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Old 05-08-2004, 19:24   #136
God Member
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Just got back from a damp day in Morecambe.. litrally got the paper 5 minutes ago..

Its good news bad news....

GOOD is that the campaign seems to ahve worked and they are going to relocate it.... Dont forget thats what it was about..... highlighting accyweb was secondry and unfortunatly that didnt quite happen Shame...

But ....
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Old 06-08-2004, 09:11   #137
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

When the clock does come back no doubt the politicians will want to jump on the band wagon & stage a grand re-openining, What about suggesting that Atarah should be the one to cut the ribbon or whatever they plan to do?
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Old 06-08-2004, 09:32   #138
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

So if HBC have decided to keep it and are just looking for a suitable site then why haven't they replied to Kipax? I doubt if any further action has been taken by the council or any thought gone into the issue since it was dismantled. I noticed that there was no quote from anyone at HBC - this makes me wonder whether the issue has been worked on since this started or whether the Observer are just reporting HBC's statement from when the clock was first offered to them. Hopefully though this kind of publicity will force HBC to get their collective lame arses into gear. I believe that the idea of re-locating the clock has maybe been on HBC's agenda all along - but that the lack of a suitable place is the only (rather large) stumbling block. It would be nice of them to let Kipax know of their intentions instead of finding out through the local paper which worrying contained no official comment from the council.

Well done to all concerned including the Observer, but "protest meetings were organised" - don't you just love the press' poetic license?!
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Old 06-08-2004, 09:36   #139
Resting in Peace

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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

I'm sorry i missed all the protest meetings
if someone would kindly let me know when the next one is we will be there !!
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Old 06-08-2004, 09:50   #140
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

I also wonder if the whole thing is done.... I would like to see an official reply from HBC as to there intentions... We cant hold a newspaper article to them as proof of intention.

Well did anyone contact the council...I gave all the contact information and must stress again.. emails will probably be ignored by them..
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Old 06-08-2004, 13:18   #141
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Would it be feasable to contact the Sun or Mirror or even the news of the screws then the council couldnt back down?

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Old 06-08-2004, 17:01   #142
Resident Waffler

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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

I've just briefly come home for a couple of days in the middle of my holidays and seen the story on the front page of the Observer. On first reading the story it sounds like a success for the Clock Campaigners and that HBC have agreed that we can have it back somewhere ..... but now I'm wondering if perhaps all the Observer have done is to take the Accyweb side of the story as supplied by Kipax and apply poetic licence (or the newspaper equivalent) and arrive at premature conclusions. (Having been the subject of one of their rather erroneous reports myself I do understand not to take everything read in the Observer at face value)

Maybe we can be optimistic though in view of the fact that Greg Pope supports the return of the clock. Surely the council can't sit back and do nothing now or they would look rather foolish.

P.S. Wet in Morecambe yesterday wasn't it Kipax? We were there getting drenched too. We've had a few days in a soggy field at Carnforth this last week.

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Old 06-08-2004, 17:07   #143
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

For the record I didnt supply the observer with any story.... What details they have they must have got from this thread... I asked the observer for help to research what was happening to the clock and they decided to make a story ....on finding this out I asked not to be icluded in it not wanting any part of it...

How that translates to me supplying them with a story is beyond me??

Yeagh...nice and sunny when we set off... thunderstorms when we got there... so 15 quid for an hrs bowling.. could have done that here.... oh well
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Old 06-08-2004, 17:45   #144
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Originally Posted by KIPAX
How that translates to me supplying them with a story is beyond me??

Make allowances for the fact that I've not been here for a couple of weeks and the first I saw was the article in the newspaper, so then I looked in here for an update and saw posts which said that you'd been in contact with the Obsesrver.

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Old 06-08-2004, 17:49   #145
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Its not that important i just wanted to make sure no one else coming along would think I supplied that story to the observer. based on your post... just clearing the air
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Old 06-08-2004, 17:52   #146
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Any idea who supplied them with the photo because it looks remarkably like one of mine. Click 'The Arndale Clock' in my signature below and you'll see my original.

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Old 06-08-2004, 17:56   #147
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Absoloutly no idea... as I say i didnt want to be any part of it so kept out.... You should be able to tell if its the same.. no way could two be taken from exact same angle IMHO
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Old 06-08-2004, 19:05   #148
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Yep that definitely looks like my original photo. In which case did they get it from the website? Did they ask if they could use it? Or is it taken for granted that any photo on the internet is in the public domain unless copyright is stated.

Here is my original pic and then again with the Observer one shrunk to fit and superimposed.
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Old 06-08-2004, 19:13   #149
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

In which case did they get it from the website? Did they ask if they could use it?
Well I am guessing they didn't ask you so you should be able to answer that one yerself .

Where they got it from is another question entirely. I suppose anyone could have copied it and then give it to the Observer.

yer never gonna find out until you ask them...
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Old 06-08-2004, 19:13   #150

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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

The observer did ask me if they could use content from accringtonweb - to which I said yes - of course I'm not going to say no if I'm expecting publicity for the site. I wasn't aware any photos where here and just expected quotes from the site. So maybe this is my fault?
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