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Old 23-02-2015, 19:51   #181
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
There is no case. The article in question is used to highlight the fact that your assertion that weed is non-toxic isn't quite correct. There are levels of toxicity associated with cannabinoids that while they may appear negligible to frequent & hardened indulgers, they do have a cumulative long term effect on the user.
What pees me off is that everything I like is illegal, immoral, or fattening. Not original, but, at least, my version is grammatically correct.
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Old 23-02-2015, 20:20   #182
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
What pees me off is that everything I like is illegal, immoral, or fattening. Not original, but, at least, my version is grammatically correct.
That's fine Eric & as long as your Sheriffs continue to be relaxed about things you'll not be worrying about any pokey time. Where as here (and the UK) on the other hand.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 23-02-2015, 21:06   #183
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
What pees me off is that everything I like is illegal, immoral, or fattening. Not original, but, at least, my version is grammatically correct.
What pees me off is idiots that bring life to the forefront, do we need their input?
My answer is no, use it if you wish but don't think others need you to brag about using it.
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Old 24-02-2015, 01:34   #184
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Re: Cannabis

Say what you will about my under weight,over priced, dear "Mary Jane" the (mathematical) truth remains that smoking cannabis is less harmful than drinking alcohol yet some idiots (who we certainly don't need the input of) boast no end about drinking in their local establishment

But I guess that's how the war on drugs has to be fought.'Facts' will only undermine the war on drugs.
Take Professor Nutt (I know, not the best example):-
"Sacked – for telling the truth about drugs".
Sacked – for telling the truth about drugs - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Cannabis only became illegal through propaganda of a Egyptian delegate,and believe it or not, my source isn't Beano......this time
How Cannabis was Criminalised
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Old 24-02-2015, 02:20   #185
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Say what you will about my under weight,over priced, dear "Mary Jane" the (mathematical) truth remains that smoking cannabis is less harmful than drinking alcohol yet some idiots (who we certainly don't need the input of) boast no end about drinking in their local establishment

But I guess that's how the war on drugs has to be fought.'Facts' will only undermine the war on drugs.
Take Professor Nutt (I know, not the best example):-
"Sacked – for telling the truth about drugs".
Sacked – for telling the truth about drugs - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent

Cannabis only became illegal through propaganda of a Egyptian delegate,and believe it or not, my source isn't Beano......this time
How Cannabis was Criminalised
Forget about it ... facts don't matter; so, we don't need links. The divisive arguments are over. Nobody really gives a [deleted] about folks using a little weed now and again ... or even every day. It's relatively safe ... give or take a few side effects: the munchies can lead to obesity ... and relatively cheap. Not too many are going to rob banks or mug pensioners to get $45 to buy a quarter, an amount that would last me a week unless I sprinkle it on my Cornflakes for breakfast. It's not even a big political issue.

Decriminalization would be a plus ... but no body is getting time for simple possession any more. The heat doesn't want to be bothered. Nor do the courts. It's kinda like jaywalking ... it's illegal but folks don't get busted for it. Some do get hit by buses ... Divine justice maybe. ... but there aren't too many donut munchers who want to waste their time writing a ticket. Overly restrictive laws against weed will crumble naturally, like the Berlin Wall.

Meanwhile, I'm sure that most of us would like our politicians to deal with more pressing issues ... yours will be different from ours ... but most of them can be reduced to "How can we put more money into our pockets." It could be "leaving the EU", or "building a pipeline to the West Coast to carry dangerous crude"; but those things, plus health care, education, racism, poverty, crime, taxes, regional disparities .... ok, you probably get the picture ... are way up on the voters' list of the problems they want their governments to address. Weed is way down on that list.

All debate about this non-issue is irrelevant ... it doesn't matter ... let it drop.
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Old 26-02-2015, 17:21   #186
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
The daily fail has come out and said that "Scientists show cannabis TRIPLES psychosis risk: Groundbreaking research blames 'skunk' for 1 in 4 of all new serious mental disorders"
Scientists show cannabis TRIPLES psychosis risk: Groundbreaking research blames 'skunk' for 1 in 4 of all new serious mental disorders* | Daily Mail Online

I like a herbal cig from time to time,it has many positive medicinal effects as well as being a fun for recreational purposes (imo).
The lengths taken to demonise cannabis because it can't be profitable for Big Pharma is both absurd and hilarious. Scientists being paid to reach a foregone conclusion isn't a new thing.....

....Then again, Perhaps I'm just in denial and I don't want to hear the truth.

Cannabis and mental health
It's very hard to get naturally grown cannabis these days and skunk (artificially grown stuff forced to grow faster in doors using special lights etc) the old stuff (grown naturally in fields under sunlight) was allowed to grow naturally in the wild and cultivated naturally and there is a big difference in chemical structure between them. As skunk is forced to grow faster some of the chemicals that cause well being are less, than the chemicals that cause psychosis which are more.

The reason why skunk has become more widely available is because the Drug Enforcment Agency's stops it getting out of the places where it grows naturally (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc) so effectively that it's less risky and more profitable to set up cannabis farms in the UK - where the majority of the stuff is now grown. So you could say that it's the War on Drugs that has forced users to take the stuff that is more damaging to their mental health. If people were allowed to grow their own in natural ways then there would not be the same damage done.
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Last edited by kestrelx; 26-02-2015 at 17:23.
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Old 26-02-2015, 18:53   #187
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
It's very hard to get naturally grown cannabis these days and skunk (artificially grown stuff forced to grow faster in doors using special lights etc) the old stuff (grown naturally in fields under sunlight) was allowed to grow naturally in the wild and cultivated naturally and there is a big difference in chemical structure between them. As skunk is forced to grow faster some of the chemicals that cause well being are less, than the chemicals that cause psychosis which are more.
While I agree it may be hard to get the weaker (sativa) grass type cannabis in today's market,I disagree with your "As skunk is forced to grow faster some of the chemicals that cause well being are less, than the chemicals that cause psychosis which are more" comment.
It would be just as easy for the 'hash in the attic' growers to grow the weaker sativa strains as apposed to the 'indica' strains that produce bigger crops and have bigger cash earning potential.

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
The reason why skunk has become more widely available is because the Drug Enforcment Agency's stops it getting out of the places where it grows naturally (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc) so effectively that it's less risky and more profitable to set up cannabis farms in the UK - where the majority of the stuff is now grown. So you could say that it's the War on Drugs that has forced users to take the stuff that is more damaging to their mental health. If people were allowed to grow their own in natural ways then there would not be the same damage done.
Hmmm, sounds like justification as M would say.
You could also say,while most drugs can be taken in limited quantities, with no adverse effects, the cumulative use of most have the ability to be particularly harmful with skunk being near the top of the list....and that's the reason it's illegal.
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Old 26-02-2015, 18:58   #188
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post

The reason why skunk has become more widely available is because the Drug Enforcment Agency's stops it getting out of the places where it grows naturally (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc) so effectively that it's less risky and more profitable to set up cannabis farms in the UK - where the majority of the stuff is now grown. So you could say that it's the War on Drugs that has forced users to take the stuff that is more damaging to their mental health. If people were allowed to grow their own in natural ways then there would not be the same damage done.
What a totally convincing argument! Such unarguable logic.
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Old 27-02-2015, 07:37   #189
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Re: Cannabis

Just because its grown naturally doesn't mean there isn't any naturally grown variety that is very strong. But most of what you would find here is forced unnatural strong. Whos to say that messing with nature does not have negative effects in cannabis just like it does everything else. Back in the early 2000's I tried some that was from a place called durban in africa. My friend(sadly now dead) had known somebody who lived in africa and had smuggled a little over when he visited england. It is very hard to grow here, one joint and I was completely out of it.

I know myself cannabis isn't that dangerous, however years down the line I have had bouts of depression and anxiety. But that could be attributed to 10 years of alcohol abuse, though many start drinking heavily because of depression and not the other way around. I am a good case to show that perhaps it might have long term negative effects on some people
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Old 27-02-2015, 08:16   #190
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Re: Cannabis

Rob it is always hard to look back and decide which of our actions might have caused problems.
I just hope that you can look back and realise that you have learned something about life, about yourself and are a stronger person for that.
We are all the sum total of our experiences. Sometimes it is very hard to confess that some of our actions were ill considered, detrimental even.
Stay strong and stay well.
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Old 27-02-2015, 09:35   #191
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
If people were allowed to grow their own in natural ways then there would not be the same damage done.
True Marijuana cannot be grown naturally in our climate - hence the need for a multitude of growlights, therefore heavy usage of electricity which leads to theft of electricity, otherwise the Electricity Companies would soon inform the Police of unusual consumption.
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Old 27-02-2015, 12:59   #192
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
True Marijuana cannot be grown naturally in our climate
Wrong - I can't say why
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Old 27-02-2015, 13:17   #193
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Re: Cannabis

ps - the sun wasn't stronger 30 years ago that I know of

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Old 27-02-2015, 14:13   #194
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Re: Cannabis

I don't think today's "skunk" is that much stronger than the green stuff of the 70s tbh.....The reason folk started growing it here in the UK (about the mid 80s) is because the imported resin stuff was being cut with a array of toxins, folk didn't want the quality to deteriorate further so "users" responded to the cut (weak) stuff by growing their own.....not an ideal climate,but not impossible...then they introduced artificial techniques to try restore some of the quality that had been lost.
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Old 27-02-2015, 16:06   #195
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Re: Cannabis

How hemp moved back into the agricultural mainstream | Environment | The Guardian

extract -
"The ban on hemp cultivation, imposed in 1971 under the Misuse of Drugs Act, was finally overturned in 1993. Campaigners successfully argued that although industrial hemp was a variety of the cannabis plant, it could be grown as a legitimate crop as it contained practically no tetrahydrocannabinol, the property that gives marijuana - a different strain of cannabis - its potent effect."

Hemp can be used to make fabric (an alternative to cotton) and paper.
Using hemp for these is less damaging to the environment

"On an environmental level, this makes sense. Research by the Stockholm Institute has concluded that the "ecological footprint" of hemp is lower than polyester and half that of cotton. Unlike hemp, cotton needs huge amounts of water, herbicides and pesticides to help keep it disease-free. "The world has reached its limit on cotton production," says Sue Riddlestone, a director at BioRegional. "We need to find an alternative to cotton that we can produce in volume and, with the right technology, hemp could provide the answer, as well as being far kinder to the environment."

This just adds to my statement that cannabis is naturally growable in UK.

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