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Old 26-05-2005, 15:06   #31
God Member

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Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

Originally Posted by cashman
leave it out tealeaf, at least the guys shown he has a life!remember when i was young(just lol)my parents said exactly the same pmsl.
Why don't you read post #25? I had simply made several obversations. Firstly, that what was being discussed relating to the local Tory Party was in fact, just a rumour; secondly, that such rumours provide the basis for political spin; thirdly, that nevertheless if true, it is a sad day if people enter local politics as a means of lining their pockets.

I then turned to the Labour Party in Hyndburn and Lancashire and simply questioned their competance in not pre- informing the electorate of leadership changes at the borough level given the scenario of maintaining control at County.

For this, Councillor Jones responded "Utter rubbish, etc...."

That is not a response I would expect from an elected representative, although given that I have previously been accused of being a BNP member by him it is no surprise.

When it comes to calling our elected representatives to account, I care not what party they represent; I only care that they provide honest governance, spend our money wisely and provide efficient public services. In that respect, the vast bulk of my critisism has been directed at the Tories, and not Labour.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 26-05-2005 at 15:16.
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Accrington Web
Old 26-05-2005, 15:49   #32
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

had already read 25 was joking ie lol lighten up a bit.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-05-2005, 16:03   #33
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Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

Good job I did'nt mention Golf!
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Old 26-05-2005, 20:28   #34
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Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Good job I did'nt mention Golf!
There's nothing wrong with a game of golf

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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Old 26-05-2005, 20:38   #35
I am Banned

Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Why don't you read post #25? I had simply made several obversations. Firstly, that what was being discussed relating to the local Tory Party was in fact, just a rumour; secondly, that such rumours provide the basis for political spin; thirdly, that nevertheless if true, it is a sad day if people enter local politics as a means of lining their pockets.

I then turned to the Labour Party in Hyndburn and Lancashire and simply questioned their competance in not pre- informing the electorate of leadership changes at the borough level given the scenario of maintaining control at County.

For this, Councillor Jones responded "Utter rubbish, etc...."

That is not a response I would expect from an elected representative, although given that I have previously been accused of being a BNP member by him it is no surprise.

When it comes to calling our elected representatives to account, I care not what party they represent; I only care that they provide honest governance, spend our money wisely and provide efficient public services. In that respect, the vast bulk of my critisism has been directed at the Tories, and not Labour.
I think you should take it easy tealeaf. You have passed out the insults and no one is obliged to answer any of your points when you lack basic respect.

Last edited by Graham Jones; 26-05-2005 at 20:44.
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Old 27-05-2005, 13:03   #36
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Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

Originally Posted by Graham Jones
I think you should take it easy tealeaf. lack basic respect.
Oh dear, Councillor..............I suspect that, as at election time, you are simply regurgerating the codswallop churned out by your erstwhile comrades in the Party. Be it the last Queen's Speech or the Labour website (see below), the latest government buzzword to crop up is "Respect". I really don't know what is meant by this, other than a possible attempt to divert attention from Galloway and his slimeballs.

Could I respectfully, suggest, therefore that rather than spend precious time digesting the latest garbage from Party HQ, you spend it "chilling out", (as your hero boy bands may say) and get yourself a sense of humour.

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Old 27-05-2005, 22:41   #37
Accy Red

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Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

I'm hoping that Wyn Frankland will finally let us into the story about the £35,000 that may or may not have gone towards the globe centre or may or may not had something to do with a certain Mr Rix.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 28-05-2005, 19:28   #38
I am Banned

Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Why don't you read post #25? I had simply made several obversations. Firstly, that what was being discussed relating to the local Tory Party was in fact, just a rumour; secondly, that such rumours provide the basis for political spin; thirdly, that nevertheless if true, it is a sad day if people enter local politics as a means of lining their pockets.

I then turned to the Labour Party in Hyndburn and Lancashire and simply questioned their competance in not pre- informing the electorate of leadership changes at the borough level given the scenario of maintaining control at County.

For this, Councillor Jones responded "Utter rubbish, etc...."

That is not a response I would expect from an elected representative, although given that I have previously been accused of being a BNP member by him it is no surprise.

When it comes to calling our elected representatives to account, I care not what party they represent; I only care that they provide honest governance, spend our money wisely and provide efficient public services. In that respect, the vast bulk of my critisism has been directed at the Tories, and not Labour.
You read the Observer story with particpants comments, you read my comments earlier in the week. They match pretty much accurately. I stand by what I said; You talk rubbish and you lack any basic respect for others. So as I said, grow up.
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Old 28-05-2005, 19:29   #39
I am Banned

Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Oh dear, Councillor..............I suspect that, as at election time, you are simply regurgerating the codswallop churned out by your erstwhile comrades in the Party. Be it the last Queen's Speech or the Labour website (see below), the latest government buzzword to crop up is "Respect". I really don't know what is meant by this, other than a possible attempt to divert attention from Galloway and his slimeballs.

Could I respectfully, suggest, therefore that rather than spend precious time digesting the latest garbage from Party HQ, you spend it "chilling out", (as your hero boy bands may say) and get yourself a sense of humour.

ditto above: grow up and stop acting like an immature adult.
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Old 31-05-2005, 08:44   #40
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Re: By-election in Gt Harwood

Originally Posted by Graham Jones
ditto above: grow up and stop acting like an immature adult.
Is this third-rate insult the best that Councillor Jones can offer? No wonder tthere is no effective opposition to Britciffe and his muppets. Anyway, I can't be bothered with this thread anymore.
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