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Old 16-12-2008, 19:43   #16
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Re: Bush gets the Boot

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Hi Barb, welcome back, eh.

Problem is not that he felt comfortable throwing the shoes, it's that too many Iraqis still feel comfortable strapping explosive to themselves and heading off for that big virgin fest in the sky.

Talking about democracy; wasn't it President Reagan who wanted to pass a law banning the burning of the American flag ... I think someone explained the First Ammendment to him, and he kinda understood it enough to back off.

I remember one Canadian expressing his freedom by shoving a pie in PM Jean Chretien's face

However, the shoe flinger is probably having the crap beaten out of him as we speak.

Only the radical Islamists go the bomb route.

No, it wasn't President Reagan. The anti-desecration acts go back a long way. First cropped up post Civil War.....1897-1932. Eventually, 48 states passed anti-desecration laws. The first national Flag Protection Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1968 and upheld by the Supreme Court in 1969. The Supreme Court struck down the law in 1989. Further attempts at flag protection were attempted by Congress in 1995, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006. None have passed muster.

I don't like to see the flag of my country desecrated. However, I believe it is a form of protected speech and as long as you own the flag you choose to desecrate - have at it.

We do not yet know the fate of the journalist in question. I haven't, (as of this posting), seen any credible source confirm that he is being beaten. I sincerely hope that he will not be harmed.
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Old 16-12-2008, 19:49   #17
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Re: Bush gets the Boot

welcome back barb. thats the problem though- spotting a "Radical Islamist" the guy found guilty only today fer the car bomb attack on glasgow airport, was n N.H.S. doctor, people knew him as a nice friendly, sociable chap etc, therefore he was not on the police radar. thats worrying to me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 16-12-2008, 20:06   #18
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Re: Bush gets the Boot

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
welcome back barb. thats the problem though- spotting a "Radical Islamist" the guy found guilty only today fer the car bomb attack on glasgow airport, was n N.H.S. doctor, people knew him as a nice friendly, sociable chap etc, therefore he was not on the police radar. thats worrying to me.
Yes, that's the tricky part. And for that I have no good answer for you. One hates to go around being suspicious of every Muslim one meets. The government needs to maintain diligence with its surveillance....but there is so much political correctness these days. I think it may be the undoing of us all.
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Old 16-12-2008, 20:14   #19
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Re: Bush gets the Boot

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
And this is a big part of the whole Iraqi /Afghani catastrope , George Bush's and his administrations complete ignorance of other peoples culture , the guy has absolute no comprehension about how other people think or feel about their national history or culture , sooner he is gone the better .

Thread wander ....I miss Bullseyebarb , wish she would come back , though can't really blame her, the slagging she had to take for every post .
No the big catastrophe is that the American people don't understand what a ******* they have had leading them and how he has lead them into a needless war and killed off their sons and daughters,together with Iraqi sons and daughters (and ours to) all without the slightest justification.
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Old 16-12-2008, 20:27   #20
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Re: Bush gets the Boot

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Yes, that's the tricky part. And for that I have no good answer for you. One hates to go around being suspicious of every Muslim one meets. The government needs to maintain diligence with its surveillance....but there is so much political correctness these days. I think it may be the undoing of us all.
I don't think it is political correctness, so much as trying to achieve a balance between national security and individual freedom .... problem is, national security is founded on a free population ... and a free population can exist only in a nation secure ....
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Old 16-12-2008, 20:33   #21
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Re: Bush gets the Boot

Originally Posted by polly View Post
No the big catastrophe is that the American people don't understand what a ******* they have had leading them and how he has lead them into a needless war and killed off their sons and daughters,together with Iraqi sons and daughters (and ours to) all without the slightest justification.
And in all this, Tony Blair and the British Government, must also shoulder much of the blame .... Blair could have said no; he didn't .... Jean Chretien said, "non" ... and we are still on great terms with our neighbours to the south. The Americans can elect whomever they want ... it's their country ... that doesn't mean that others have to go along with what they decide to do to make their country secure.
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