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Old 26-02-2017, 20:42   #46
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post

I've seen him speak at a couple of county council meetings, and he is quite the orator. He usually talks sense and is very protective of Hyndburn. He spoke against the cuts to the libraries and bus services that the incumbent Labour county council passed despite being offered an alternative from the tories.

Think I prefer an egocentric gobs...e to an ol' sleepyhead who just says 'aye' every now and again to represent me..even if he is a tory
It is all very well being a good talker.

The acid test comes when the words have to be backed up by actions. In this,he was an abject failure.
I always got the impression that it seemed more important to him to score points at the expense of the opposition. This is not what local goverment should be about. Local goverment should be about doing the best for the borough within budgetary constraints. Spending money wisely to benefit the most people. Petty school yard stuff benefits no one and it removes the integrity of those who indulge in such tactics.
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Old 27-02-2017, 12:52   #47
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Just in case you thought I was kidding. I was not

The Mayor's Office - The Deputy Mayor
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Old 27-02-2017, 12:54   #48
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Never thought fer a min yeh were kidding, cos i know yeh.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 27-02-2017, 13:24   #49
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Originally Posted by Spider61 View Post
Just in case you thought I was kidding. I was not

The Mayor's Office - The Deputy Mayor
Oh my great goodnight.
He will be like cock of the walk. That will massage his ego no end.
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Old 27-02-2017, 13:35   #50
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

He will wish he was Lord Mayor
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Old 27-02-2017, 14:57   #51
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

NO Frank.....he will believe he is the Lord Mayor
Doesn't make it so though, does it?
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Old 27-02-2017, 20:16   #52
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

I wonder if he's reading this thread?
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Old 27-02-2017, 20:29   #53
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

It would not surprise me.
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Old 27-02-2017, 20:49   #54
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
He will wish he was Lord Mayor
Do you really think he would settle for Lord?
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Old 27-02-2017, 20:50   #55
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Only if it has God after it.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 10-03-2017, 21:47   #56
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Former Hyndburn Tory leader 'still pulling party's strings' - Labour chief - Accrington Observer

Good old Mossy...still slagging Britcliffe 4 years later..and according to him 'he was passing bits of paper' *sigh*

Unbelievable..this is what labour councillors are reduced to...'mummy. mummy. he gave him a heads up against my arguments.'

Ken Moss has always been a total disgrace to Hyndburn...

He ran off from here when faced with difficult questions, his own facebook site fell apart when he banned so many people who disagreed with him and they created their own alternative site, which is flourishing...he was pilloried on hyndburn chat and took the hump, and now looking at the facebook comments for this story...he has totally lost the plot and pretty much admitted how much he disregards anyone with access to the internet as trolls...

According to him....labour will always win hyndburn..and this is exactly why traditional labour voters like me are turning away in droves..but as he says himself..he aint standing again!

Back on thread...anyone care to equate Britcliffe with any of the above????
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Last edited by Guinness; 10-03-2017 at 21:49.
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Old 10-03-2017, 22:01   #57
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
but as he says himself..he aint standing again!

What a shame, had he not stood in the first place his constituents would maybe have had someone worthy to represent them?

(It wasn't just them he let down).
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Old 11-03-2017, 23:45   #58
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Come to think of it... I have never seen Britcliffe or any of his tory minions knocking on doors en masse, wearing tory blue fleeces, bob caps and gloves..

Unlike the local Hyndburn Labour group..who don't seem to mind being pictured on twitter and facebook spending the average joe's party contributions on colour co-ordinated labelled clothing...

The original poster on this thread who attacked Britcliffe for promising to give money to the libraries should take a look at the county council meeting where the ruling Labour councillors voted to slash funding and close libraries despite a tory alternative to keep them open....

The local labour party is irrelevant to the needs of the is a jobs for the friends/relatives/boys ignores the voice of the assumes it is more intelligent than it's has muppets like Moss ( who thinks he lives in a tower in a village??..go figure?), a councillor who uses a telescope to check up on his area, yet manages to miss a major fly tip and then constantly ignores all complaints...but hey..he has a red fleece.

And we have the elected labour county councillor who couldn't be bothered to attend....nice way to represent all his voters.

I'm a socialist, and i'm probably to the left of Corbyn....but hell will freeze over before I EVER vote for a current local labour councillor....

Better a meglomaniac like Britcliffe than a bunch of sychophantic half witted inbreds
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Old 12-03-2017, 08:24   #59
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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

I have always thought(and said) that political parties, in relation to local area needs are irrelevant.

What is really more important is that the group of people looking after the interests of the town should have ONLY the interests of the town at their heart.
There should be absolutely no room for party political in fighting, or point scoring.
It should ALL be about how heads can be put together and the best deals achieved for the good of the town.
This has, to my knowledge, never happened.
It seems to me that the councillors have seen themselves as a mini parliament and have acted in similar ways. Making snide remarks about the people they see as the 'opposition'...scoring political points, acting in ways that are reminiscent of a group of children in a school yard.
It should all be about the ability of the area councillors to do a good job in getting things done...and the party flags should be burned.

All that having been said, I do not like PB. Would never vote for him if I lived in his ward(thankfully, I don't)...I would not trust him with my bus fare home...never mind the budget for the town(I am not suggesting that he has misappropriated funds - just that he does not appear to have any idea of how to effectively make sure that the money is spent wisely...Broadway for instance)
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 12-03-2017 at 08:31.
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Old 12-03-2017, 09:42   #60

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Re: Britcliffe is at it again...

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post
The original poster on this thread who attacked Britcliffe for promising to give money to the libraries should take a look at the county council meeting where the ruling Labour councillors voted to slash funding and close libraries despite a tory alternative to keep them open........

It's ok them saying they would have kept the libraries open but did they explain how they would find the money and balance the books?

At Hyndburn level they proposed a late amendment to the budget but didn't give the Councillors time to be able to verify the whole budget again with those changes.

It was nothing more than an electioneering stunt by a very clever politician so the Tories can claim the Tories tried to saved the libraries for a second time but Labour voted against them again.
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