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Old 17-04-2005, 23:30   #1
I am Banned
chav1's Avatar

buisness as usual

some may remember that i posted a burgular was recently jailed for bugularys in the westwood street area

well it seems that the 2.5 year scentence didnt deter his friend and is carrying on the buisness

although the theiving sh1t is behind bars his friend is still hard at work as there has been another burgulary in the area today

their M.O is entering through back windows with a crowbar or screwdriver and strike during daylight

they also preffer jewelry and cash

older double glazing is still vulnerable but you can get extra latches for them to make it verry difficult for them to prise the window open

if you are 60 or over you are entitled to extra security but i forget the details but ring the police station and ask about it as they should be able to put you in touch with the right people

i am not posting this to worry people in the area but more of a heads up and get extra protection on your back door and windows if you can
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Accrington Web
Old 17-04-2005, 23:46   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: buisness as usual

shame you can't name this piece of crap chav.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 17-04-2005, 23:57   #3


Re: buisness as usual

Set the ****** up. Leave a sash widow slightly open and take in shifts to wait for the ******. When he finally arrives give him time to feel confident and wait for him to get his hands securely on the sill and the “Wack the b****** on the hand/wrist with a clump hammer. Make it painful and lasting…….. After he peels himself off the widow sill clean up carefully then the **** can’t claim for assault or criminal damages. Use plastic bin bags to protect soft furnishings and wrap the clump hammer tightly in a plastic bag before you use it. If you think I’m taking the ****, think again.

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Old 18-04-2005, 00:04   #4
Coffin Dodger.

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Jewel Quest Champion!
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Re: buisness as usual

Originally Posted by Doug
Set the ****** up. Leave a sash widow slightly open and take in shifts to wait for the ******. When he finally arrives give him time to feel confident and wait for him to get his hands securely on the sill and the “Wack the b****** on the hand/wrist with a clump hammer. Make it painful and lasting…….. After he peels himself off the widow sill clean up carefully then the **** can’t claim for assault or criminal damages. Use plastic bin bags to protect soft furnishings and wrap the clump hammer tightly in a plastic bag before you use it. If you think I’m taking the ****, think again.
safer to let the s*** get through the window much easier to get away with it then i think.once hes in hes on your property, have a great story about that sort of thing but wouldn't discuss it on here
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 18-04-2005, 00:59   #5
I am Banned
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Re: buisness as usual

i wont name any names as it could actualy get me in more trouble than the theiving s1its themselves

as i understand it

burgular A who is in jail has a friend burgular B who has a girlfriend who lives on westwood street

burgular A+B hang around the westwood street are taking note of who is in and out and at what times of the day they go out and spend a lot of time hanging around in the saint mary magdelins church yard

after commiting the burgularys in the westwood street area they dont have far to run as they have the girlfriends house to goto so when the police are notified and start searching it is too late as the theives are inside a house and out of the way long before the police get on the scene

i do not yet have a name for burgular B or his girlfriend but it would be interesting to know what burgular B's girlfriends mother would say to her daughter if she knew what company her daughter was keeping and what her home was been used for

from the back of my house there is no way of telling if i am home or not and i would take great pleasure in exercising my rights as a homeowner on this sh1ts skull

appart from burgular A's name and address you now know as much as me

the police also have this information but they have to have solid proof before they can go into a house and not word of mouth although many know what is going on unless theyhave solid proof and evidence at the crime scene there is very little they can do
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Old 18-04-2005, 18:44   #6
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Re: buisness as usual

A friend of mine on Westwood street was robbed earlier this year and when her and her partner went checking up and down the street they found their own doorkeys in the garden of the house that chav1 mentioned and still only one of the thieves has been nicked!
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Old 18-04-2005, 18:51   #7
I am Banned


Re: buisness as usual

Homewise will fit xtra locks etc for free as they did for me at my last house when i got the crime prevention team over to advise me on security. The crime prevention team can be contacted thro the local cop shop n best place to start there may be other things they can do for u nowadays.
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