Having just watched the latest Brat Camp series first episode,I'm hooked.Though not usually
a fly on the wall fan
I find the programme strangely compelling.
The basic idea is of taking seven self destructing mid teens off into the Aspen wilderness to learn life skills and hopefully improve both their self respect and respect for others. This time around it's an all girl group and they are just as foul mouthed as their male counterparts.
Three thousand girls were 'volunteered' by their parents with the lucky seven being whisked off.
I find it fascinating that the Camp tutors don't react to the foul mouthed abuse and find ways to influence the girls'way of thinking.
Being TV the series will probably end in the group being redeemed and civilised.The fact that of the girls came from decent homes belies the oft quoted cliche ,'Oh he/she came from a broken home.....'
All my sympathy is with the parents who still love their offspring.
Is there a British organisation that does Brat Camps?
If not can we start one,the Outer Hebrides would make a good site,crewed by ex R.S.M's and Police officers it would also make compelling viewing.