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06-02-2011, 13:47
Beacon of light
Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
I'm not going to disagree with something simply because it's from a non-Labour politician.
Hooray for that!
It isn't much good the local politicians argy bargying about this subject.
Although it is good to know their views.
What is really needed is a much wider discussion from the national politicians.....that would be far more enlightening.
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06-02-2011, 13:50
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Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Told you Ken wouldn't let us down. If only all politicians were asopen and frank as he is!
06-02-2011, 13:54
Beacon of light
Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
yes...spot on there.......but I won't hold my breath waiting for it to happen.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
06-02-2011, 13:59
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
but I think you are being a bit pedantic....
Good at last you are thinking.
by the way, you don't have to swear to describe me in simpler terms than pedantic, clever dick would have done just as well without you proving that you were also being pedantic by using the word pedantic.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
06-02-2011, 14:04
Beacon of light
Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
The term 'clever dick' just didn't occur to me......mainly because I really didn't think you were being a 'clever dick'.......I thought you were splitting hairs.....but pedantic is shorter to type....so, No, I wasn't being pedantic at all. I was conserving energy.
Oh, and I am glad you approve of me thinking.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
06-02-2011, 14:56
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Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Natives...indigents, (they are only words)
Same as Nationalist, Racist, Xenophobe, Bigot, Islamophobe, Homophobe Ad nauseum ! Just words, which are to easily hurled about by some who can't & don't want to face up to the realities facing the Country & her People. For far to long a minority have dictated & ridden roughshod over a populace who on the whole managed to get on well enough with all kinds, all colours, all persuasions & all genders without the need for it to be enforced by law.
But this wasn't good enough for some & as such "those that know better" have plagued the rest of us with a multitude of legislation & moral codes that are there for our "own good" ! Really ? I'd suggest that these imbeciles have a good hard look at the state of the Nation, truly look & see what all this mindless enforcement has brought about ! Greater division & mistrust, a deeper seated but less "out in the open" obvious intolerance, Thanks !!
I served in a "British Military" with Jockeens, Paddies, Taffs, English, Commonwealth Lads & occasionaly Lasses all from different backgrounds, Countries, faiths & colours too & shock horror, we got on !!! Without a raft of legislation to adhere to & slavishly enforce ! All due to a sense of fairplay, shared aims & goals, a unity brought about by our really & truly being in it together as a team taking on all challenges unified !
The Country has been engulfed in its own seething & loathing brought about by enforced regulation which ultimately is more divisive. Now at last the wound has been shown for the festering open sore it is & the cleansing balm of common sense & reasonability is now being prescribed. If not the cure at least it's a step in the right direction of healing the seeping lesion of isms & phobes. The process will not be without its pains & difficulties but better that than what we currently have surely ? For all our sakes this really needs to work. Now let the Man be judged by his actions or forever be reviled !
06-02-2011, 15:05
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Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Originally Posted by Less
About as much influence on them as I have over my white neighbours, we aren't missionaries you know, we all live here and get on reasonably well.
I don't know, but if you are really curious you could go knocking door to door to find out.
For goodness sake, hardly ANY of us have ever bothered with a second language!
Our idea of communication is to shout at the natives when we are abroad, even when we move there to live.

That's very unfair Less I have been proficient in speaking two languages for years now English and Gibberish, and I'm not bad at French when its needed but not the tongue used in Paris 
06-02-2011, 15:12
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Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Told you Ken wouldn't let us down. If only all politicians were open and frank as he is!
I actually don't class Ken as a politician, because he doesn't stand on party lines, thus the reason he's the only one with the balls to post in this thread, well up to now anyway 
06-02-2011, 15:15
Beacon of light
Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Like you Dave, I worked with Doctors(and nurses) of all colours, creeds and opinion.
The common aim was to ensure that we looked after our patients...like you, we had a common goal, which brought us together. We not only got on, but we had a laugh, we enjoyed working together for the common good. We respected each others feelings, beliefs and values......not because we were told to, but because it was the right thing to do....the respectful thing.
It seems to me, that today divisions are magnified, unrest is fostered......why might this be?
Isn't a fearful population much easier to manipulate and control? Induce fear....then the governemnt of the time can be seen as saviours when they step in and do something about it.......except they haven't yet.(done something about it) Just a thought.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
06-02-2011, 15:36
Resting in Peace
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Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Like you Dave, I worked with Doctors(and nurses) of all colours, creeds and opinion.
The common aim was to ensure that we looked after our patients...like you, we had a common goal, which brought us together. We not only got on, but we had a laugh, we enjoyed working together for the common good. We respected each others feelings, beliefs and values......not because we were told to, but because it was the right thing to do....the respectful thing.
It seems to me, that today divisions are magnified, unrest is fostered......why might this be?
Isn't a fearful population much easier to manipulate and control? Induce fear....then the governemnt of the time can be seen as saviours when they step in and do something about it.......except they haven't yet.(done something about it) Just a thought.
What you have said is very true Margaret, but the reason for the failure is not so much the government of which ever colour but the numpties who make issues out of race where there is none, those clowns born and bred in this country from a white background who take it into their heads that things like Christmas and Easter will upset other religions now being practiced in this country, which in reality it's a load of cobblers, for want of a better phrase. Numpties working in big city Town Halls making these decisions want removing and putting out to grass, then and only then will common sense prevail 
06-02-2011, 15:45
Beacon of light
Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Yes, John, you are right....and in trying not to upset the incomer, immigrants...whatever you want to call them, they have been divisive.
I cannot recall a time on the wards when Christmas was deemed offensive by the Muslim/Hindu/ Sikh staff that I worked alongside....no, in fact many of them joined in our celebrations...enjoying the food and decorations...sending greetings cards as well.
The elephant in the room is there because he was enticed in.......and now no-one appears to have the guts to boot him out......even though he poops on the carpet.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
06-02-2011, 17:29
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Have you any influence on them at all Less?
Wouldn't they stand up and be counted against the extremists?
Because that is what is needed....for every moderate muslim to stand up and proclaim their stance against extremism.....but it won't happen, culturally they won't go against their own kind...no matter what atrocities are committed in the name of Islam.
For goodness sake, many of them don't even speak our language.
Originally Posted by katex
Bit more detail from last night's telegraph, Alan :
Man 'left to die' in alleyway after Accrington stabbing (From Lancashire Telegraph)
Yasar Mahmood, of nearby Charter Street, said: “This is awful, horrible. It makes the area look so unsafe. I do think it neglected though and needs more security. You don’t expect something like this to happen in broad daylight.”
Perhaps Margeret we have found the guy you want to stand up and be counted?
It seems obvious to me that Mr. Mahmood, (and no doubt a vast number of other asian, 'silent majoritys'), are just as worried as the white middle class about safety within our all embracing society?

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
06-02-2011, 18:09
Beacon of light
Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Thanks for that Less......it would be good if he would bring along some of his friends too.
We could all stand together for what is right, what is sane and what, in the end, would make all of us a whole lot safer and more secure
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
06-02-2011, 18:10
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Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Originally Posted by garinda
Two different issues.
Powell's speech was about immigration, this is about state aided multiculturalism.
Exactly my point. Granted, controlled immigration has always been advantageous to the wellbeing of this nation, but the reckless policies that have been adhered to over the past two or three decades, coupled with the unwanted interference from Brussels, have brought the country to it's knees. Politicians off all ilks have, and still are, heedless to the demands of the electorate, but in the meantime they are still content to flounder about with their snouts stuck deeply into the expenses trough. Altogether it has proved that multiculturism is a myth that only politicians and idiots believe in!
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Last edited by Stumped; 06-02-2011 at 18:12.
06-02-2011, 19:07
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Re: Cameron on state multiculturalism.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
It is a refreshing change, but I will wait, because so far it is only words.
And only words they will remain , like Gordon Brown's criticism of multicuturalism when he called for a national debate about Britishness on 13th Jan 2007 .
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