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10-05-2007, 21:14
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
well i can only say it dose no matter who is england it will all way be the same there are some good things to rember and sad one to but just see what happen,s now.
10-05-2007, 21:17
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
yes i agree there all in it for there own gain
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10-05-2007, 21:26
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
Ianto, while I sympathise with your sentiments I think you're getting a bit carried away with idealism. None of that respected cabinet risked prison, rather they risked, and received, the antagonism of the wealthier echelons. That government introduced nationalisation of the Railways, the coal mines etc. and built up the NHS, along with many other social reforms, but they were not Communists and they didn't lead or advocate a revolution.
They were voted out of Office in 1951 after 6 years of what was, admittedly, a radical and truly Socialist regime and we have not had such a reforming administration since then but their loyalty to the Crown was never in doubt. They were great men because they put their ideals into effect and made them work.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
10-05-2007, 22:48
white rabbits
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
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18-05-2007, 10:39
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
what about john smith as the best prime minister we never had or hugh gaitskill,both died tragically before their time,
18-05-2007, 12:44
white rabbits
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
I will probably get slaughtered for this ,but my money would have been on Enock Powell ,,,,
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18-05-2007, 15:43
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
Granny, I must admit I'm a little confused by your political views. You admire Tony Blair, you're a Labour supporter, but you think extreme right-wing Tory Enoch Powell would've been a great PM...que? 
18-05-2007, 17:38
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
In my humble opinion, the only salutation Blair will get from me me is "goodbye and good riddance"! I would be really pleased at the news of his departure if it were not for the fact that Brown is to take over as Prime Minister - a disaster followed by a catastrophe. Both are proved to have lied not only to Parliament but to the people of this country. Blair was elected on the promise that he would serve a full term, he hasn't and he never had any intention of doing so. Brown grabbed billions from the pension system and now expects the tax payer to plug the pensions black hole he created. So much for a whiter than white administration. So much for financial prudence. We deserve better!
I do not agree that it is probably too soon to judge Blair's "legacy". It is clear for all to see despite the lies, spin, half truths, evasion, arrogance and control freakery.The Brown legacy is also clearly visible - and he hasn't even begun his premiership yet. It is a return to those good old core Labour values; TAX and SPEND.
"Oh", but I hear I hear you all cry "what about the Health Service?" Well, what about it. Have any of you really had a good look at the way it is run round here? Have you had a good look at the way that Blackburn Royal is haemorraging money? And can you really put your hand on your heart and say that the service is better? "Oh" I hear you all bleat, "What about the Billions more in funding put into schools?" Yeah, what about it. Levels of illiteracy are rising. The cost of compensation for assaults by pupils on teachers is spiralling out of control. Teachers are still underpayed and undervalued and the nobody can make up their minds about the correct way to teach kids to read, let alone teach them anything else. "Education. Education.Education"? Spin. Spin. Spin!
I am not even going to go near Law and Order and Immigration, I am not sure my arteries would stand the strain.
And all you lot seem to be able to do by way of political debate is to make pathetic comparisons with the Government of Margaret Thatcher. For Goodness Sake People, get the chip off your shoulders and open your eyes!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 18-05-2007 at 17:43.
18-05-2007, 17:49
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
As far as I remember, it was common knowledge at the last General Election that Blair wasn't going to be P.M. for the full term.
Margaret who?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
18-05-2007, 19:03
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
We obviously live in different realities.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
18-05-2007, 19:08
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Levels of illiteracy are rising.
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Teachers are still underpayed
From www.askoxford.com
past and past participle of UNDERPAY.
What were you saying about literacy levels, A-b?
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
18-05-2007, 19:42
white rabbits
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Granny, I must admit I'm a little confused by your political views. You admire Tony Blair, you're a Labour supporter, but you think extreme right-wing Tory Enoch Powell would've been a great PM...que? 
I just think if Enock Powel had been listened to....we would not have had mass immigration,therefore less burdon on the goverment purse strings,,therefore more money to spend on things that realy matter .....
Its a shame he was tory, but he had the makings of a good prime minister...
.  now you can chop off my head
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18-05-2007, 20:17
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
Originally Posted by grannyclaret
.  now you can chop off my head
Just hang on half a mo while I go and get me knitting... 
18-05-2007, 20:32
white rabbits
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
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18-05-2007, 20:47
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Re: Bye-bye Mr Blair
Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
We obviously live in different realities.
'Amid all the rumours it appears Blair first truly laid out a schedule for departure in October 2004.
Ending his party's conference in Brighton - as well as dropping the bombshell he was to have heart surgery - Mr Blair said: "If I'm selected I would serve a third term - I do not want to serve a fourth term."
Perhaps the news didn't quite reach the reality of the Rishton Con Club. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
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