25-07-2005, 05:31
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Bread and circuses
According to the Observer, page 37, HBC is planning to shell out the astonishing sum of £100,000 on "birthday parties" to mark the fifth year of the creation of Area Councils.
They are going to spend the money on roadshows to tell us all what a fabulous job the Area Councils do.
We know about roadshows. We saw the one they sent round the borough earlier this year to tell us all how spiffingly well the recycling/wheely bin scheme was doing - two blokes in a caravan handing out leaflets was what it amounted to then. Well attended, it was NOT.
Indeed they are so pleased with the Area Councils that they are going to create a new one and staff it with two and a half more paper shufflers. (it was not clear from the report whether the half would be from the waist up or from the waist down)
Can you think of anything that you would rather see this spare £100,000 spent on? I can.
Lets have a list....
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 25-07-2005 at 05:34.