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Old 13-07-2009, 18:05   #91
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Also, another question re. the bus passes ... aren't these funded by the Government in conjunction with your local authority and both contribute ? So, don't think the Government could get away with withdrawing them without a fight from local councillors. There again, don't really know.
Was given a rundown on how it works down here by Jen along with all its quirks. Shouldnt be withdrawn by the govenment as many rely on them for getting out and about. I have no restrictions on mine up yonder int wilds of Scotland (all the drunks in my neck of the woods have it that way). Restrictions on peek hour travel, not allowed to be used after 11pm authorities saying they cant afford them down here. Jen can explain betterthan me.

Seems like its a kick in the head for pensioners. Convicted criminals get a better life inside than those of a certain age do on the outside!!!!!

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Old 14-07-2009, 09:04   #92
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
Was given a rundown on how it works down here by Jen along with all its quirks. Shouldnt be withdrawn by the govenment as many rely on them for getting out and about. I have no restrictions on mine up yonder int wilds of Scotland (all the drunks in my neck of the woods have it that way). Restrictions on peek hour travel, not allowed to be used after 11pm authorities saying they cant afford them down here. Jen can explain betterthan me.

Seems like its a kick in the head for pensioners. Convicted criminals get a better life inside than those of a certain age do on the outside!!!!!
Your right about crims spugs, 3 square a day, heating, lighting paid for, satellite TV, computer games, compensation if the poor lambs human rights are abused (whatever that means, to me you forfeit any rights if your banged up) whatever next, they'll soon be allowed to vote too
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Old 14-07-2009, 14:24   #93
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Your right about crims spugs, 3 square a day, heating, lighting paid for, satellite TV, computer games, compensation if the poor lambs human rights are abused (whatever that means, to me you forfeit any rights if your banged up) whatever next, they'll soon be allowed to vote too

Has there not been mubblings over giving them the vote?

Agree get banged up forfeit your rights but too many interfering goody two shoes politicaly correct nowt better to do busy bodies have too large a say. The govenment should be making criminals fear to go to jail not have them thinking its a three star hotel. When the rights of an offender come before those of the victim then the whole thing stinks worse than a blocked sewer pipe. The govenment over the years has bowed so much to the softly softly twallies that we have criminals of all ages in fits of laughter. The judges are so high on this softly softly approach with the govenments backing that they are as much use as a bikini in the middle of an Antarctic winter.

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Old 14-07-2009, 16:00   #94
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
Has there not been mubblings over giving them the vote?

Agree get banged up forfeit your rights but too many interfering goody two shoes politicaly correct nowt better to do busy bodies have too large a say. The govenment should be making criminals fear to go to jail not have them thinking its a three star hotel. When the rights of an offender come before those of the victim then the whole thing stinks worse than a blocked sewer pipe. The govenment over the years has bowed so much to the softly softly twallies that we have criminals of all ages in fits of laughter. The judges are so high on this softly softly approach with the govenments backing that they are as much use as a bikini in the middle of an Antarctic winter.
Quite right Spugs, and yes there have been more than mumblings about crims getting the vote, (its their human rights you know) We now have a minister of justice who's about as much use as a one legged man at a bum kicking contest, if he was doing anything like a good job he'd be making sure that the victims of crime were getting justice, instead of pandering to the namby pamby do gooding brigade. Its time the punishment was made to fit the crime, one way would be to remove the word concurrent from the law books and replace it with consecutive, which would be a start, after all if you don't commit crime you've nothing to fear
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Old 14-07-2009, 17:32   #95

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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
I don't think people should get less pension because they earned less money that would be penalising them for not being high earners.
It is only the same when you are working.

Why penalise high tax payers?
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Old 14-07-2009, 17:43   #96
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
It is only the same when you are working.

Why penalise high tax payers?
I take your point about when you are working but somebody has got to do the low paid jobs and you can try to better yourself when you are in employment. It is the way that your contribution is calculated by the amount you earn. Would be interesting to know how much difference there is in contributions from low earners and high earners. At the end of the day a basic state pension is hardly likely to keep anybody in luxury.
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Old 14-07-2009, 18:22   #97
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Re: brown just go.

Not sure on this but is N.I. calculated the same way as tax as in there is a income level that we start paying it at and then at a % on all money earned. The HMRC site doesnt help either as usual.

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Old 14-07-2009, 18:47   #98
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
I take your point about when you are working but somebody has got to do the low paid jobs and you can try to better yourself when you are in employment. It is the way that your contribution is calculated by the amount you earn. Would be interesting to know how much difference there is in contributions from low earners and high earners. At the end of the day a basic state pension is hardly likely to keep anybody in luxury.
I may have this wrong but i understood the state pension to be the years you have contributed and not what you have earned, like for example you have to have 30years in before you would be entitled to a full state pension and their is a considerable difference between the basic rate and full rate, however i may be wrong will check this one out. I know the full state pension is approximately 135 per week.
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Old 14-07-2009, 18:52   #99
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Re: brown just go.

i checked this out mid 70s, and was told 40 years N.I. contributions give ya a full pension. assume its still the case.
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Old 14-07-2009, 19:06   #100
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Re: brown just go.

Well full rate or low rate nobody is going to be rolling in money with it
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Old 14-07-2009, 19:18   #101
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Re: brown just go.

I wonder if the pot that is national insurance has any money left in it. Wouldnt be suprised if govenments of all colours have dipped it when short of a bob or to for activites that should not be paid for by N.I contributions. With the money that has gone in since its launch there should be no issues with NHS treament or pensions but as there is I think the pot is empty of cash but full of worthless I.O.U's.

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Old 14-07-2009, 19:22   #102
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Re: brown just go.

And now we are having to work longer, to receive the state pension I have been working for thirty years now only another 20 to go, what a thought.
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Old 14-07-2009, 19:47   #103
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by turkishdelight View Post
And now we are having to work longer, to receive the state pension I have been working for thirty years now only another 20 to go, what a thought.
There is the result of financial mismanagement since WWII. I have no objection to working longer if I am fit and able to but have it forced on us because money is supposed to be tight is cowpats. Plenty of money available to bail banks out of the mess they created but not for essentials for the ordinary folk.

So why are we still sitting as part of the G7 or whatever the richiest countries are if we have such debt and lack of money? Either the govenment spin on finance has us as super rich or these other countries made a bigger mess of it than Westminster has.

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Old 15-07-2009, 07:49   #104
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Re: brown just go.

SOME Banks please Spugs!

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Old 15-07-2009, 08:25   #105
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Re: brown just go.

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
SOME Banks please Spugs!
I stand corrected.

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