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Old 11-03-2005, 23:52   #1
Resident Waffler

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Can we all have one?

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Accrington Web
Old 11-03-2005, 23:58   #2
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Can we all have one?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
It wouldn't be practical for us all to have one, but from now on we can do our fly-tipping around that area with a clear concience knowing that there is some-one that will clear it up (or else he faces an official reprimand for not being up to the job!).
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 12-03-2005, 00:02   #3
Senior Member+
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Re: Can we all have one?

Can I be a little suspicious here...???

Could housing association ACCENT be trying to get in hyndburns good books here.. so they have first dibs on property or land going in the area??????

At only the price of one mans wage for a year???
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Old 12-03-2005, 00:12   #4
Resident Waffler

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Re: Can we all have one?

That's all very well Less but how do I persuade Hyndborg Council to do it's fly tipping over there instead of down Willows Lane in general and my front garden in particular?

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Old 12-03-2005, 00:23   #5
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Can we all have one?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
That's all very well Less but how do I persuade Hyndborg Council to do it's fly tipping over there instead of down Willows Lane in general and my front garden in particular?
Nature abhors a vacuum, therefore because the whole of the Hyndburn area is covered in an equal amount of rubbish left by bin men fly tippers etc. etc. as soon as this Janitor commences with his task, (no doubt with a great deal of enthusiasm to begin with) this will create an imbalance in the area causing rubbish from the surrounding areas to be immediately sucked into the space now available. This will have an effect something similar to the ripples in a pond heading away from the centre of disturbance until equilibrium is maintained once more, if however we can keep this guy working 24/7 for the alloted time that the association are prepared to pay for him (or until he gets really p*ssed off because it's such a thankless task), then it could make a difference even to the amount of rubbish strewn round your area Willow.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 12-03-2005, 00:32   #6
Resident Waffler

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Re: Can we all have one?

You have comforted me with your words of wisdom oh illustrious one.

Now it's really time I was off to bed.


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Old 12-03-2005, 00:35   #7
I am Banned
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Re: Can we all have one?

i know hynburn council could do a lot better with tidyin rubbish but maybe if people were taught how to use bins it would help the rubbish situation

when i was growing up there used to be adverts and campaighns like keep britain tidy

take a walk near mcdonalds the bushes and streets in the surrounding area are littered with takeaway boxes , beer bottles etc

people are so quick to empty the contents of their pockets onto the street and throw their takeaway food on the floor but whine and cry when accy becomes a tip

some people in accy would pee in the water fountain and complain abut it tasting of urine
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Old 12-03-2005, 09:55   #8
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Re: Can we all have one?

Originally Posted by simon
Can I be a little suspicious here...???

Could housing association ACCENT be trying to get in hyndburns good books here.. so they have first dibs on property or land going in the area??????

At only the price of one mans wage for a year???
You may well have something there simon

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Old 12-03-2005, 10:34   #9
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Re: Can we all have one?

If people were to take more pride in the area were they lived and cleaned up after themselves,there would be no need for a caretaker.
Yesterday my blue box decided to take a wander along the road with the items strewn all over the place. But because i take pride of where i live i went out cleaning all the mess up. Now some people i know of in the area would have just left it.
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Old 12-03-2005, 17:05   #10
white rabbits

grannyclaret's Avatar

Re: Can we all have one?

Originally Posted by janet
If people were to take more pride in the area were they lived and cleaned up after themselves,there would be no need for a caretaker.
Yesterday my blue box decided to take a wander along the road with the items strewn all over the place. But because i take pride of where i live i went out cleaning all the mess up. Now some people i know of in the area would have just left it.
janet you can be proud of yourself ....10 out of 10.girl
Not a full brick
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