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02-10-2016, 23:34
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Originally Posted by boxermum
What makes you think my Asian friends are male.Also,I did state that many white people were also guilty of doing f***all.By the way,you don't have to thank me it was my pleasure.
You didn't make the comment about white people in your original post. You were discussing the wearing of veils then made a totally different comment about asians/muslims being lazy good for nothings, which has nothing to do with the wearing of veils.
03-10-2016, 00:02
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
03-10-2016, 00:05
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Riled with Dave? I don't think so! And it is getting late, so maybe it is time to lie down!
03-10-2016, 01:06
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
but the issue of the Burkha is also one of security.
Ok ... but not in Western countries. There are numerous instances of burqa - clad suicide bombers of both sexes; but they all seem to happen in Muslim countries, or countries with large Muslim majorities. I agree with Walter that a lot can be concealed under a full body bag ... hell, a fat broad could be waddling down your street with the USS Nimitz stuffed under there; but it just ain't happening in developed countries where a woman wearing the full covering sticks out like a sore thumb. In Pakistan where every other bitch is wearing one, there have been many incidents. In Senegal ... in Chad (by the way, if I lived in that shiitehole of a country, I would see devastating explosions as a bonus) ... in fact, in lots of countries in sub-saharan Africa.
When was the last incident involving Burqa suicide bombing in the UK? How common is the burqa in Clayton, or anywhere else in Hyndburn? There are quite a few Muslims in Kingston; many attend Queen's; but I have yet to see a burqa. The dress of choice for devout Muslim women here is no more extreme than the dress of Hutterite or Amish women. There have been a couple of incidents in the US where white, male criminals have used the burqa in order to escape the attention of law enforcement ... but no suicide bombings.
I find the damn things offensive, both in reality and symbolically, but that's no reason to ban them. You can't tinker with the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens ... well, you can. But there are obvious dangers. If you can't see them, do some thinking. You couldn't have a burqa ban in Canada; the Supreme Court would not allow it. And the SC is not a bleeding heart, liberal think-tank, it is the body which protects us from governments' doing illegal shiite, and from governing by ideology rather than by law.
Ronny Raygun, a President whom, I believe, history will be kind to, once proposed a law banning the burning of Old Glory. And then someone whispered "First Amendment" in his ear. If The Donald gets elected, he will soon find that the US Supreme Court, even a conservative court, would not let him get away with most of the stuff he has promised.
Sure, seeing the burqa is annoying, much like a mosquito in your space as you try to have a beer on your back deck. But you don't go chasing the damn thing with a sledgehammer.
03-10-2016, 06:31
Beacon of light
Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Originally Posted by RainbowSix
BTW the carrying of weapons under a burka - what the heck?
How stupid is that - you can carry a weapon under almost any clothing, especially some of the puffed out western clothing.
That might be true, but it is less easy to conceal something like a bomb vest under 'normal ' clothes than under such garments.....and it as much about who.....and being recognised. You cannot take evasive action if you are unaware of what a persons intentions are.
So does this mean that we treat all who are wearing this garb as being of malicious intent?
Very helpful in community cohesion!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
03-10-2016, 08:24
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Absolute garbage!
You can put one of those under a lot of western clothes, we have great big coats of our own that can hid bomb vests AND AK47's etc.
Have a look at From hijab to burqa - a guide to Muslim headwear - Channel 4 News for a guide to what they are.
Then have a google for a snorkel jacket, big padded squares that make it up.
That would be less likely to show a padded undervest than a burka.
And less conspicuous in the west.
It's more indicative of the way the menfolk oppress the women and treat them.
Heck, I find that a lot of them are just so ugly that in reality I'd not want to see their face anyway, but I don't think "she must have a bomb or gun under there".
It's the ones with the backpack that says "Does my bomb look big in this" printed on the back that you have to watch out for 
03-10-2016, 08:38
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Originally Posted by Eric
Ok ... but not in Western countries. There are numerous instances of burqa - clad suicide bombers of both sexes; but they all seem to happen in Muslim countries, or countries with large Muslim majorities. I agree with Walter that a lot can be concealed under a full body bag ... hell, a fat broad could be waddling down your street with the USS Nimitz stuffed under there; but it just ain't happening in developed countries where a woman wearing the full covering sticks out like a sore thumb. In Pakistan where every other bitch is wearing one, there have been many incidents. In Senegal ... in Chad (by the way, if I lived in that shiitehole of a country, I would see devastating explosions as a bonus) ... in fact, in lots of countries in sub-saharan Africa.
When was the last incident involving Burqa suicide bombing in the UK? How common is the burqa in Clayton, or anywhere else in Hyndburn? There are quite a few Muslims in Kingston; many attend Queen's; but I have yet to see a burqa. The dress of choice for devout Muslim women here is no more extreme than the dress of Hutterite or Amish women. There have been a couple of incidents in the US where white, male criminals have used the burqa in order to escape the attention of law enforcement ... but no suicide bombings.
I find the damn things offensive, both in reality and symbolically, but that's no reason to ban them. You can't tinker with the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens ... well, you can. But there are obvious dangers. If you can't see them, do some thinking. You couldn't have a burqa ban in Canada; the Supreme Court would not allow it. And the SC is not a bleeding heart, liberal think-tank, it is the body which protects us from governments' doing illegal shiite, and from governing by ideology rather than by law.
Ronny Raygun, a President whom, I believe, history will be kind to, once proposed a law banning the burning of Old Glory. And then someone whispered "First Amendment" in his ear. If The Donald gets elected, he will soon find that the US Supreme Court, even a conservative court, would not let him get away with most of the stuff he has promised.
Sure, seeing the burqa is annoying, much like a mosquito in your space as you try to have a beer on your back deck. But you don't go chasing the damn thing with a sledgehammer.
Not correct Eric, was all over the news when a guy escaped wearing a burqa last year i think. ok he hadn't set one off, but that dont make it ok in my book. shows how daft that is, braindead liked yer post.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
03-10-2016, 13:11
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Originally Posted by cashman
Not correct Eric, was all over the news when a guy escaped wearing a burqa last year i think. ok he hadn't set one off, but that dont make it ok in my book. shows how daft that is, braindead liked yer post.
Nothing wrong with my brain. It's alive and well, maybe because I use it for rational thinking. I don't waste it worrying about mickey mouse horse manure non-issues. My eyes are wide open too. And I'm not seeing 100s of exploding burqas worn by terrorists in drag. I'm not seeing mass carnage on our highways because some dumb bitches get behind the wheel with bags over their heads. If there is a problem on our roads, it is caused by emancipated white women who can't resist playing with their smart phones when they are supposed to be looking at the road, or by macho white males who have convinced themselves that they drive better after drinking for four or five hours.
03-10-2016, 13:19
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Spot on Eric.
03-10-2016, 14:52
Beacon of light
Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Please forgive me.. I have been out all day dealing with the needs of my elderly mother.
Rainbow six.....when I see a woman in a burkha my first thought isn't that she may be carrying a bomb.
I know that people wearing western clothes can conceal anything they want under them....and I do recognise that wearing western clothing means there may be less to suspect.
I just think to myself 'there goes another member of the community that does not want to integrate and is doing her utmost not to be spoken to, to have social contact with me'
My second thought might be for security. How do we recognise each other?
We recognise each other by looking at faces. These people hide their faces for what reason?
Well, no please don't trouble to answer because I know what the answer is.
I find them offensive and intimidating. Now maybe that is my fault, because we all choose what will offend us.
But I am offended by the fact that this person chooses to live here in the freedoms which this country affords, but yet they do not want to be part of that country.
Yes, Eric. Of course there are bigger more serious problems in the world. But sometimes starting little allows you to move onto bigger things.....and the seriousness of a situation really depends on how much impact that problem has on your life.
No, there have been no bombings carried out in Clayton by Burkha wearing women, but the wearing of this garb is becoming far more prevalent than it ever was in the past.
Go into Blackburn on any day of the week and you will see more burkha wearing women than you would see in A town in Pakistan.
As for the Amish and the Hutterite sects.....they dress modestly in a style of years gone by but the difference here is that they do not cover their faces.
(I had to look up the Hutterite sect as I an neither as well educated as you, or as well read)
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
03-10-2016, 15:28
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Please forgive me.. I have been out all day dealing with the needs of my elderly mother.
Rainbow six.....when I see a woman in a burkha my first thought isn't that she may be carrying a bomb.
I know that people wearing western clothes can conceal anything they want under them....and I do recognise that wearing western clothing means there may be less to suspect.
I just think to myself 'there goes another member of the community that does not want to integrate and is doing her utmost not to be spoken to, to have social contact with me'
My second thought might be for security. How do we recognise each other?
We recognise each other by looking at faces. These people hide their faces for what reason?
Well, no please don't trouble to answer because I know what the answer is.
I find them offensive and intimidating. Now maybe that is my fault, because we all choose what will offend us.
But I am offended by the fact that this person chooses to live here in the freedoms which this country affords, but yet they do not want to be part of that country.
Yes, Eric. Of course there are bigger more serious problems in the world. But sometimes starting little allows you to move onto bigger things.....and the seriousness of a situation really depends on how much impact that problem has on your life.
No, there have been no bombings carried out in Clayton by Burkha wearing women, but the wearing of this garb is becoming far more prevalent than it ever was in the past.
Go into Blackburn on any day of the week and you will see more burkha wearing women than you would see in A town in Pakistan.
As for the Amish and the Hutterite sects.....they dress modestly in a style of years gone by but the difference here is that they do not cover their faces.
(I had to look up the Hutterite sect as I an neither as well educated as you, or as well read)
Common sense, where has it gone?
Same with when in Rome...
The real shame is for the people that have tried to become integrated, they end up shunned by others of their background and suspected by the indigenous population, there is need for compromise from all sides however fear and suspicion, create prejudice, while we on all sides go round and round and...
If someone hides behind a cloth it is saying don't talk to me I am not nor do I wish to be part of your society, it puts forward distrust and perhaps makes the person that sees them in this garb feel unwelcome in their company.
If the reason they wear this is so that they don't arouse a stranger what does it say about their men?
Can they not control how they become excited by the face of a clean shaven woman?
Surely something wrong with the men not the women?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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03-10-2016, 16:00
Beacon of light
Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Common sense Less...that is a very rare commodity these days.
Rarer than hens teeth.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
03-10-2016, 16:12
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Common sense Less...that is a very rare commodity these days.
Rarer than hens teeth.
Still think there's summat wrong with men that can't control themselves because they are seeing a woman's face.
Fantasy and arousal are surely stimulated by the lesser amount that a woman allows her man to see?
Back in victorian times the sight of the top of a laced up boot would send a young man into fits of overexcited lust how would those poor souls even contemplate page 3?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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03-10-2016, 16:14
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Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I had to look up the Hutterite
A little wander ... taking advantage of Mick's hospitalization  ... While I'm at it I want to wish for Mick a speedy and complete recovery; I didn't yet get around to doing it in the proper thread. Get well soon young fella ... Hutterites are amazing people. I lived for 19 years in Saskatchewan and there was always a Hutterite colony close by. A good buddy of mine, Karl Kleinsasser, was field manager (he was in charge of summer fallowing, seeding, and harvest) on a settlement near Glen Bain, SK. I was often a guest in his home; and he visited mine regularly to watch TV and read newspapers ... neither of which is allowed on the settlement. Come to think of it, this doesn't seem like too bad of an idea. They raise all their own food. They eat communally ... there's no cooking in individual homes, but there is always a ham, a cold roast of the best beef you ever tasted, home baked bread, cookies and cake ... food to die for. They brew their own beer; make their own wine; and distill their own high-test liquor. I could go on and on and on ... fantastic people. Love 'em.
03-10-2016, 16:19
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Bulgaria bans full-face Islamic veil
Originally Posted by Eric
A little wander ... taking advantage of Mick's hospitalization  ... While I'm at it I want to wish for Mick a speedy and complete recovery; I didn't yet get around to doing it in the proper thread. Get well soon young fella ... Hutterites are amazing people. I lived for 19 years in Saskatchewan and there was always a Hutterite colony close by. A good buddy of mine, Karl Kleinsasser, was field manager (he was in charge of summer fallowing, seeding, and harvest) on a settlement near Glen Bain, SK. I was often a guest in his home; and he visited mine regularly to watch TV and read newspapers ... neither of which is allowed on the settlement. Come to think of it, this doesn't seem like too bad of an idea. They raise all their own food. They eat communally ... there's no cooking in individual homes, but there is always a ham, a cold roast of the best beef you ever tasted, home baked bread, cookies and cake ... food to die for. They brew their own beer; make their own wine; and distill their own high-test liquor. I could go on and on and on ... fantastic people. Love 'em.
I was worried about this until you said they brewed their own beer, there, is a society I would allow to look after me.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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