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Old 30-06-2015, 22:22   #286
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
I have seen someone try it around 20 years ago. No idea why he would think you could. Set fire to whisky and breathed in the fumes... as you would expect nothing happened
I was running a job in Sardinia (RAF Decimomanu?) and we were staying in Cagliari. One of the favourite tipples was Sambuca - shot glass with coffee beans floating on top, set on fire. Just about a colourless flame, put beer mat on top and then down it once the flames were out. One guy didn't quite get it right - he never had a problem with nasal hairs ever again.
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Old 12-08-2015, 09:54   #287
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Re: Cannabis

Is this finally a step in the right direction?
First legal 'Charlotte's Web' cannabis oil to go on sale in the UK | Metro News

Probably no good for the tokers but it may well help some folk and lay foundation for the future medicinal use.
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Old 12-08-2015, 11:58   #288
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Re: Cannabis

No wonder the Country is in the state it is, as the quote below from the article shows:-

"A recent petition calling on the Government to make the production, sale and use of cannabis legal in the UK was signed by 200,000 people in less than a week."

Yet a petition started at the beginning of August, "a vote of no confidence in the prime minister, call me Dave & his abysmal handling of the Calais crisis" so far stands at 12,428 (at the time of writing)

Dismal & dire to my mind, what pitiful depths the once respected & extolled "great Britain" has sunk too!

I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 13-08-2015, 15:03   #289
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
No wonder the Country is in the state it is, as the quote below from the article shows:-

"A recent petition calling on the Government to make the production, sale and use of cannabis legal in the UK was signed by 200,000 people in less than a week."

Yet a petition started at the beginning of August, "a vote of no confidence in the prime minister, call me Dave & his abysmal handling of the Calais crisis" so far stands at 12,428 (at the time of writing)

Dismal & dire to my mind, what pitiful depths the once respected & extolled "great Britain" has sunk too!

It doesn't get much better in a lot of other Western nations ... too much political correctness fouling things up. No doubt, like most Britons, Cameron would love to put up a big sign on the White Cliffs ... something like: "[deleted] Off; We're Full." But he can't; ain't politically correct. He must envy Kim Jong-Un and the leaders of ISIS; they can do what the hell they like. Probably the Israelis too. No pussy-footing around from those guys when they are threatened. Of course, they don't have a choice; just look at a map and you can figure out why.

The Donald is probably the only honest man seeking office. But when you have billions of bucks, you can say whatever is on your mind, even if it offends many folks. Seems that by saying what's on his mind The Donald has struck a chord with many Americans, especially south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and in trailer parks across Texas and Oklahoma.
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Old 08-09-2015, 00:42   #290
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Re: Cannabis

I have ordered a Medipen
which is a legal way to vape cannabis oil.
I don't expect any 'high' from it but it will will be a way for me to 'vape'.
I haven't bought any conventional vaping gear because I don't like the list of chemicals that are likely to be in them.

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Old 09-09-2015, 13:57   #291
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Re: Cannabis

Here in California we are one election cycle away from some sort to legal open carry/use law. The County of Mendocino is estimated to produce $10 Billion of high grade pot and the State would like to tap it's tax revenue.
As far as drugs go it is fairly benign and there are enough well charted medical benefits to validate it as a therapy. The only wrinkle is the driving while impaired aspect,but even this is far less of a threat then a drunk behind the wheel.
The police have far more serious things on their plate than to run around busting potheads and citizens don't need to rack up a record for this minor and fairly victimless crime.
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Old 13-09-2015, 11:54   #292
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Re: Cannabis

I started vaping cannabis oil 3 days ago.
I used to take 6 or 8 paracetemol a day to relieve arthritic neck pain. I have only taken 2 paracetemol in the 3 days I have been vaping.

I can recommend it for chronic pain.
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Old 13-09-2015, 13:28   #293
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I started vaping cannabis oil 3 days ago.
I used to take 6 or 8 paracetemol a day to relieve arthritic neck pain. I have only taken 2 paracetemol in the 3 days I have been vaping.

I can recommend it for chronic pain.
I'm glad you found it useful M,it's been used for pain relief for hundreds of years.
The only thing I woud say is,find out what dosage you require for your relief and don't exceed it.
Where did you acquire your "oil"? is it 100% THC oil that you can use in a electric vaping machine or is it the manmade stuff?
I've a friend who has arthritis and I pretty sure she could benefit from vaping canaabis oil.
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Old 13-09-2015, 16:50   #294
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Re: Cannabis

I found two suppliers of legal vaping gear. - a blend of cannabis oil (THC removed) and coconut oil - hemp oil (lower CBD strength)

I bought a Medipen because it has much more of the effective ingredient for only slightly more money.
Both are expensive !
Medipen 1ml cartridges cost £24.97 each

Bottles for refills are not available
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Old 13-09-2015, 22:38   #295
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Re: Cannabis

I'm surprised you can't get them free on the NHS,they seem to give everything else away,I've heard of the higher CBD strains also being used (effectively) in treating paediatric epilepsy.
If they use it for aiding children's symptoms ,It's got to be better for you than big pharm's poison
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Old 13-09-2015, 23:38   #296
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Re: Cannabis

I really have no alternative for effective pain relief.
I have had nasty side effects from codeine and ibuprofen.
Paracetemol is the only pain killer that doesn't give me side effects, but it it doesn't provide fully effective relief.

I have had this pain problem ever since distalgesic (Co-praximol) was removed from the NHS prescription list - that was following Dr Kelly's (alleged) suicide, but I suspect is was due to their cost, rather than being the favourite drug for suicides. I consider the main cause of suicide is PAIN.

I am thankful that this vaping cannabis is legal, even though it will cost me more than tobacco would. I'm just glad that I can afford it - most pensioners can't. I expect that it eventually will be highly taxed - then I will have to consider going 'illegal'

Last edited by MargaretR; 13-09-2015 at 23:41.
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Old 14-09-2015, 06:59   #297
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Re: Cannabis

Medicinal cannabis is available on prescription for some conditions.
It is in tablet form and was being trialled before I left the NHS in 2002.
It is called Sativex.
Patients with MS are prescribed it a mouth spray and it is used to relieve the neuropathic symptoms.
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Old 14-09-2015, 09:21   #298
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Re: Cannabis

It's common knowledge that lots of big pharma's drugs are not effective,produce undesirable side effects and can also be highly addictive.
It's also common knowledge that the sativa strains of cannabis have 'many' medical benefits and the only side effects are a little euphoria and perhaps a 'phycological addiction'.

It's just more madness from those dopey (deleted) that are out of touch and in power.....a vested interest perhaps? Hmm,I guess money talks and effective cures can walk.

Personally,I wouldn't blame you if you choose the illegal route M,After all who in their right mind would pay for big pharma's poison if they could get effective pain relief without the side effects for a fraction of the price.
Whatever folk may think about cannabis,we all deserve the chance to live a pain free life without legality getting in the way.
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Last edited by Accyexplorer; 14-09-2015 at 09:24. Reason: Under the influence of cannabis
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Old 14-09-2015, 14:27   #299
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Re: Cannabis

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Medicinal cannabis is available on prescription for some conditions.
It is in tablet form and was being trialled before I left the NHS in 2002.
It is called Sativex.
Patients with MS are prescribed it a mouth spray and it is used to relieve the neuropathic symptoms.
Sounds like a prescription for making simple things difficult ... whatever happened to buying a quarter for $45.00 and a fifty cent pack of rolling papers?
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Old 14-09-2015, 14:33   #300
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Re: Cannabis

No Eric, it isn't.
This is medicinal, doesn't need to be smoked.......and available on the NHS as relief for MS symptoms.
My sister in law suffers from MS and for a long time relied upon illegal sources of the substance.......she now gets the legal stuff in a mouth spray which helps a lot.
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