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Old 02-10-2016, 20:47   #46
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Michael1954 View Post
Lazy good for nothings? Now that's a totally different argument than wearing full face veils. My experience of working with Asians is they are hard working. Perhaps you know different?
Yes Michael1954 I do know different.I have both employed and been employed by Asians.
I also admit,as in our own nationality,there are good and bad on both sides.However IMHO the incomers will only do shop keeping, taxi driving and possibly anything that requires very little effort.Come on,when was the last time you saw an Asian Street cleaner,road digger,etc.Apart from when the coppers are on their tail for speeding,drug peddling or chatting up young girls I have not seen any of our hard working friends break into a sweat,have You?
Back to the original thread,it has been said,wearing the burka is a personal choice only,nothing to do with religion.If my personal choice was to walk round town wearing a tee shirt with something offensive on it that should be OK then,after all it's only my personal choice RIGHT: WRONG it would offend people.These people are taught from a very early age to buck the norm and offend the indigenous population as often as they can.Then when challenged play the race card.Also if I was in their country (I don't mean Britain)would I get any with MY personal choice or wearing a bikini in hot Weather?.NO:because it would offend......
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Old 02-10-2016, 21:03   #47
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

You've got to admit it Mike 54, Doggy Ma makes some valid points in her post (46).
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 02-10-2016, 21:21   #48
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
You've got to admit it Mike 54, Doggy Ma makes some valid points in her post (46).
She's right that there are good and bad on both sides, but to make the sweeping statement that they (Asians and muslims) are "lazy good for nothings" is a damning indictment of them all.
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Old 02-10-2016, 21:50   #49
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
But it would be nice if they did.
I prefer to see who I am talking to.....and with the full face veil you cannot do that.
I worry about those women who drive whilst wearing a full face covering......after all it is not thin material, it is like blackout cloth.
I too prefer to see someones lips too, if a woman in a full face veil ever deigns to try to talk to me she will be told that I cannot hear here and be asked tor remove her veil while doing so.

At which point I'll likely be called racist and I'll counter with deafist (I'm only hard of hearing but prefer to see someones lips when they talk).

And if she doesn't then I shant be listening, simples.
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Old 02-10-2016, 21:51   #50
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Michael1954 View Post
She's right that there are good and bad on both sides, but to make the sweeping statement that they (Asians and muslims) are "lazy good for nothings" is a damning indictment of them all.
Ah Cherries I see! And as for sweeping statements, it won't be the first & most definitely not the last on this particular subject & a multitude of others to boot.

There is it seems, something about our "Alis snackbar" citizens that really divides the attitudes & sensibilities of the common man.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 02-10-2016, 21:58   #51
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

BTW the carrying of weapons under a burka - what the heck?

How stupid is that - you can carry a weapon under almost any clothing, especially some of the puffed out western clothing.
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Old 02-10-2016, 22:00   #52
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Ah Cherries I see! And as for sweeping statements, it won't be the first & most definitely not the last on this particular subject & a multitude of others to boot.

There is it seems, something about our "Alis snackbar" citizens that really divides the attitudes & sensibilities of the common man.
Cherries? Not at all, Dave. As I've previously mentioned, I have over the years worked with many Asians and Muslims and found them to be hard working. They weren't shop keepers or taxi drivers; they were managers, security delivery drivers and counter clerks, and in several cases cleaners. I didn't look upon them as lazy good for nothings.
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Old 02-10-2016, 22:12   #53
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by RainbowSix View Post
BTW the carrying of weapons under a burka - what the heck?

How stupid is that - you can carry a weapon under almost any clothing, especially some of the puffed out western clothing.
It all depends on the type of weapon your trying to hide, and bulky puffed out would show a bloody great bulge with any thing bigger that a 9m Browning, You could hide a Lewis Gun and a couple of pans of ammo under one o them female tents.
How many firearms have you ever had or used, you name it & I've probably fired it at some time or other. I used to be the Curator of firearms at Fulwood Museum, and there was every thing you could imagine, from a little .25 auto pistol to Maxim Machine Guns.

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Old 02-10-2016, 22:22   #54
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Michael1954 View Post
Cherries? Not at all, Dave. As I've previously mentioned, I have over the years worked with many Asians and Muslims and found them to be hard working.
Different folk, different experiences Mike. I've also worked in different countries with different cultures, creeds, ethnicities, nationals & religions, oft times good, bad, indifferent, but there are certain groups (in my experience at least) that are often fly or with, lets say, a less enthusiastic approach to graft.
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 02-10-2016, 22:22   #55
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by Michael1954 View Post
She's right that there are good and bad on both sides, but to make the sweeping statement that they (Asians and muslims) are "lazy good for nothings" is a damning indictment of them all.
Michael, I said,having employed and been employed by Asians, I have spent time with many, many of them.imho (I take it I am allowed MY opinion) they,some of them,will do as little as they can get away with and I stand by that statement.However as it appears I have to write this s l o w l y for you, I also have many Asian friends who helped me immensely when I lost my son.They brought food for us,as they knew we were not eating properly,they offered to shop for me,I could go on but I think most webbers will have got my point.If, as you say I 'made a sweeping statement' was JUST A STATEMENT,then I apologise to the Muslims who are NOT lazy good for nothings........but I think my Asian friend would laugh at your "damning indictment "statement...Me thinks you protest too much.
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Old 02-10-2016, 22:29   #56
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by boxermum View Post
Michael, I said,having employed and been employed by Asians, I have spent time with many, many of them.imho (I take it I am allowed MY opinion) they,some of them,will do as little as they can get away with and I stand by that statement.However as it appears I have to write this s l o w l y for you, I also have many Asian friends who helped me immensely when I lost my son.They brought food for us,as they knew we were not eating properly,they offered to shop for me,I could go on but I think most webbers will have got my point.If, as you say I 'made a sweeping statement' was JUST A STATEMENT,then I apologise to the Muslims who are NOT lazy good for nothings........but I think my Asian friend would laugh at your "damning indictment "statement...Me thinks you protest too much.
I have worked with people from many countries the majority of whom have proved to be hardworking and helpful, there are however lazy folk of all creeds and colours, to lump all of one race as good for nothing is not only a sweeping statement that is an insult to the hard workers of that group but is also a sign perhaps of lazy thinking?
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Old 02-10-2016, 22:29   #57
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by boxermum View Post
Michael, I said,having employed and been employed by Asians, I have spent time with many, many of them.imho (I take it I am allowed MY opinion) they,some of them,will do as little as they can get away with and I stand by that statement.However as it appears I have to write this s l o w l y for you, I also have many Asian friends who helped me immensely when I lost my son.They brought food for us,as they knew we were not eating properly,they offered to shop for me,I could go on but I think most webbers will have got my point.If, as you say I 'made a sweeping statement' was JUST A STATEMENT,then I apologise to the Muslims who are NOT lazy good for nothings........but I think my Asian friend would laugh at your "damning indictment "statement...Me thinks you protest too much.
No you don't have to write slowly for me, but thanks for being condescending and patronising. You are allowed your opinion, but so am I. Some white people will also do as little as they can get away with, but that doesn't mean that white people are lazy good for nothings, or does it? You say your Asian friend would laugh at my statement. Let him read what you wrote and see if that's true.
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Old 02-10-2016, 23:06   #58
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

For your information,my Asian friends also say many of their country men are lazy arrogant and wife beaters.As mentioned when the discussion was about the burka wearers,it was asked by many if these women were forced,by their domineering husbands .it seems to me that you would think THAT a damning indictment of all of them too.
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Old 02-10-2016, 23:20   #59
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

What makes you think my Asian friends are male.Also,I did state that many white people were also guilty of doing f***all.By the way,you don't have to thank me it was my pleasure.
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Old 02-10-2016, 23:29   #60
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil

Originally Posted by boxermum View Post
For your information,my Asian friends also say many of their country men are lazy arrogant and wife beaters.As mentioned when the discussion was about the burka wearers,it was asked by many if these women were forced,by their domineering husbands .it seems to me that you would think THAT a damning indictment of all of them too.
I am not discussing what your Asian friends say. Neither am i discussing domineering husbands. I am discussing what YOU wrote.
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