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20-05-2008, 17:50
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
err, I like Billy Bragg and often listen to it in teh car, does that mean I'm suddenly Gordons best chum? Just like I like a lot of morbid stuff like Cure, morrissey, marilyn Manson etc. I think most people who konw me would say I'm more jolly than most people so clearly music doesn't fit to stereotypes
20-05-2008, 18:00
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
Originally Posted by entwisi
err, I like Billy Bragg and often listen to it in teh car, does that mean I'm suddenly Gordons best chum? Just like I like a lot of morbid stuff like Cure, morrissey, marilyn Manson etc. I think most people who konw me would say I'm more jolly than most people so clearly music doesn't fit to stereotypes
No it doesn't always fit to stereotypes at all. The point I was making with Billy Bragg is that many, even people on here, have had their foundational political views shaped by people such as him so music & politics do have a strong link that Blazey was denying.
The words & sentiments of the song The Eton Rifles are the work of Paul Weller. It's somewhat irrelevant that Foxton sent his son to Eton.
Anyone denying that Cameron is staging a (failing) re-enactment of Blair's "Cool Britannia", that he is merely sharing his iPod playlist with all of us because he is such a nice cool guy, is just kidding themselves.
20-05-2008, 19:03
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
Red Wedge 
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20-05-2008, 21:01
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
I don't consider my politics when I pick music that I like. Perhaps there is something wrong with me.
20-05-2008, 21:11
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
Originally Posted by blazey
Perhaps there is something wrong with me.
Say what??????????  
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20-05-2008, 21:16
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
Originally Posted by Royboy39
Say what??????????  
I saw that coming 
20-05-2008, 21:18
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
Originally Posted by shakermaker
The point I was making with Billy Bragg is that many, even people on here, have had their foundational political views shaped by people such as him so music & politics do have a strong link that Blazey was denying.
No, they don't - most people don't give two hoots about the political leanings of the music makers they're listening to. And quite rightly so - Bragg may be sincere, but most singers who spout right-on, left wing views, do so because it's the trendy thing to do. And how many people do you know on here who've had their political views shaped by people like him? Every person who I know on here is far too independent-minded to have their views shaped by some bleedin' pop star, mate!
You're right about the boy David trying to ape Blair in the coolness stakes, though (although Cyfr likes to pretend than he isn't). 
20-05-2008, 21:25
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
Originally Posted by Pendle Red
Red Wedge 
There you go, Wyn. 
Thank you very much Sir Red of Pendle.
20-05-2008, 21:43
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
You are joking, of course. A couple of tours by the likes of the Style Council and the Communards. A comedy tour featuring the side-splitting hilarity of Ben Elton during the 1987 election...fat lot of good that did! And how long did the whole pretentious shebang last after that? 2-3 years at most, before it all came tumbling down, with the Tories still firmly in power. Vive la revolution!
20-05-2008, 21:48
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Cameron's Rifles.
bag of crap, have 1000s of records n never once did i consider political leanings when purchasing. but honestly think Cameron is doing a Blair no question. Wheres me sick-bag. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
20-05-2008, 21:58
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
I'm not saying every music fan picks out music because of the political implications/insinuations of the music, but I'm not going to accept that music and politics have no link for anyone anywhere. I don't think that link has been and gone with the punk rock bands of the seventies or the Dylan-ers of the sixties either.
For instance, look at the sudden boom in Dixie Chicks fans after they made an album slating our friend Bushy?
20-05-2008, 22:01
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
Originally Posted by shakermaker
I'm not saying every music fan picks out music because of the political implications/insinuations of the music, but I'm not going to accept that music and politics have no link for anyone anywhere. I don't think that link has been and gone with the punk rock bands of the seventies or the Dylan-ers of the sixties either.
For instance, look at the sudden boom in Dixie Chicks fans after they made an album slating our friend Bushy?
If you think I'm going to sing 'Flower of Scotland' you are one off. 
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20-05-2008, 22:12
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Cameron's Rifles.
dont really think that link existed with punks shaker, most i knew were just rebelling as kids do n didn't give a monkeys fer politics, they just used to love the "Shock" Horror" they created by slagging off the establishment, most i knew despite the "Look" were very decent kids. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
20-05-2008, 22:23
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Re: Cameron's Rifles.
Originally Posted by shakermaker
I'm not going to accept that music and politics have no link for anyone anywhere.
Music and politics have no links for most people in most places. All the garbage about music having the power to change things politically is just that - pure garbage. People form their political views because of the things they see around them in the real world, in their daily lives, in the news and through the views of people they come into contact with.
Certain pop stars promote the idea that music can change things politically because they have a hugely overinflated sense of their own importance. Ordinary people, including record buyers, are much too canny to buy into that particular myth!
Dylan's political songs make up a very small portion of his recorded work. The vast majority of his work is apolitical. The influence of his political songs can't have been that great, as the generation that grew up with them are no more - or less - left-wing or revolutionary than previous generations. And as for punk rock bands exerting a political influence, you are joking, aren't you? Take away the posturing radical chic of the Clash, Weller and a few others, and you're left with a bunch of nihilistic numpties with nary an original thought between them. Hardly the stuff of revolutions!
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