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Old 21-02-2007, 16:40   #1
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British schools sent for an early bath.

The Muslim Council of Britain has just issued a seventy two page 'guidance document', saying how British schools are failing Muslim children.

Amongst other things they demand that individual changing cubicles are installed in schools, to preserve their modesty when changing for PE. Excuse me for being a bit thick, but isn't there is a long history of same sex bathing at hammams, throughout Islamic history?

They also suggest that any sex education be taught from an 'Islamic moral perspective'.

They also think girls should be allowed to wear veils, and that the boys can have beards.

Who is going to pay for all this?

My response is if you don't like the state education system in the UK, send your children to private Islamic schools. Or, you have the freedom in a democracy to move to a Muslim country whose laws and culture match your beliefs.

It's this sort of stupidity that is alienating a whole load of liberal people.
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Old 21-02-2007, 16:46   #2
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

Very true Rindy - its only Britain which was once Great, now conceeds its own heritage & culture for the sake of other countries. Could u imagine going thro the streets in pakistan wearing western clothes - i think not nevermind demand that they change their policies to suit us - again not on your nelly!!

I think this country albeit have racial tollerance & respect but sorry u have to observe our values, beleifs & culture thats our country & lump it. Really gets my goat does this, i would have that respect in other countires but why is it not returned for our country! At this rate Britain will dissolve & be no more than an extention of another country!

Like u say rindy - state school is one for all & not all for one! All this really doesn't help the racial intergration at all & actively encourages discrimination, everyone should have the same no special arrangements

Last edited by accymel; 21-02-2007 at 16:52.
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Old 21-02-2007, 16:51   #3
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

I think I'll fly to Saudi Arabia and organise a gay parade.

Please send lovely flowers to my funeral.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 21-02-2007, 16:52   #4
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Amongst other things they demand that individual changing cubicles are installed in schools, to preserve their modesty when changing for PE.
I remember when we were at school all the girls had to shower and dress together, except some of the Muslim girls who had the privilege of using the P.E. staff's room which had a shower cubicle with a curtain where they were able to shower and dress.
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Old 21-02-2007, 16:55   #5
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle View Post
I remember when we were at school all the girls had to shower and dress together, except some of the Muslim girls who had the privilege of using the P.E. staff's room which had a shower cubicle with a curtain where they were able to shower and dress.
LOL yeh remember but why does it only apply to muslim girls, ALL girls want their privacy showering & dressing in school, if u do for one you've to do for all [thats just me i think fair should be fair]
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Old 21-02-2007, 16:57   #6
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I think I'll fly to Saudi Arabia and organise a gay parade.

Please send lovely flowers to my funeral.

LOL you can be our martyr
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Old 21-02-2007, 16:59   #7
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

'However, not until Muhammed himself enthusiastically recommended sweat baths around 60O AD did the Islamic hammam begin to proliferate.'

These stupid people on the Muslim Council of Britain (yes I checked, they don't think we are 'Great' Britain,) are creating more problems than they solve, and incidentally they have Blair's ear, and help shape government policy, seem to interpret their faith to alienate themselves from the rest of British society.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 21-02-2007, 16:59   #8
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
LOL yeh remember but why does it only apply to muslim girls, ALL girls want their privacy showering & dressing in school, if u do for one you've to do for all [thats just me i think fair should be fair]
Couldn't agree more, as a pubescent at a time when your hormones are all over the place and you were already self conscious about your growing body it was humiliating at times. I'm just pointing out that, one rule for one and a different for others, had already begun years ago.
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Old 21-02-2007, 17:00   #9
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

It's stupid. No wonder there is a lot of racism. People like the Muslim Council of Britain seem to want to force peoples differences upon us.

A multicultural society is one thats integrated yes, but integrated to OUR rules, our laws, our society. I have no problem with people setting up private schools but demanding own changing rooms and things just for people who follow a certain religion? No wonder there is so much 'racism' about, because people like the Muslim Council of Britain seem to want to point out differences and demand that they be treated differently to everybody else.

Its not right. Wouldn't be tolerated elsewhere, and shouldn't be here.
formerly cyfr
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Old 21-02-2007, 17:01   #10
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

More like to take over
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Old 21-02-2007, 17:10   #11
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

i see uncle rindy has been reading the broadsheets again but i totally agree, its pathetic, one rule for one yet again
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Old 21-02-2007, 17:25   #12

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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I think I'll fly to Saudi Arabia and organise a gay parade.
Is that a promise
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Old 21-02-2007, 17:53   #13
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

Frankly, if the Muslims want schools tailored to meet their religious needs, they should build private schools that accomplish this. Or, perhaps, choose to home-school their kids. Many folks here in the USA who want a so-called Christian education have done exactly that. On the other hand, if you want to take advantage of the educational opportunities offered by publicly-funded schools, be prepared to "conform to the norm."

From my point of view, religion has no place in publicly-funded schools (save, perhaps, for the study of comparative religion).

While we did not have kids who wanted halal meals at my school, there were some who conformed to kosher laws. Generally, they brought their own lunches. While I certainly would not want to see the schools attempting to provide meals to meet the needs of a single group, it might be possible to offer some form of vegetarian offering that might meet the needs of a number of groups (not sure, though, if there would be enough kids selecting this option to justify the effort). This would also be in line with efforts to encourage all students to eat a healthier diet.

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Old 21-02-2007, 18:32   #14
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

Bit of a sidebar but , for some peculiar reason the Caliornia Courts (Supreme included) systems close down on Jewish holidays here in the US , so much for separation of 'Church' and State ........
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Old 21-02-2007, 18:57   #15
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Re: British schools sent for an early bath.

if they don't like the BRITISH education system
along with the BRITISH legal system
along with any other BRITISH system they care to mention

1) why are they here and:
2) why don't they ****** off back where they came from

this is our country and it should be kept that way

i am by no means a racist - i welcome all faiths as long as they integrate into our ways whilst in our country
why the hell should we keep bending over backwards to turn england into
this is england if you want islamabad then p155 off back there!
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