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23-03-2006, 12:56
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
did i hear him say free bus passes for old fogeys ,,YABBA DABBA DOO........YIPPEEE
Not a full brick
23-03-2006, 13:01
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
Inheritence Tax raised to £325K by 2009..... means you don't pay this tax unless your own over £325K? .. no problem for me!... Tax em!
23-03-2006, 13:03
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
yep GC but you've got to live till 2008 to get it, I reckon he'll take away the fuel allowance you get to kill a few extra oldies off before it comes in 
23-03-2006, 13:04
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
Problem is DRiller is that this takes your complete estate into account. There are a lot of houses in Accy now worth ~£200K add to that any savings, pensions, assets, etc and you will find it very easy to hit that figure.
23-03-2006, 13:13
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
Originally Posted by entwisi
Problem is DRiller is that this takes your complete estate into account. There are a lot of houses in Accy now worth ~£200K add to that any savings, pensions, assets, etc and you will find it very easy to hit that figure.
OK entwisi.. taking it in .. but how much is your kidney worth and the cost of a transplant? this stuff costs, and I can't take my house with me, did the pharaohs have the right idea? or maybe the tories!
23-03-2006, 13:34
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
Last time public borrowing was so high, the government ended up going cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund to bail them out. And who pays? We do.
23-03-2006, 13:36
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
Where does the value of a kidney come into this? I agree that there aint pockets in shrouds and you should spend as much as you physically can but you also want to leave something for those you leave behind.
23-03-2006, 13:51
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
I'm saying it all costs money and you can't take it with you. were does money for saving lives ,educating kids,fighting terror come from? tax, we all want these things but don't like paying!
23-03-2006, 14:29
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
Originally Posted by Driller
I'm saying it all costs money and you can't take it with you. were does money for saving lives ,educating kids,fighting terror come from? tax, we all want these things but don't like paying!
Maybe if the could get the rich to pay more tax instead of riding the loop holes as I have mentioned earlier and quango's to vanish there might be an extra few quid around. I wouldnt mind paying more tax if we can get the sevices out of it but it would have to be sensible but would proberly mean an overhaul of the tax system.
23-03-2006, 14:42
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
45p rise in child benefit! My 8 year old heard this and said.... "That's not enough for a wonka bar from the top shop mum" Out of the mouth of babes.
23-03-2006, 14:45
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
I think there was a comment by IIRC menzies that struck home with me. He said that whilst he appluaded some of the measures that the chancellor had brought in it just added to the already complex taxation system we have and this all amounted to leaving loopholes etc that can be exploited.
As an example of alternative thinking why not look at replacing the current multilevel, obscure system with a blanket percentage of income. remove VAT etc so lets say 30% of income. The goverment would get a far higher return as less avoidance would be possible and everyone would know exactly what they are due to pay.
23-03-2006, 15:15
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
The middle class upwards would go nuts if their little tax loopholes vanish. Even at 30% tax rate it is proberly the most any would have ever paid.
23-03-2006, 16:05
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Re: Budget 20006 - any comments?
Originally Posted by lettie
No more than expected really, although 9p or so on ciggies is a tad steep. No wonder so many people buy them abroad.
I was in Gibraltar a couple of weeks ago and noticed that B&H were £8.50 for 200, 85p per pack of 20. What do they cost here? Is it almost £5????? Whoever says that smokers should pay more for healthcare has the cheek of the devil...  Petrol was about 65p per litre over there too, we are being robbed blind...
LOL very true lettie, the thing is that the gov want to stop people smoking in public places & now in Scotland piloting policing for people having the crafty fag aka breaching smoking in areas fining those that do £50 & premisies that its breached £200 & yet the very gov rely on the revenue collected from smokers is hugely dependable to the money pot
The most confusing is fining on top talk about bite the hand that feeds the pot. Thing is if everyone who smokes gave up - then no tax is collected from tobacco hence nothing to police & fine, so where would they get their revenue from then ?? ............mmmm another pleasure in life will be highly taxed  ...fresh air will be taxed in this country soon no doubt!!
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