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Old 01-01-2008, 20:23   #46
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glasgow guy's Avatar

Re: bye all

I feel I have to reply to jb post..

"Lots of support and some advice but not one single offer of a room for a few weeks.
You lot should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves."

I am not ashamed of myself because I have nothing to be ashamed about..

I am thoroughly disgusted with the attitude of some people. “She’s a stranger, I haven’t got room, I have kids too”. It’s all me, me, me, me, me, me, me! Where is your compassion for someone in dire need?

big deal your disgusted with me and everyone else - that should keep you quiet for a while then. and compassion like that would start with family and close friends - not strangers. - given that emma is neither then there can be no offer.

So you haven’t got a spare bedroom. Would it be so inconvenient to offer your couch for tonight?

yes it would as my house is small enough as it stands.

Oh! I forgot that would interfere with your home life. Well let it interfere. It’s only for a day or two

your correct - it would interfere with my home life and who are you to tell me to do something?.your a nobody - or is that a busybody?? - you know nothing about my homelife.

You lot are the pits!!!

well there you go then...I am the pits bet you thought a while about that one...

you dont know what pm's were sent and who offered what to emma off this board - so dont sit there thinking your something special cos you openely offered a place to stay - that doesnt make you any bigger or better than anyone else.

Last edited by glasgow guy; 01-01-2008 at 20:27.
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Old 01-01-2008, 21:11   #47
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Re: bye all

no blazey.... i have been sat out in the cold crying all day
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 01-01-2008, 21:16   #48
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Re: bye all

Oh for goodness sakes Blazey she can't contact the housing associations at this time of night can she and if her friend offers the use of her PC for a little while to ease the stress of the situation why on earth shouldn't she log onto AccyWeb?

Glad you managed to come back online Emma.I was going to ask Mick (as he has your phone number) if he could mention Maundy Grange to you if you hadn't found anywhere but he didn't reply to my message and as I know he hasn't been well I didn't like to bother him. I know Dorothy is lovely and very helpful. She seems to know exactly the right thing to do.

Glad you found somewhere for tonight anyway. Please keep in touch if you can and let us know how you get on.

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Old 01-01-2008, 21:18   #49
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Re: bye all

maudy range said they didnt have any space but if i had some money we cound go to pilkintons?? for the night and they would refund te cost...
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 01-01-2008, 21:46   #50
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Re: bye all

Pilkingtons is the hotel on Blackburn Rd, across from the Imperial. I think
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Old 01-01-2008, 21:52   #51
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Re: bye all

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Oh for goodness sakes Blazey she can't contact the housing associations at this time of night can she and if her friend offers the use of her PC for a little while to ease the stress of the situation why on earth shouldn't she log onto AccyWeb?

Glad you managed to come back online Emma.I was going to ask Mick (as he has your phone number) if he could mention Maundy Grange to you if you hadn't found anywhere but he didn't reply to my message and as I know he hasn't been well I didn't like to bother him. I know Dorothy is lovely and very helpful. She seems to know exactly the right thing to do.

Glad you found somewhere for tonight anyway. Please keep in touch if you can and let us know how you get on.
This situation began yesterday didn't it? I'm pretty sure there was some daytime hours today, when she could've rang around. I was asking to see what kind of response they had given her, not implying that she hadn't bothered.
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Old 01-01-2008, 21:53   #52
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Re: bye all

Originally Posted by AccyLass27 View Post
Pilkingtons is the hotel on Blackburn Rd, across from the Imperial. I think
And yeh it is, its not really got a very good sign, but its vertical by the door, white with pilkingtons in black letters.
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Old 01-01-2008, 21:54   #53
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Re: bye all

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Oh for goodness sakes Blazey she can't contact the housing associations at this time of night can she and if her friend offers the use of her PC for a little while to ease the stress of the situation why on earth shouldn't she log onto AccyWeb?

Glad you managed to come back online Emma.I was going to ask Mick (as he has your phone number) if he could mention Maundy Grange to you if you hadn't found anywhere but he didn't reply to my message and as I know he hasn't been well I didn't like to bother him. I know Dorothy is lovely and very helpful. She seems to know exactly the right thing to do.

Glad you found somewhere for tonight anyway. Please keep in touch if you can and let us know how you get on.
And if you read, it wasn't me who brought up the fact that she's sat on the internet.
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Old 01-01-2008, 21:56   #54
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Re: bye all

yesterday i was looking for a house, i wasnt being kicked out, i could stay till i foud somethhing..... this morning i couldnt stay so i desperately needed something...theres a difference.... yes, i went out last night.. i hardly ever go out and i wanted something to take my mind off it, have some fun.. i didnt drink last night...IF i had known he would kick me out today, i would have been looking for somewhere t go...
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 01-01-2008, 21:59   #55
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Re: bye all

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
yesterday i was looking for a house, i wasnt being kicked out, i could stay till i foud somethhing..... this morning i couldnt stay so i desperately needed something...theres a difference.... yes, i went out last night.. i hardly ever go out and i wanted something to take my mind off it, have some fun.. i didnt drink last night...IF i had known he would kick me out today, i would have been looking for somewhere t go...
Its just that the situation sounded so desperate yesterday, like you were practically on the street, then you came online and said you'd been out and I felt a bit deceived.
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Old 01-01-2008, 22:01   #56
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Re: bye all

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
This situation began yesterday didn't it? I'm pretty sure there was some daytime hours today, when she could've rang around. I was asking to see what kind of response they had given her, not implying that she hadn't bothered.
The situation yesterday was not as acute as it was today. My comment on your criticism was because you seemed to imply that she should be out looking for accomodation rather than posting on AccyWeb. I was pointing out that she might as well be on here posting as she can't do much more tonight now. It's not as if she has just been online all day and doing nothing.

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Old 01-01-2008, 22:11   #57
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Re: bye all

I would like to add something about Maundy Grange. Dorothy does a fantastic job there as do the other support workers but try to enquire about anywhere that is offered for accommodation.
Maundy sent someone I know to a caravan park in Haslingden, I don’t recall the name of the place this was some 3 years ago, Holdens rings a bell…not sure tho. The said person stayed there for 4 days/3 nights. This was in the winter. The caravan had no gas until the 4th day, hence no heating or cooking could be done. The caravan was damp as was all of the bedding. The site owner was a woman also a bully. She demanded the benefits books of those placed on the site collected the cash herself and dished out the funds to her residents as she saw fit. My friend’s cash was paid directly into a bank account, which did not go down well in the first instance. My friend called me on the evening of the 4th day, suffice to say I went and collected them. A week after a bill for £108 was presented for gas used .
I reported all this to the powers that be and to Maundy Grange, apparently the Grange knew of the problem.
Just think on, that’s all I’m saying. Enquire about whatever is offered.
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
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Old 01-01-2008, 22:28   #58
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Re: bye all

Blazey blazey, you still havent learn have you/? U were so nice the other day in chat room towards ema,why have u changed your views towards her, u dont know exactly was going through her mind and whats really happening,
Your support is not really kind, if she wants 2 drink 2 get her stress away then let her do so, she hasnt asked you for you to let her stay at your has she,? well then stop bothering and come back to be as nice as you were the other day, just for once
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Old 01-01-2008, 22:30   #59
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Re: bye all

Originally Posted by Yolanda25 View Post
Blazey blazey, you still havent learn have you/? U were so nice the other day in chat room towards ema,why have u changed your views towards her, u dont know exactly was going through her mind and whats really happening,
Your support is not really kind, if she wants 2 drink 2 get her stress away then let her do so, she hasnt asked you for you to let her stay at your has she,? well then stop bothering and come back to be as nice as you were the other day, just for once
I wasn't intentionally being mean, I said I felt deceived about the severity of the situation. I said I do enjoy talking to emma and our chats, but it doesn't stop me feeling disappointed, as her inital post sounded really urgent, and clearly it wasn't urgent at all.
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Old 01-01-2008, 22:32   #60
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Re: bye all

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
I would like to add something about Maundy Grange. Dorothy does a fantastic job there as do the other support workers but try to enquire about anywhere that is offered for accommodation.
Maundy sent someone I know to a caravan park in Haslingden, I don’t recall the name of the place this was some 3 years ago, Holdens rings a bell…not sure tho. The said person stayed there for 4 days/3 nights. This was in the winter. The caravan had no gas until the 4th day, hence no heating or cooking could be done. The caravan was damp as was all of the bedding. The site owner was a woman also a bully. She demanded the benefits books of those placed on the site collected the cash herself and dished out the funds to her residents as she saw fit. My friend’s cash was paid directly into a bank account, which did not go down well in the first instance. My friend called me on the evening of the 4th day, suffice to say I went and collected them. A week after a bill for £108 was presented for gas used .
I reported all this to the powers that be and to Maundy Grange, apparently the Grange knew of the problem.
Just think on, that’s all I’m saying. Enquire about whatever is offered.
The caravan park in haslingden is a well known drugs haven, the owner is a member of the well known sharky family, I would not recommend this for even a short term.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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