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30-05-2008, 13:10
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Originally Posted by cashman
this sadly is the mentality of many BNP candidates,i am at a loss to understand why any right thinking person would vote fer um. ok understand the fancy words they preach to con people, n the main parties haven't the balls to really tackle certain issues, but at least the big 3 are civilised. 
Clearly the bloke in the article is a complete moron, but are the big 3 really that civilised ? Does corruption and cheating not put them in the same bracket ?
30-05-2008, 13:12
Coffin Dodger.
Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
dont honestly think ya can put that on the BNP level dave.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
30-05-2008, 13:18
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Why are people even bothered by what the BNP say. They will never be in power why even give them your time to read the tripe.
30-05-2008, 13:20
Beacon of light
Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
a cretinous baffoon who gives not just politics a bad name, but free speach as well.
It is wrong to designate this man as cretinous....since being a cretin is curable(it is a medical condition)....this man is an idiot.....there is no known cure for idiocy.
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30-05-2008, 13:24
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Originally Posted by SamF
Why are people even bothered by what the BNP say. They will never be in power why even give them your time to read the tripe.
Ignorance is bliss?
30-05-2008, 13:30
Coffin Dodger.
Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Originally Posted by SamF
Why are people even bothered by what the BNP say. They will never be in power why even give them your time to read the tripe.
yer wrong sam, some people are fooled by their claims to legitimacy, if it demostrates to someone what they really are,its been worth reading. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
30-05-2008, 13:30
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Oh my God!
I cannot believe the tripe he has come out with.
Sex is enjoyable when it's between two consenting adults but when a woman is forced into it it's rape and how he can trivialise it is beyond me.
People like him are the lowest of the low,how would he feel if a member of his family was raped?
Would he still have the same backwards views?
Like others have said though,it shows the BNP up for what they are and hopefully this will put people off voting for them even more.
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30-05-2008, 13:48
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
a cretinous baffoon who gives not just politics a bad name, but free speach as well.
It is wrong to designate this man as cretinous....since being a cretin is curable(it is a medical condition)....this man is an idiot.....there is no known cure for idiocy.
I think the gist of what I was saying was fairly clear....In any case, the dictionary definition gives two meanings :
cre·tin (kr  t  n)
n. 1. A person afflicted with cretinism.
2. Slang An idiot.
[French crétin, from French dialectal, deformed and mentally retarded person found in certain Alpine valleys

Cos it rocks!!!
"I have often regretted my speech, never my silence." - Xenocrates (396-314 B.C.)
30-05-2008, 13:53
Beacon of light
Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
yes,it does give two meanings and the second one is a slang definition.....true cretinism is a disease.......I know it may sound like i am splitting hairs here, but cretins do not remain so - they are medicated to improve their condition.
And yes I did get the gist of your meaning. The man is an idiot and if the BNP want to maintain some level of political (?)validity, they would be best getting rid of this man.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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30-05-2008, 14:57
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
yes,it does give two meanings and the second one is a slang definition.....true cretinism is a disease.......I know it may sound like i am splitting hairs here, but cretins do not remain so - they are medicated to improve their condition.
And yes I did get the gist of your meaning. The man is an idiot and if the BNP want to maintain some level of political (?)validity, they would be best getting rid of this man.
If they got rid of every idiotic candidate then who would they be left with?
Funnily enough, and I am not saying this to justify anything he has suggested, but when I was younger I bought a 'Top Ten' book from 1992, some people may know what I mean. The number one female sexual fantasy was actually rape. Very interesting I thought. Cant remember what the male one was but I assure you it wasn't rape!
30-05-2008, 16:03
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Originally Posted by blazey
If they got rid of every idiotic candidate then who would they be left with?
Funnily enough, and I am not saying this to justify anything he has suggested, but when I was younger I bought a 'Top Ten' book from 1992, some people may know what I mean. The number one female sexual fantasy was actually rape. Very interesting I thought. Cant remember what the male one was but I assure you it wasn't rape!
controlled rape, not actual rape, i could tell you a story about this but we are not in over 18's lol
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
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30-05-2008, 16:13
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Well we should not be surprised at anything these knuckle draggers say or do, the lowest of the low 
30-05-2008, 17:16
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
The bloke is quite obviously a no-brainer, I can't understand his mentality at all; maybe someone raping him or giving him a good beating would help but I doubt it ! 
Let's see what our BNP supporting friends on here have to say to this outrage. 
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
30-05-2008, 17:23
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
Well. actually, I can see where he's coming from....
No I can't, I find it bad enough if someone pushes past without an excuse me, to use a person in this manner is in-excusable and to claim that women are more upset about bag snatching is ridiculous, surely?

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30-05-2008, 18:46
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Re: BNP candidate claims 'rape can't be such a terrible ordeal'... and it gets worse
He sounds a lot like an Islamic fundametalist of the worst kind .... it's a short trip from this kind of thinking to domestic violence and murder. Never heard of the guy msyself; but I assume that he is also a British version of the good old American white supremacist.
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