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10-02-2005, 23:18
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Re: Camilla - Charles
I was being distracted by a phone call at the time.
10-02-2005, 23:42
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Re: Camilla - Charles
For some one hes been sha#@ing for 30yrs she doesnt wear well. 

11-02-2005, 02:11
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Re: Camilla - Charles
ok ive got £5 says she dies in a tunnel within 5 years
i just wish i had put a fiver on dirty slut box die 
11-02-2005, 09:38
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Re: Camilla - Charles
I am AMAZED at how callous some people can talk of the dead!!!!. Considering such ones have never known the person, just built an opinion out of the gutter press 
11-02-2005, 10:29
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Re: Camilla - Charles
Originally Posted by simon
I am AMAZED at how callous some people can talk of the dead!!!!. Considering such ones have never known the person, just built an opinion out of the gutter press 
I'm sorry I didn't know you knew her on a personal level. 
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11-02-2005, 11:08
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Re: Camilla - Charles
im sorry but im absolutely disgusted with the name calling of Diana, "deranged slapper" oh come on so you telling me that if the girl down the road was married to a man for years and he wasnt the best husband so they broke up and she found a man who makes her happy that in turn she has made herself worthy of the name "deranged slapper" i dont think so.
At the end of the day maybe she wasnt the perfect angel but then come on who is?
I dont care what charles does its his life at the end of the day, and let him do what makes him happy if he wants to marry camilla that up to him hes the one who has to live with her!!
Talking ill of the dead should not be done, for one she cant answer back for herself and 2 would you like someone to call your mother a "Deranged Slapper".
Seems all of you knew her well to be able to pass judgement on her like that, well i didnt and i wont pass judgement on her or anyone else i dont know for that matter.
Well enough said on that topic and shame on you all.
11-02-2005, 11:23
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Re: Camilla - Charles
She needed a lot of men to make her happy then. I mean there was Hewitt, Will Carling, a couple of surgeons - all whilst she was a married woman. Maybe she was just really scared of the dark and couldn't sleep on her own.
As for deranged - lets see...anorexic, bulimic, manipulative, paranoid...the list is endless.
The lot of them could be on the front pages of Take A Break, never mind OK!
As for passing judgement - granted I never knew the woman on a personal level. Only through the media which she used to her full advantage.
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
Last edited by -pixie; 11-02-2005 at 11:24.
11-02-2005, 11:30
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Re: Camilla - Charles
So you think everything you read in the papers is true then ?
11-02-2005, 11:33
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Re: Camilla - Charles
Originally Posted by mick
So you think everything you read in the papers is true then ?
Where did I say that?
Diana gave numerous interviews, had millions of photos taken etc etc. Its hard NOT to build a certain image of someone when they are thrusting themselves onto your front pages every day.
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11-02-2005, 11:36
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Re: Camilla - Charles
So what was you doing in the room while she had these men with her? if it declaired in ok mag that the world was to end tomorrow you would really beleive it would you?
Can you always trust what they say and if your no fan of dianas why even bother to read what they say so that you can pass judgement the way you have!!
If she wants lots of male company then that would be her business not yours.
As for the "Deranged" i think if a person has a few problems in their life people like you dont make it any easier for them i just hope you never have a problem in your life like that god forbid it would make you "deranged".
I hope nobody ever has the problems you describe because that would be trully awful and i certainly wouldnt call them deranged.
11-02-2005, 11:40
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Re: Camilla - Charles
Like i said you read it you believed it but at the end of the day it dont give you the right to call people these hurtful names.
Would you like it if people started calling you these names?
No it probably wouldnt bother you because you would be a stong kinda person but to people who have the problems you have just outlined do you think it would do any good.
Its like being bullied in the play ground.
11-02-2005, 14:28
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Re: Camilla - Charles
diana was a ***** no doubts about it
the only thing thats different now is that she is a dead ****
yes she was the peoples princess
the peoples princess for a price , as long as you had money her knickers would drop when the price was right
if an every day woman acted the way she did she would soon pick up names like ******* , **** etc so why should she be any different
personaly i think the driver of her car only crashed because ******************
as you can tell i am no fan of the royal family or their hangers on
also i dont believe everything i read in the press but i sure believe what i see and hear like the phone recordings she made and letters she wrote
the press didnt record or write them and neither did the tv programs they only showed them to us
Last edited by PC Plod 3487; 11-02-2005 at 23:37.
Reason: Offensive, uncouth.
11-02-2005, 14:41
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Re: Camilla - Charles
Im sorry but for the language used i can tell your not very intelligent, so you dont warrent a reply!
11-02-2005, 14:43
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Re: Camilla - Charles
So Chav 1
you have met her and talked to her have you ?
I HAVE as she came round the place i worked for
and i can tell you she is a very nice person
11-02-2005, 14:59
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Re: Camilla - Charles
Originally Posted by mick
So Chav 1
you have met her and talked to her have you ?
I HAVE as she came round the place i worked for
and i can tell you she is a very nice person
public image all for show i would be smiling and stuff if i got paid thousands just to show up and be nice shes hardly going to turn up and start acting daft infront of the press is she
Im sorry but for the language used i can tell your not very intelligent, so you dont warrent a reply!
you just did .. DUH
next time i dont warrant a reply simply dont bother
sorry guys and gals but everyone has somthing they cant abide and mine is the royal family , if you dont like bad things been said about the royal family try www.kissroyaltysbum.co.germany
hang on i didnt swear once and if i did it would have been censored 
Last edited by chav1; 11-02-2005 at 15:16.
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