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Old 19-02-2015, 15:13   #166
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

There are current trials of medical grade cannabis being undertaken in the search for a treatment for brain tumours.
It appears that the cannabis has a very active role in preventing the formation of blood vessels within a brain tumour.....and that those that are already formed are damaged by the active ingredient in cannabis.
So don't you think that this is a possibility in healthy brains too?
That this damage to blood vessels may be responsible for the change in personality of those who use this drug recreationally over long periods of time, whether in moderation or not?
I think you've cracked it there, Margaret!

Could explain a lot about AccyE.

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 19-02-2015 at 15:17.
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Old 19-02-2015, 15:34   #167
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
First the capability to understand,he has to master.
Yoda! Is that you?
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Old 19-02-2015, 16:01   #168
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
It really is that simple
Not that simple here in the Great White (and cold: -27) North. The laws concerning weed do cover the whole country ... but, different police forces do not enforce the laws equally in across the country. The only national police force we have, the RCMP, doesn't have all that much presence in most communities, except for the West ... in Kingston, you are not likely to run into them unless they bust the door down at 3:00 am with a warrant to search for evidence of terrorist plots. Most chiefs of police don't want to be bothered with simple possession ... or even minor trafficking. They would prefer to apply expensive resources in more important areas. Judges, altho' they rarely go on the record, don't want this mickey mouse bs cluttering up their dockets.

This is an election year, and tho' all three major parties have policies on what to do with weed, it doesn't seem to be causing too much of a stir. Voters tend to be more focused on the economy, health care, education and the poor performance of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Also the majority of Canadians (that would be 3% ... you can do the arithmetic) wouldn't have a shiite hemorrhage if it were decriminalized. And I for one would like to see this non-issue drift away in a cloud of aromatic smoke.
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Old 19-02-2015, 16:48   #169
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I know I said I was done..But hey, I am female I can change my mind(about some things).
If this program was to show that cannabis was harmless and a bit of fun you would be promoting the program with great gusto. You have posted athree minute clip and deem it a whitewash because it doesn't fit in with your thoughts on this drug.

There are current trials of medical grade cannabis being undertaken in the search for a treatment for brain tumours.
It appears that the cannabis has a very active role in preventing the formation of blood vessels within a brain tumour.....and that those that are already formed are damaged by the active ingredient in cannabis.
So don't you think that this is a possibility in healthy brains too?
That this damage to blood vessels may be responsible for the change in personality of those who use this drug recreationally over long periods of time, whether in moderation or not?

As to your thoughts that legalising the drug will make it safer and control the drug dealers....that will not happen. There will always be drug dealers on the street.....there is illegal trade in booze and fags and cannabis would be no different.....People will always go for the cheapest option.
Legalising cannabis would make the drug liable to a tax of some description(can you see any government willing to allow the use of something without slapping a tax on it?) would also send put the message that it is safe.

Now, I truly am done......if you want more of my thoughts on this subject there are plenty of them in the archives...Go search!

I don't think any amount of debating is going to change your firm view on this topic M,as usual,you'll make a calculated and informed judgement.....and that's fine I respect your opinion.
However,What I've a problem with is usual clowns proclaiming to know everything on the subject when it's obvious they haven't a clue and this is reflected in their opinions being made up of bile and bigotry.

Re the tv program I don't need to watch it to know that:
1. The presenter "Mr snow" has form with taking mind altering drugs.
Jon Snow acid trip experience: Channel 4 presenter reveals he once drove down the motorway high on LSD from spiked strawberry flan - Mirror Online
Which could contribute to any findings.

2.if your smoking cannabis for the first time you don't go straight onto vaporising "skunk" and assume you'll be fine to jump under a mri scanner etc without suffering a little anxiety....which I assume they'll try and portray as psychosis caused purely by cannabis use .... in short the program will be aimed at the feeble minded.
Will Ch4 (in the name of science and accurate research) be doing the same experiment, with more experienced cannabis users to achieve a broader, more representative set of results?Hmmmm

The list of damaging substances in the world is endless M,you could probably find a survey to fit any argument be it brain tumours,helping cancer and anything in between.

How would you say a responsible user of cannabis in uk,who uses cannabis to self medicate, should acquire it?
Carry on buying it from dodgy Dave on a rough housing estate? Perhaps,growing their own at the risk of becoming a criminal themselves?
Policing it doesn't work so why not let folk get it from a outlet where you choose the potency and get advice if needed (with a few buffers in place) this has got to be better than funding the criminal underworld?

The legal Cannabis market could be worth a fortune....... win,win as they say:-
Legal cannabis market 'would be worth £1.25bn a year to government' | Society | The Guardian

And for info on the licensing and regulation this is a interesting document:

Sorry, if this topic is boring you...I'm interested in hearing your thoughts (without searching the forum).
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Last edited by Accyexplorer; 19-02-2015 at 16:56.
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Old 19-02-2015, 17:53   #170
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
and 9/10 people on this forum actually know the meaning of that

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Well it may be cheap shots,but its n honest opinion.
I think he was alluding that you drink these Cheap Shots

Last edited by Restless; 19-02-2015 at 18:01.
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Old 19-02-2015, 20:07   #171
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Not that simple here in the Great White (and cold: -27) North. The laws concerning weed do cover the whole country ... but, different police forces do not enforce the laws equally in across the country. The only national police force we have, the RCMP, doesn't have all that much presence in most communities, except for the West ... in Kingston, you are not likely to run into them unless they bust the door down at 3:00 am with a warrant to search for evidence of terrorist plots. Most chiefs of police don't want to be bothered with simple possession ... or even minor trafficking. They would prefer to apply expensive resources in more important areas. Judges, altho' they rarely go on the record, don't want this mickey mouse bs cluttering up their dockets.

This is an election year, and tho' all three major parties have policies on what to do with weed, it doesn't seem to be causing too much of a stir. Voters tend to be more focused on the economy, health care, education and the poor performance of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Also the majority of Canadians (that would be 3% ... you can do the arithmetic) wouldn't have a shiite hemorrhage if it were decriminalized. And I for one would like to see this non-issue drift away in a cloud of aromatic smoke.
With regards to legalisation this article is quite interesting (to some).
Legal Weed Is Killing Mexican Drug Cartels | The Daily Caller
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Old 23-02-2015, 17:30   #172
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Re: Cannabis

This isn't particularly about weed; but it probably ain't worth a thread of its own ... and it is about drugs, the kinds that you get in drug stores.

It's been so cold here that there is little to do except stay inside (except when shoveling), drink, toke, screw, and watch TV. Come to think of it, apart from the TV thing, that isn't all that bad. But I've been watching so much TV that I've started to really take notice of the ads, particularly the ones for drugs. You probably get the same ones: in a thirty second ad you get 5 seconds of all the marvelous things the product does for you ... and 25 seconds of side effects: My fav is "May cause death." It makes weed seem not all that bad. And if you decide it's not for you, you can stop taking it without checking with your doctor.

As an aside, I remember my gran going to the herbalist for cold cures and stuff like that. And the only side effect was that they tasted like shiite.
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Old 23-02-2015, 18:42   #173
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
This isn't particularly about weed; but it probably ain't worth a thread of its own ... and it is about drugs, the kinds that you get in drug stores.

It's been so cold here that there is little to do except stay inside (except when shoveling), drink, toke, screw, and watch TV. Come to think of it, apart from the TV thing, that isn't all that bad. But I've been watching so much TV that I've started to really take notice of the ads, particularly the ones for drugs. You probably get the same ones: in a thirty second ad you get 5 seconds of all the marvelous things the product does for you ... and 25 seconds of side effects: My fav is "May cause death." It makes weed seem not all that bad. And if you decide it's not for you, you can stop taking it without checking with your doctor.

As an aside, I remember my gran going to the herbalist for cold cures and stuff like that. And the only side effect was that they tasted like shiite.
Programming for the weak minded E

On this side of the pond Dr's are more than willing to give us a prescription for a drug that is (possibly) addictive and even if it doesn't kill us it can have a list of adverse side effects.But yet we are unable to choose a non-toxic alternative like cannabis because of propaganda fuelled by the MSM etc

Some folk (like you and I) have experienced the reality of cannabis over a decade or two and because of that experience we are able to see straight through the propaganda that some are so easily duped by.
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Old 23-02-2015, 18:57   #174
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
yet we are unable to choose a non-toxic alternative like cannabis because of propaganda fuelled by the MSM etc
Really? Perhaps a browse at the following ......

First Woman in UK Dies From Smoking Marijuana: What is Cannabis Poisoning?
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Old 23-02-2015, 19:05   #175
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
I rest my case

We couldn't find anything else to blame and she had weed in her system therefore it must of been weed
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Old 23-02-2015, 19:10   #176
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
I rest my case

We couldn't find anything else to blame and she had weed in her system therefore it must of been weed
Don't rest your case, rest your brain, the strain of following one letter with another in an attempt to a reasonable sentence is obviously doing more harm than good.
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Old 23-02-2015, 19:12   #177
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
a decade or two
For me, it would be a half century ... For some reason, a half century sounds like more than fifty years, probably in the same way that a Rotten Ronnie's Quarter Pounder sounds like you're getting more than 4 ounces of "beef".

I also don't buy into the argument that the fact that weed "is illegal" ends any debate on the subject. Many things that were illegal when I was young are no longer so: homosexuality comes to mind, as do suicide, abortion, impersonating a Chelsea Pensioner ... oops, sorry about the last one; I'm not that old. Some things seem "naturally" illegal: murder, robbery, rape (altho' in some countries it's the victim who is punished), arson, and other usual suspects; but other things are up for debate ... or, in Canada, end up challenged in the Supreme Court. The illegality of certain drugs is a question of politics: "Will we get elected if we support decriminalization?"

Ontario has some of the most restrictive laws concerning the purchase of alcohol, not because we drink less than folks in Quebec, but because no Ontario political party has the balls to lighten up on the rules. It's politics, a euphemism for BS.
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Old 23-02-2015, 19:27   #178
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Don't rest your case, rest your brain, the strain of following one letter with another in an attempt to a reasonable sentence is obviously doing more harm than good.
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Old 23-02-2015, 19:32   #179
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Pathetic reply, but that IS you.
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Old 23-02-2015, 19:41   #180
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
I rest my case
There is no case. The article in question is used to highlight the fact that your assertion that weed is non-toxic isn't quite correct. There are levels of toxicity associated with cannabinoids that while they may appear negligible to frequent & hardened indulgers, they do have a cumulative long term effect on the user.
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