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03-02-2006, 10:30
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Re: Breast Is Best.
When this is the case should there really not be some intervention from SS? They get involved in family cases when it appears the mother is too over-protective to the point of it being detrimental to the childs well-being.
04-02-2006, 01:08
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Re: Breast Is Best.
yes but how are they going to know tink.
04-02-2006, 10:49
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Re: Breast Is Best.
I think its wrong and unnecessary to breastfeed a child for so long, I breastfed for 7 months and that was long enough for myself and my daughter who made the decision to stop. I'm not even keen on seeing toddlers breastfeed, I think thats too long also. The women breastfeeding her 8yr old is doing it for her own benefit, the children may like it but they dont know any different, they are taught at home and have little or no outside the family contact with the real world.
04-02-2006, 11:57
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Re: Breast Is Best.
Had to take Emily to Docs yesterday as she has gastroenteritis. I said it was a shame that I had recently stopped breastfeeding so I could return to work, as I knew that with these sorts of tummy bugs you can continue to give breast milk. He blatantly told me that it was 'my fault she had this viral infection, and if I had still been breast feeding she would probably not have got it so bad'. Obviously nothing to do with the fact 2 other babies at nursery are presenting with exactly the same symptoms then? This may be the case but my God I feel that was a bit heavy handed, he did however try to sugar the pill by saying how gorgeous she is. Hey ho! I don't need a GP to tell me that! Did I have a go at him...........no I was there for Emily's sake and felt that it was neither the time nor the place to express my concerns that his opinion was.... in a word... CRAP! when my little girl felt so poorly.
Can you imagine how I would be feeling now had she been admitted to hospital and put on IV fluids, or maybe if she'd been diagnosed with Meningitis, as most simple childhood illnesses present with very similar symptoms?
Today I reflect on his words and wonder what sort of state I'd be in if he'd said the same to me 4 years ago when I had Thomas and suffered terribly with PND.
So what happened to the 'NO STIGMA' with bottle feeding then? and we'll support you in whatever method of feeding you choose for your baby??
It would seem it never filtered down from midwifery to GP which in my eyes today stands for GREAT PRATT!
04-02-2006, 15:02
Beacon of light
Re: Breast Is Best.
Romps don't feel guilty......as you say your GP was insensitive to say the least.......how does he know that your milk had not run out......not all women can breast feed.....and while I support women who feel able to breast feed I feel it is not necessary to heap guilt on those mums who can't (for whatever reason). I have a close relative who had real psychological problems with breast feeding...she chose to bottle feed, but the number of midwives and health visitors that heaped guilt on her for this choice were unbelievable.
I'm sure that babies pick up from the Mum if she is unhappy with breastfeeding.....it isn't something that every mum takes to.
Hope that Emily is better very soon.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-02-2006, 21:40
Accy Goddess
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Re: Breast Is Best.
I hated breastfeeding it gave me terrible headaches and was told that if I could continue to breastfeed for the first few days untill the breast milk started flowing that most of the goodness is in the colostrum.
There is no shame in bottle feeding. All my babies thrived on the bottle and were hardly ever ill.
You just have to make sure everything is well steralized. No reason why breast milk cant be fed from a bottle these days.
07-02-2006, 14:33
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Re: Breast Is Best.
I am a great believer in breastfeeding, not just from the point of view of the baby either. No hassle about night-time feeds, heating bottles, making sure the temperature is just right - just haul the kid in, and plug in! Always the right mix, always the right heat, and a rested mum is a happy mum in my book.
Both my children were breastfed up to the age of about 2 - after the first year or so, only the early morning and/or nighttime feeds, as much for comfort and bonding as for nourishment. I had no problems with teeth, and no difficulty in getting either child to stop, just simply explained that it was something that was for smaller children, not for big growing-up ones. I would not, however, consider breastfeeing at 8 was either normal or desirable.
And oh, how I agree with Lettie - why is it perfectly acceptable to have tits plastered all over newspaper pages, but totally taboo to see a woman using them for their proper purpose?
07-02-2006, 17:27
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Re: Breast Is Best.
I breast fed my first for six weeks, thirteen years later, my second for 11 months. That I felt was quite old enough. Interestingly, one is 35, the other 22 and neither has even a filling.
I am a wholehearted supporter of women breastfeeding wherever they damn well like!
07-02-2006, 17:35
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Re: Breast Is Best.
I blame the PC brigade for attaching a stigma to breast feeding!!!!
07-02-2006, 17:37
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Re: Breast Is Best.
I'd like to put them and do-gooders on a small island somewhere and cut off the water supply!
07-02-2006, 17:43
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Re: Breast Is Best.
Give them a water supply loaded with a strong laxative then they can see what we have been hearing from them over the years. Oh and stick Chubby Brown Bernie Manning Billy Conelly and any other un PC comedienes on as entertainment.
They have ruined many things with their retoric and something that nature intended as normal as breastfeeding shows how bad things are getting with them.
09-02-2006, 18:14
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Re: Breast Is Best.
I agree with that, mums should be able to breast feed where they want when they want within sensible reason . Also why are changing facilities in the most stupid of places. NEC for example, whole gents toilet block and where do they put in, in the entrance hall way so nobody can get by if your using it .
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