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Old 14-02-2004, 17:24   #1
Senior Member+

Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Hi, would anyone be interested in getting together and attempting to try to keep the clock, just so that, for once, we, the people, get a say! Aint a clue how to go about it, but perhaps we could all inundate the Observer with a letter, to be in before lunchtime on Wednesday and even ask them to help. You never know, it might just work. We would have to contact the manager of the Arndale too and try and find out just who is going to put the cafe there and why they wont consider "working around the clock".

Remember when the clock on legs in Peel Street went, we were told that would be coming back .. but .... it never did!

Well I never! Just looked on a search engine, and Andy Plant, the designer of our clock, has his own web site.

Last edited by Atarah; 14-02-2004 at 18:10.
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Old 12-07-2004, 19:35   #2
Resident Waffler

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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

I wonder what Andy Plant thinks of his clock being removed?

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Old 12-07-2004, 19:41   #3
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Yes I would be very interested in your idea
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Old 12-07-2004, 19:43   #4
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Last edited by WillowTheWhisp; 12-07-2004 at 19:57.
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Old 12-07-2004, 19:44   #5
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

And look at our poor old clock there right at the beginning.

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Old 12-07-2004, 19:44   #6
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Sorry Willow.. found it on first search and then edited my response before seeing yours... Never mind though others will want the url I am sure...
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Old 12-07-2004, 19:49   #7
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Do we know

Who owns the clock
Who is responsible for the clock (May or may not be owner)
Who decided to remove it from Arndale
Was there any notice of the removal
Was the people of Accrington asked there views
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Old 12-07-2004, 19:56   #8
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

All I know is that Andy Plant was there when it was removed and he did the dismantling. I just found that out after I posted the above query as to him knowing about it or not.

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Old 12-07-2004, 20:02   #9
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

How do you know? Its probably important if he was all for it being removed do you think?
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Old 13-07-2004, 10:12   #10
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Maybe this thread is in the wrong place?

I am dissapointed that there hasn't been a whole load of responses to this. I would have thought this kind of thing is exactly what accyweb community could get there teeth into. something we can make a difference with . I think its an excellent suggestion by Atarah ..
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Old 13-07-2004, 10:32   #11


Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

Originally Posted by KIPAX
Maybe this thread is in the wrong place?

I am dissapointed that there hasn't been a whole load of responses to this. I would have thought this kind of thing is exactly what accyweb community could get there teeth into. something we can make a difference with . I think its an excellent suggestion by Atarah ..
I do agree with you KIPAX, I think the original idea was an attempt to get the local community involved in a local issue that can end positively for once.

However, and risking increased criticism - from my prospective, being out of town limits the input I can give to this situation and also more importantly for me….I think the B***** thing is horrendous. It doesn’t even have a heritage value for me dating from the late 80s as opposed to some of the historic buildings that are under constant threat of irreversible change or destruction…

My biggest problem is I want to support Atarah as an individual in this endeavour, which means that I going to make myself look a little two faced (in the contradictory sense) by supporting the cause.

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Old 13-07-2004, 10:39   #12
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

I gotta admit I wouldn't like it in my back garden

However when I first moved to Accy it was one of the first things that got noticed and even more so when I found out it opened on the hour.. we took the kids specialy to see this momentous event.. For me its always been a part of Accy...

Its unique (I think?) and its a talking point.. its one of the things people remember when they visit.... love it or hate it..its an accy thing and has been taken away... for a cafe ?

I really do think the people of Accrington should have been consulted and a new home should have been found... If it hasn't been scrapped then I believe people power can get it back... get it soemwhere and hell why not even get it working again?

Or we can sit back and do nothing as seems to be the case for the majority of accyweb users
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Old 13-07-2004, 10:41   #13
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

I didn't come to this website until quite a while after this post was originally made. I found out about the clock being removed only when talking to some of the people who were actually removing it!

If I'd known beforehand then I probably would have given my full support to keeping the clock as it was one of our very few landmarks. Any town that has to label a railway viaduct as a tourist attraction needs all the landmarks it can lay its hands on.

The workmen did say that the clock was being removed and would be repaired and relocated - but no mention of any idea as to where.

Perhaps it isn't too late to ask. Who owns it? Does Hyndburn Council own it or the owners of the Arndale Centre? (too many "owns" in that but I can't be bothered trying to reword it)

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Old 13-07-2004, 10:50   #14
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

I am more than happy to contact the council / arndale and see what I can find out. However I dont want to do this if someone else (Atarah?) already has?

Obviously its too late to stop it being taken down and I doubt we could ahve anyway... But can we get it back up somewhere.. thats the idea and in that case we need to know who owns and who is responsible then we can contact them.
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Old 13-07-2004, 10:52   #15
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Re: Campaign To Keep The Arndale Clock

It wouldn't hurt if you asked the Arndale would it? haven't I read on here somewhere that it's now stored in the basement somewhere? Have you ever been down there? It's a very interesting labyrinth.

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