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Old 13-10-2007, 23:54   #46
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Re: Camerons Speech

Cyfr,People can still say they were listening to economists and have read it.. Whats your problem?
Cyfr the definition of an economist is an Aberdonian hotel owner,/ Pub Landlord, adjusting the price of the whisky five minutes before closing time! Cameron get's his ideas from thie thinest book in the world "The Jewish Gift Book."
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Old 14-10-2007, 00:18   #47
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Re: Camerons Speech

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
Cyfr the definition of an economist is an Aberdonian hotel owner,/ Pub Landlord, adjusting the price of the whisky five minutes before closing time! Cameron get's his ideas from thie thinest book in the world "The Jewish Gift Book."
Might have been from the Al Capone book on paying tax.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 14-10-2007, 00:32   #48
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Re: Camerons Speech

Originally Posted by Cyfr View Post

Seems pretty clear to me without listening to some economist who you can't seem to point a finger at to give some evidence so I can try and understand what they were saying.
i missed this bit, whats your problem? i dont bother taking name and addresses of people on telly, i just listen too differant opinions,and also what they actually are. but i will point a finger at you and say you are an opinionated little prat. i know a few academics that are far more intelligent than me, but also they are dim when it comes to real life.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-10-2007, 00:41   #49
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Re: Camerons Speech

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i missed this bit, whats your problem? i dont bother taking name and addresses of people on telly, i just listen too differant opinions,and also what they actually are. but i will point a finger at you and say you are an opinionated little prat. i know a few academics that are far more intelligent than me, but also they are dim when it comes to real life.
Cashy. I do not know this misinformed burke Cyfr, from Adam or Eve, what I have deduced from reading his claptrap is that he is a fully paid for member of the 'silver spoon' brigade.never needed or wanted gainfull employment, and has embarked on a carreer as a porfessional student of bull**** and hypocondria( the last one he has a phd in.
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Old 14-10-2007, 10:09   #50
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Re: Camerons Speech

I think that personal insults are a bit uncalled for guys. Cyfr has every right to have an opinion and state it just as much as you have - you can't call him an opinionated prat when you're just as opinionated as he is. Just because you have more experience on your side doesn't mean you can get away with it.

I disagree with Cyfr on almost every political point but we have never once resorted to name calling - that's just unnecessary and to me indicates when someone feels like they've lost the argument!

Sorry Cashman and Ianto but just felt I needed to say something.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 14-10-2007, 12:02   #51
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Re: Camerons Speech

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I think that personal insults are a bit uncalled for guys. Cyfr has every right to have an opinion and state it just as much as you have - you can't call him an opinionated prat when you're just as opinionated as he is. Just because you have more experience on your side doesn't mean you can get away with it.

I disagree with Cyfr on almost every political point but we have never once resorted to name calling - that's just unnecessary and to me indicates when someone feels like they've lost the argument!

Sorry Cashman and Ianto but just felt I needed to say something.
fair enough yer entitled, but this is not the first time cyfr has made insinuations to me, and i do NOT regard that as a personal insult, just a statement of my opinion.if you think thats name calling- get real Gayle. i have been called many things over the years n dont bother me much,but someone who calls my honesty into question,no matter WHO it is, is on thin ice.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 14-10-2007 at 12:09.
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Old 14-10-2007, 18:05   #52
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Re: Camerons Speech

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I think that personal insults are a bit uncalled for guys. Cyfr has every right to have an opinion and state it just as much as you have - you can't call him an opinionated prat when you're just as opinionated as he is. Just because you have more experience on your side doesn't mean you can get away with it.

I disagree with Cyfr on almost every political point but we have never once resorted to name calling - that's just unnecessary and to me indicates when someone feels like they've lost the argument!

Sorry Cashman and Ianto but just felt I needed to say something.
Your right Gayle was over the top apologies Cyfr, late night post, sorry old boy, feel free to have a go back . Thank's for the backside kick Gayle, it was out of order.
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Old 14-10-2007, 18:23   #53
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Re: Camerons Speech

Like any political speech, his can be summed up in one word: Bulls**t. One of the benefits of being in opposition, is that one can make promises that one can break at one's leisure after taking office. The one demand of the Chartists that we need in our democratic systems is annual parliaments. Or, given that voters have such short memories, monthly or even weekly parliaments.
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Old 16-10-2007, 17:23   #54
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Re: Camerons Speech

I sure hope you have some up and coming back-benchers. Although, as of this moment, things are not looking too promising. England has already given up half of its sovereignty to the EU........and which party is going to give you a referendum on that? You are neck deep in political correctness. Your Church is falling apart. Muslims, (quite a few of them radicalized), are likely to be taking over many of your major cities in the not too distant future. I doubt that either of the major political parties will make the slightest difference in the overall scheme of things.....unless you get some really good leadership.

Always remember......government reinforces failure.
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Old 16-10-2007, 20:02   #55
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Re: Camerons Speech

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
I sure hope you have some up and coming back-benchers. Although, as of this moment, things are not looking too promising. England has already given up half of its sovereignty to the EU........and which party is going to give you a referendum on that? You are neck deep in political correctness. Your Church is falling apart. Muslims, (quite a few of them radicalized), are likely to be taking over many of your major cities in the not too distant future. I doubt that either of the major political parties will make the slightest difference in the overall scheme of things.....unless you get some really good leadership.

Always remember......government reinforces failure.
Really good leadership eh. GW will be out of a job soon ... maybe he could be persuaded to lead England. The monarchy thing will be popular with the Bush family as they seem to want to establish a dynasty. And lets look at the state of the nation in the US. Economy taking a big s**t ... cities rotten at the core, taken over, not by muslims but by warring gangs. Once again the US wins the most unpopular country award. American national wealth being poured into yet another futile war (I don't think the Americans have beaten anyone since they eliminated that danger to world security, Grenada). The only "civilised" country in the world that seems to take pride and pleasure in hanging, the electric chair, lethal injection, and the firing squad. The country with the biggest drug problem, the most guns, the highest crime rate. The country where getting really sick will leave you really broke, or, if you have no money really dead.

People who live in glass houses etc.............
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Old 16-10-2007, 21:16   #56
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Re: Camerons Speech

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Really good leadership eh. GW will be out of a job soon ... maybe he could be persuaded to lead England. The monarchy thing will be popular with the Bush family as they seem to want to establish a dynasty. And lets look at the state of the nation in the US. Economy taking a big s**t ... cities rotten at the core, taken over, not by muslims but by warring gangs. Once again the US wins the most unpopular country award. American national wealth being poured into yet another futile war (I don't think the Americans have beaten anyone since they eliminated that danger to world security, Grenada). The only "civilised" country in the world that seems to take pride and pleasure in hanging, the electric chair, lethal injection, and the firing squad. The country with the biggest drug problem, the most guns, the highest crime rate. The country where getting really sick will leave you really broke, or, if you have no money really dead.

People who live in glass houses etc.............
I see you don't bother to mention the looming Clinton dynasty. Now why would that be? Wrong brand of politics, perhaps?

Frankly, I don't give a rip whether America is unpopular in the world or not - just so long as we don't follow down the same path as Europe, England and, yes, Canada.

Go ahead, keep regurgitating the rubbish you hear in the press. I live here and know what's real and what's manufactured. My opinion of the U.S. has remained stable ever since I first arrived on these shores in 1965. It's still the best country by far in which to live and work.
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Old 16-10-2007, 22:53   #57
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Re: Camerons Speech

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
I see you don't bother to mention the looming Clinton dynasty. Now why would that be? Wrong brand of politics, perhaps?

Frankly, I don't give a rip whether America is unpopular in the world or not - just so long as we don't follow down the same path as Europe, England and, yes, Canada.

Go ahead, keep regurgitating the rubbish you hear in the press. I live here and know what's real and what's manufactured. My opinion of the U.S. has remained stable ever since I first arrived on these shores in 1965. It's still the best country by far in which to live and work.
Ah, 1965, the good old days. Seems like the thinking of a lot of Americans, particularly the elected ones hasn't changed since then. America before the ass kicking in Viet Nam, when the boys in the south could still have a toga party followed by a good old fashioned lynching. Those were the days. And Americans are still trying to sell their system to the rest of the world! No wonder it is a hard sell. No wonder peoples are not lining up to have what the Americans have brought to Iraq. Want some anarchy, a touch of chaos, civilian deaths in the thousands, ruined infrastructure? While I still believe Cameron's speech is bs, and the same kind of bs that we hear from our politicians in Canada, he is trying to sell his politics to the British people in a democratic setting. He has no intention of trying to force it onto the rest of the world at bayonette point.
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