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Old 03-06-2007, 20:05   #1
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Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

Michael Drinkwater, 36, is beginning an indefinite jail sentence after he admitted first attacking his victim when she was just 13 years old.
He raped her 14 times over two years and also indecently assaulted her 13-year-old friend at Bowley Scout camp in Great Harwood.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Drinkwater, of Exchange Street, Accrington used sex toys and "dirty dare games" and thought there was nothing wrong with his behaviour.

...and this man could be back on the streets in under 5 years -

Scout Camp Sex Fiend Jailed (from This Is Lancashire)

Should people like this ever be released? What are the alternatives?

Suz x.
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Old 03-06-2007, 20:08   #2
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

I don't like the idea of him being on the loose again in 5 years.

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Old 03-06-2007, 20:14   #3
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

dont like the thought of him being released,as i live close to exchange st,he should have got life,
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Old 03-06-2007, 21:01   #4
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

I have the same feelings as everyone else about this but I wonder why it went on for 2 years without the girl ever reporting his actions. Surely if she was so upset by what was happening she would have, at the very least, kept away from him. The article says it only came to light when he texted one of her friends and she told what she knew. It doesn't excuse him in the least but it does seem an odd situation.
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Old 03-06-2007, 21:24   #5
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

Strikes me as very odd too;I know the bloke from years ago and he was always quiet and unassuming;I would say shy to be honest. You have to wonder why the victim kept going back ? How can you be raped that many times? It doesn't make sense to me. I am not making a judgement (before anyone leaps on me) but it seems odd.
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Old 03-06-2007, 21:43   #6
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

Get the impression too that this bloke was slightly mentally backward .. only an assumption of course.
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Old 03-06-2007, 22:10   #7
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

sorry, but the girl could have been frightened or anything we dont know, what i do know is the slime bag should be casterated, or crushed under a rock.5 yrs is a joke.
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Old 03-06-2007, 22:12   #8
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

Perhaps the girl didn't tell anyone because she was afraid to? Perhaps he'd warned her not to talk about it? I know of a family whose daughter was sexually assaulted and they only found out years later when something else came to light. She had always been too afraid to tell because he was a trusted family friend and he had warned her that she would be the one who would be punished.


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Old 03-06-2007, 22:19   #9
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

Rape is Rape! 13yrs is 13yrs, it dont get any simpler than that.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 03-06-2007, 22:54   #10
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Rape is Rape! 13yrs is 13yrs, it dont get any simpler than that.
I feel that I need to agree with you cashy, the sooner zero tolerance is given to people in trusted positions the sooner such things will stop happening.

If it's an illness then money should be supplied to ensure they are taught right from wrong, if however, it is an incurable ailment then surely they should face the ultimate penalty to protect the innocent.

I, as most normal men, keep my body in check around children so should they!
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Old 03-06-2007, 23:26   #11
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

It's easy, from a distance, to try and understand why people put up with continual abuse.

Why do, mainly women, continue to stay with violent and abusive partners?

Bastards like this use every psychological trick at their disposal to carry on abusing. They target those they think they can control, confuse, and play on their fears, insecurities, and even their sexuality.

I hope his fellow prisoners make his incarceration memorable.
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Old 04-06-2007, 06:27   #12
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

I knew him when we were growing up. IIRC he was slightly deaf that seemed to make him come across as as Lindsey says "slightly backwards". I got the impression at that time that he 'played' on it

With regard to being a trusted position, I'm not sure if people who help with youth groups like scouts need to go through any form of checks. I was looking to do soem volunteering through work in schools to help with IT skills and had to do a CRB check before they were even interested in me applying.

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Old 04-06-2007, 06:42   #13
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

I don't think that helpers must have to go through the CRB check. There are 'leaders' at a youth club my daughters have been going to and I don't think they have been screened - I know our Sunday School teachers aren't and yet I am a school governor and we are. I wonder where they draw the line?

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Old 04-06-2007, 07:22   #14
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

What do the screens even involve, is it just checking if you have a criminal record?
formerly cyfr
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Old 04-06-2007, 07:24   #15
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Re: Bowley Scout Camp Rapist!

Good point Cyfr. There may well be people who have done all manner of things but never been suspected who then go on to get clearance to work with children.

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