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Old 30-09-2016, 20:13   #16
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

A very emotive subject, while I agree with Margarete who finds the burka/hijab intimidating, I think it would be hard to legislate against them while accepting face coverings such as fancy dress and father Christmas outfits, on the other hand why do Muslim women wear burka/hijab are they under duress from their partners, or is it from personal choice if it is indeed from personal choice why would anyone choose to wear an item that intimidates others,
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Old 30-09-2016, 20:18   #17
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
I was actually going to retire from this thread, since I seem to be the only one who finds it slightly oppressive,but your goading seems to have worked its magic...So, one last comment before I retire to the MDing thread.

Yes,I feel it's wrong to deny folk basic may also be right to consider covering up your "ugly mug" from the public

M's argument holds water when it comes to things that are purely symbolic,but when it comes to stripping the clothes of a woman it drys up dramatically....its a rather Victorian point of view in my opinion.
I don't know where you got the idea that I think it is symbolic...It isn't and don't you think it is oppressive that women believe that they should hide their faces for cultural reasons? These cultural reasons decided by the men of their race. The men of the family brainwash the girls into accepting that covering the face is for the faith...that is shows they are modest.

They may say that it gives them freedom, but how?
How can you be free if the thing that makes you recognisable is hidden..your face. The thing that conveys to the outside world how you feel, whether you are happy, sad, angry, apathetic.
How is that freedom?

recently a police force were talking about employing ethnic minorities and allowing them to wear a burkha. How would that work?
A police officer whose face is hidden from view.
Would you like the surgeon performing your operation to wear a full face veil......or the staff caring for you...watching for changes in your condition...because I certainly wouldn't.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 30-09-2016 at 20:25.
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Old 30-09-2016, 20:29   #18
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

No it is not Victorian...the Victorians were prudish. A society that considered piano and table legs to be unseemly, and had them covered up, is a lot like those who want women to wear a face covering.

It is not of this culture and not of this century.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 30-09-2016, 21:19   #19
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
since I seem to be the only one who finds it slightly oppressive
Really? Just who is the oppressor here, a western government who require equality regardless of orientation, sex or nationality, or some 7th century throwback religion who designate women as chattels of their male owners & relatives?

Just in case you missed it (and its from the Indie), a little insight into the mentality of the "religion of peace"???

Syrian refugee 'threw three children out of first-floor window because his wife wanted more freedom' in Germany | The Independent
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Old 01-10-2016, 10:17   #20
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Going back about three years , a terrorist fled our country by plane whilst wearing his sisters burka.
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Old 01-10-2016, 10:29   #21
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

You can hide anything under a could be a man with an UZI machine gun intent on carnage.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 01-10-2016, 10:43   #22
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Greeny View Post
Going back about three years , a terrorist fled our country by plane whilst wearing his sisters burka.
Aye but that was in public, so braindead thinks thats ok.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 01-10-2016, 14:00   #23
I am Banned

Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

On the subject of them Burka's. Women police wearing them, never heard owt so daft in all my life, first off how can you tell its a cop, wheres the badge an black and white stripe gonna go, it ud be a dammed funny shape to fit on top o one of them things, an if the criminal ignores her an walks away at a quick pace how would she catch up. Lastly if shes been behind one of them things all her adult life, where has she got the education an strength to pass the entrance exams. Mind boggling to say the least
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Last edited by Retlaw; 01-10-2016 at 14:03.
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Old 01-10-2016, 17:32   #24
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Retlaw View Post
On the subject of them Burka's. Women police wearing them, never heard owt so daft in all my life, first off how can you tell its a cop, wheres the badge an black and white stripe gonna go, it ud be a dammed funny shape to fit on top o one of them things, an if the criminal ignores her an walks away at a quick pace how would she catch up. Lastly if shes been behind one of them things all her adult life, where has she got the education an strength to pass the entrance exams. Mind boggling to say the least

If you really want to boggle your mind, here's summat you'd appreciate. Female firefighters in burkas.
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Old 01-10-2016, 18:25   #25
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

The sooner we ban it the better if you don't like it leave.
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Old 01-10-2016, 18:41   #26
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Eric View Post

If you really want to boggle your mind, here's summat you'd appreciate. Female firefighters in burkas.
Ell fire Eric, tha evin a goo ad mi, thal ev tu ged a new winder, itud bi impossible es ti sin wod firemen ev tu wear, yon witchis ud never ged the kecks on.
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Last edited by Retlaw; 01-10-2016 at 18:43.
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Old 01-10-2016, 19:43   #27
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Retlaw, I liked it once I had deciphered it
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 01-10-2016, 19:49   #28
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Shurm View Post
The sooner we ban it the better if you don't like it leave.
I agree. No one forces these people to stay here, or to take on western ways....all we ask is that those who live here take on the responsibility of accepting the way we live this country, in this century.
Not asking us to change the way we live in order to accommodate their way of life.
If they did not like that way of life in their own country, then they cannot ask for us to accept it in our country.
They adopted the country, they could have the decency to embrace its rules.
If this is too hard then the door to leave is always open.

I think that in the main we are a very tolerant nation.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 01-10-2016, 20:03   #29
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I agree. No one forces these people to stay here, or to take on western ways....all we ask is that those who live here take on the responsibility of accepting the way we live this country, in this century.
Not asking us to change the way we live in order to accommodate their way of life.
If they did not like that way of life in their own country, then they cannot ask for us to accept it in our country.
They adopted the country, they could have the decency to embrace its rules.
If this is too hard then the door to leave is always open.

I think that in the main we are a very tolerant nation.
Unfortunately, some small minded people would rather have us comply with them, and some of our own really, really, small minded, people are prepared to allow it to happen.

I have no problem with immigrants and their descendants, so long as they allow me and mine to continue living a life that we wish to live, the only people we used to see wearing masks were the guilty, no innocent person needs to hide their face.
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Old 01-10-2016, 20:12   #30
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

I have no problem with incomers.
I worked with, and in the main got along well with many races and creeds during my working life.
I do not consider my views to be racist or oppressive.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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