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Old 10-11-2009, 10:05   #1
Resting in Peace
jaysay's Avatar

Brown's apology

Well its no secrete that I'm no friend of Gordon Brown, but I think the ongoing saga with regards to this letter he sent to the mother of the soldier killed on active duty is now getting a bit tacky, myself the only thing Brown is guilty of is terrible handwriting and making a genuine mistake, not even Gordon would upset people like that on purpose. No doubt the Sun Newspaper will sell a few more copies, and I can't begin to now the hurt the mother is feeling, but surely its best for everybody if a line is drawn under this regrettable incident, and let the grieving be in private not on the front pages of the tabloid press
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Old 10-11-2009, 11:34   #2
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Brown's apology

I agree whole heartedly with you there Jaysay, though no doubt Manky will find a way of proving you just wanted to make another dig at Gorden & New Labour.
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Old 10-11-2009, 11:59   #3
I am Banned

Re: Brown's apology

regarding the letter written by gordon brown,have any of you tried to write a letter with one eye closed,it does affect your composition and tidyness of the content,give the bloke credit at least it was hand written and not a cheap typed standard letter,UP the workers
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Old 10-11-2009, 12:02   #4
Resting in Peace
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Re: Brown's apology

Originally Posted by alan7554 View Post
regarding the letter written by gordon brown,have any of you tried to write a letter with one eye closed,it does affect your composition and tidyness of the content,give the bloke credit at least it was hand written and not a cheap typed standard letter,UP the workers
Can't see where you think he was being criticised alan, a none argument to me
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Old 10-11-2009, 12:14   #5
I am Banned

Re: Brown's apology

i was,nt critising the posts,it seems that the national papers have nothing better to do than put this trivia crap in,but it must be very difficult to write a letter when your sight is impaired the way his is.
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Old 10-11-2009, 13:37   #6
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Re: Brown's apology

I just wonder what piece of bad news was being buried while we all read about this woman's indignance at having a letter from Gordon Brown.......I never heard that any parents got a letter when Teflon Tony was in the hot seat.

I am no admirer of GB but at least he sent a personal letter to the Mother.......if he had sent one that was typed up by a secretary, and full of gushing epithets, the mother would have bee decrying him for not taking the time to hand write a letter......Moral of this news Item......don't buy a lottery ticket Gordon, you haven't a chance!
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Old 10-11-2009, 14:12   #7
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Re: Brown's apology

I never thought I'd hear myself saying this, but I feel a bit sorry for old Gord for all the reasons that other posters have stated. The fact that his writing's bad and that he makes spelling errors actually makes him seem just a little bit more human.

Obviously, the Sun's recent decision to switch from supporting Labour to Tory has played a large part in this news story but I reckon it might just backfire on them and there might be a sympathy "vote" for him in forthcoming opinion polls...not enough to save him though, Mancie, before you start getting excited.

Last edited by Wynonie Harris; 10-11-2009 at 14:17.
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Old 10-11-2009, 14:33   #8
Junior Member+

Re: Brown's apology

It' not a political point scoring exercise but I agree with accyweb being sorry for a bloke that tried to show some personal feelings. He does not deserve the redtop's abuse for this - surely they can find other things to criticise I certainly can.
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Old 10-11-2009, 18:15   #9
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Re: Brown's apology

IMHO if his vision, and therefore his handwriting, is so poor then a typed letter - dictated and signed by him, with the explanation for the typing in lieu of a handwritten letter as the foreward to the letter, and checked for accuracy by some competent person, would have been much more sensible from the person who is leading our country - or who we assume to be.
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Old 10-11-2009, 18:23   #10
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Re: Brown's apology

Good on you jaysay for not using this for point scoring.

It's obvious that there is no lack of respect or sincerity on Gordon Brown's part. The mother is just distraught; no mother should have to bury their own son.
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Old 10-11-2009, 18:23   #11
Beacon of light

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Re: Brown's apology

I think that a typed letter(even with the covering letter as to why it is necessary) is much less personal.
I just think that whatever this man does, he will be pilloried for it.

Mrs Janes recorded his telephone conversation to her.......a supposed private conversation. In my opinion that was wrong and totally out of order........she is just looking for publicity.....and for further opportunities to lambast Gordon Brown.
Well, that isn't big and it's not clever.
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Old 10-11-2009, 18:29   #12
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Re: Brown's apology

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Good on you jaysay for not using this for point scoring.

It's obvious that there is no lack of respect or sincerity on Gordon Brown's part. The mother is just distraught; no mother should have to bury their own son.
Spot on Shaker. And because she is grieving she is looking for someone to blame.
Her son chose to go into the forces, it was what he wanted from being a small boy(or that is what his mother says).....going into the forces at this time carries with it an increasing chance of being maimed, injured or killed......the lad took that chance, it was his to take.
He died doing a job he wanted to do......his mother should be proud to have had a son who was brave enough to take those chances.

Gordon Brown was sincere in his doesn't take much imagination to feel the loss of a child of your own, in fact Gordon and Sarah Brown have experienced that loss, albeit in much different circumstances.

There but for the grace of God!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 10-11-2009, 18:40   #13
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Re: Brown's apology

I am sure that I read/heard today that the Coroner stated that the lad bled to death. Therefore an internal bleed - an available helicopter may have got him to a Med Centre in time, but many serving Officers ahve stated recently that we do not have enough helicopters there?????????????
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Old 10-11-2009, 19:10   #14
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Re: Brown's apology

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I just wonder what piece of bad news was being buried while we all read about this woman's indignance at having a letter from Gordon Brown.......I never heard that any parents got a letter when Teflon Tony was in the hot seat.

I am no admirer of GB but at least he sent a personal letter to the Mother.......if he had sent one that was typed up by a secretary, and full of gushing epithets, the mother would have bee decrying him for not taking the time to hand write a letter......Moral of this news Item......don't buy a lottery ticket Gordon, you haven't a chance!
This is what I thought when we got the news on CBC ... A hand written letter is much more personal ... even the news anchor seemed a little confused by the mother's response, and put it down to the stress of her profound loss ...

But poor Gordon ... he might not be the most effective leader in the world, but he seems like a well meaning man ... but he lacks charisma, which might in itself not be a bad thing. Charisma often masks a lack of substance.
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Old 10-11-2009, 20:08   #15
Beacon of light

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Re: Brown's apology

The circumstances of the soldiers death are not really in question, and there may be a woeful lack of equipment.....but that should not detract from what was a well intentioned letter of condolence.......which has now become a media circus....none of which will bring the boy back, or placate the mother.

If Mrs Janes wishes to campaign for better equipment for sevice men and women, then she should do that, but not at this time.

It would have been far more dignified to accept the apologies of the PM.....not recorded what was, after all, a private conversation, and then at some later date taken issue with lack of appropriate equipment.

It is a war, and young men die in such circumstances.
He chose the services for his career.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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