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Old 18-09-2009, 00:20   #16
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Re: Cancer missed at the Vic

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
Ah but not for long once the media get their teeth into him .
Maybe .... but when any priveleged and powerful group like the medical community find themselves under fire, they do tend to circle the wagons to protect their own .... however, if he is a low ranking spear carrier he will be thrown to the wolves .... but there should definitely be a full investigation, preferably by an independent body, into the whole system. I suggest this because, in the high profile case in Newfoundland showed (I don't hav a link, but it should be somewhere on, the investigation found that the problem was worse, far worse, than it at first seemed, and that women's lives were being put at risk to protect the reputations of the guilty.
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Old 18-09-2009, 09:18   #17
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Re: Cancer missed at the Vic

This guy was a consultant Radiologist Eric, not some nocom, you have to ask the question how the hell did he get consultant status in the first place. People make mistakes in all walks of life, nobodies perfect, but when 18 people with cancer are missed and others with cancer cells are ignored there is something seriously wrong, if it had been one isolated case it would have been a tragedy for the person concerned, but 18 is bordering on the criminal
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Old 19-09-2009, 07:30   #18
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Re: Cancer missed at the Vic

I was under the impression that other members of staff at Accy Vic reported that they were not happy with this fellows work, but the higher ups delayed action, it is a shame for the hospital because I have always rated it as a good place whilst I have lived here, very rarely hear any bad about the place.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 19-09-2009, 08:20   #19
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Re: Cancer missed at the Vic

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
I was under the impression that other members of staff at Accy Vic reported that they were not happy with this fellows work, but the higher ups delayed action, it is a shame for the hospital because I have always rated it as a good place whilst I have lived here, very rarely hear any bad about the place.
Sorry, but is this backyard gossip or do you have anything to back this up , I'm sure the women involved would be interested in knowing anything that you know . If anyone has any information it should be out in pubic.

Not slagging you off , but in a case's like this where lives are involved there is a big difference between 'whistle blowing' and tittle- tattle . If anyone knows anything they shouldn't be afraid of coming forward .
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