethnic Rhythm Awards?

Would we see them still in the year 2016? or would they have been killed off as prejudiced by the P.C. Brigade?

I think the Power awards should be given a place of equal standing alongside the Mobo awards even if all they do is prove that the myth is true, "dem white guys dey just ain't got no rhythm!"

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Last edited by Less; 20-09-2006 at 16:44.
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Old 20-09-2006, 15:44   #2
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Re: Black music awards

Serious answer?

I honestly don't think POWER would be allowed to exist.

Black music is a silly description anyway when Al Jolson proved you don't have to be black...........

I'll get me coat.

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Old 20-09-2006, 18:13   #3
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Re: Black music awards

Well, for all my political correctness and woolly liberalism (as it's been called in the past) I don't think that the MOBOs are a good thing. I don't think there should be anything that is devisive in any way and I think that things like the MOBOs are. There are lots of white people making good RnB but if the awards are only going to black people it's not recognising the music but the colour and I think that's wrong - for whatever my twopennorth is worth.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 20-09-2006, 20:22   #4
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Re: Black music awards

What the hell`s "Black Music" ? It`s either good or bad in my book. Craig David and Mick Hucknell both being bad irrespective of colour or ethnic origin>
" Crashes "
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Old 20-09-2006, 21:35   #5
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Re: Black music awards

They're all a load of talentless noneties performing plastic, soulless garbage anyway.

Little Richard could blow the lot of 'em off-stage and he's an OAP!
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Old 20-09-2006, 23:35   #6
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Re: Black music awards

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
They're all a load of talentless noneties performing plastic, soulless garbage anyway.

Little Richard could blow the lot of 'em off-stage and he's an OAP!
What started as a good idea to reconise Afro American performers at the time has been hijacked and turned into a sort of racial statement platform. Agree with W.H. Little Richard would still blow them away as he has more talent than most of them put together.

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Old 21-09-2006, 00:09   #7
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Re: Black music awards

would agree with gayle though it could be argued r@b is black music it was created by them (not the wet brit version) as wyn said little richard blows em away, go into soul otis redding blows em away. there is good british r@b but in the main it aint in the same league.
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Old 21-09-2006, 02:46   #8
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Re: Black music awards

the mobo's are a joke i think

there's not enough british talent in there to justify a seperate award ceremony - i cant remember who it was wether it was daniel bedingfield or craig david or someone else maybe even lemar - but he won an award when he himself didnt know why he'd been nominated as he hadnt released anything

how can they give the award for the best group to the streets when it consists of just one guy?

"Jay-Z has even been nominated for best international male, despite retiring two years ago." - aside from jay-z being a total sell-out and crap. and i totally agree with the article that yes there perhaps needs to b some recognition for the brit acts that are low key and may never hit big time but are still big in their genre - but selling out by hopin jay-z or nas or whoever is willin to fly over the atlantic - nominatin them is just wrong.

nothing wrong with the concept of the mobo's just the event itself
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Old 22-09-2006, 18:43   #9
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Re: Black music awards

all music awards should be scrapped
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