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Old 10-02-2005, 13:37   #1

Angry Bus accident in Accrington

i was just saying to my wife how buses come past the town hall at such a fast speed towards the bus station its a wonder no-one has been killed, today a gentlemen was hit by one of these buses, it's about time these buses were made to slow down instead of thinking they own the roads.
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Old 10-02-2005, 13:55   #2
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Not again - is the gentleman OK?
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Old 10-02-2005, 14:02   #3

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Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Lets Face It Yes The Buses Are Bad But Not As Bad As The Taxis (((( Both On And Off Duty))))
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Old 10-02-2005, 14:07   #4
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Lets face it it is everyone that drives for a living that think that they have a god given right to do what they want on the roads.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 10-02-2005, 16:37   #5
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington

It's not everyone who drives for a living who acts as if they think that. There are just an awful lot of idiots out there but anyone who drives a public vehicle has extra responsibility.

Not having witnessed the accident I wouldn't like to presume who was at fault either, no doubt there were enough witnesses on or off the bus for that to be clarified.

Does anyone know how badly hurt the man was?

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 10-02-2005 at 17:12. Reason: typo
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Old 10-02-2005, 17:23   #6
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Unhappy Re: Bus accident in Accrington

It`s been coming for a long time, either open it up to all or close it off to all. No doubt Britcliffe will be ringing his hands in the press, but will he DO anything/
" Crashes "
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Old 10-02-2005, 17:34   #7
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
It's not everyone who drives for a living who acts as if they think that. There are just an awful lot of idiots out there but anyone who drives a public vehicle has extra responsibility.

Not having witnessed the accident I wouldn't like to presume who was at fault either, no doubt there were enough witnesses on or off the bus for that to be clarified.

Does anyone know how badly hurt the man was?
it dosnt matter what happened its always the drivers fault and i agree with that in full unless of course a person deliberatly throws themselves under a car or somthing

when in control of a vehicle you are supposed to be aware of your surroundings so hitting someone is inexcusable as it means you were either not paying attention to your surroundings or driving too fast

there should be always be a jail sentece for people who kill while in control of a car unless the person who was killed deliberatly threw themselves under it

how many familys no longer have children or parents because some idiot was eather not paying attention or driving too fast

3 points and a £100 fine dont bring dead people back

Last edited by chav1; 10-02-2005 at 17:36.
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Old 10-02-2005, 18:28   #8

Unhappy Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Originally Posted by AccyMad
Not again - is the gentleman OK?
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Old 10-02-2005, 18:29   #9

Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Originally Posted by fireman
Lets Face It Yes The Buses Are Bad But Not As Bad As The Taxis (((( Both On And Off Duty))))
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Old 10-02-2005, 18:33   #10

Angry Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Originally Posted by chav1
it dosnt matter what happened its always the drivers fault and i agree with that in full unless of course a person deliberatly throws themselves under a car or somthing

when in control of a vehicle you are supposed to be aware of your surroundings so hitting someone is inexcusable as it means you were either not paying attention to your surroundings or driving too fast

there should be always be a jail sentece for people who kill while in control of a car unless the person who was killed deliberatly threw themselves under it

how many familys no longer have children or parents because some idiot was eather not paying attention or driving too fast

3 points and a £100 fine dont bring dead people back
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Old 11-02-2005, 09:06   #11
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Is your caps lock stuck or something? I don't know if you are aware but to type in all capitals is considered shouting. Please spend a second to become aquaintd with your caps lock key.

Many thanks
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Old 11-02-2005, 10:02   #12
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Angry Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Originally Posted by fireman
Lets Face It Yes The Buses Are Bad But Not As Bad As The Taxis (((( Both On And Off Duty))))
so not as bad as taxis,i think that needs rephrasing. I have never used it and for the other quote i have been taxi driving 6 yers no points on licence not even a parking fine.we are not all the same if you open your eyes you will probably notice its the hackneys that fly through there more often then private hire and based up ossy.the hackneys dont have a base as such only the rank so tend to use it as short think before putting gob in gear.........................................
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Old 11-02-2005, 10:19   #13
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington

I've wanted to say something else in response to this thread but keep getting my words in a tangle and have been putting it off which is unusual for me.

A wild satement was made that "It is always the drivers fault" and I want to point out that this isn't and cannot be an automatic assumption.

When my daughter was run over by a 4 wheel drive vehicle outside her school in Oct 2003, despite the fact that other pupils witnessed the event and attested to the fact that the car was not visible when the two girls started to cross the road, the police will not accept a statement from a child and the driver claims to have been doding only 20mph and therefore the girls ran in front of her and she could do nothing.

In this particular case the driver doesn't seem to have been blamed at all by police, despite the fact that logic contradicts the account. If she had been doing 20mph and if the girls had run then they would have reached the other side of the road before she reached them and she would have had enough reaction time to have stopped sooner than she did instead of dragging my daughter along the road under her car and coming to a stop with her head under the wheel.

I've even done timing on that road myself and walking at a reasonably slow pace I can be across before a car coming round the bend gets anywhere near. All the logic points to the driver doing more than 30mph.

So no, drivers are not always held to be responsible.

And although I often make joking remarks about bus and taxi drivers I am aware that it is never wise to generalise and that by and large the majority are good sensible people. Even those hackneys don't often cut in front of the town hall because they approach the rank from the end and from a different direction.

Where would non-drivers be without public transport? Many depend on it, so as mthead says please think carefully before making sweeping statements.

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Old 11-02-2005, 10:35   #14
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Re: Bus accident in Accrington

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp

Even those hackneys don't often cut in front of the town hall because they approach the rank from the end and from a different direction.
yes thats right willow but its when they are setting off on their fares they have to come the other wy and use it for short cut .For example to get to hyndburn rd.I still believe it should be reopened with traffic lights and/or pelican crossing..
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Old 11-02-2005, 13:14   #15

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Re: Bus accident in Accrington

sorry mthead i suppose i was generalising a bit yes you are right the hackneys they are the problem but i trusy you really understand my undertones
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