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21-05-2009, 18:36
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Re: Cannabis
PS - I have just looked at Mysupermarket.com - Tesco sell it. - Asda don't
21-05-2009, 21:16
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by MargaretR
I have recently looked into the nutritional and health benefits of hemp, and they are quite astounding.
The problem lies in that the public perception of the whole of the genus of hemp plants, and there are several varieties, has been coloured by misuse and criminalisation of use.
In Uk there is a farm producing hemp oil - and you can now buy it in supermarkets labelled Good Oil.
It has to pass rigorous gov tests to ensure that it does not contain any mind altering substance. It is better for health than cod liver oil and has good protein content.
You can use it as a skin moisturiser too.
I am having 3 big bottles delivered from Sainsburys next week 
Totally agree, its a topic people are miss-informed on, but most will not comment or have a blinkerred approach.
More than just medical, Paper, Food, Fule, Cloths it goes on and on.
Glad to see you have some on order. 
22-05-2009, 20:30
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Re: Cannabis
Living in the middle of an estate where i would say more than half of the residents smoke cannabis it is surprising to see that most of those i speak too admit they are addicted to it.
Quite a few cannot start their working day without having a joint.
I tried a few puffs on a joint several years ago and i was very sick. Have never touched one again.
23-05-2009, 11:47
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Re: Cannabis
If it was legalised it would be the weak stuff, there would still be a market for the strong stuff and I believe that it would increase criminal activity. People start off the the weak legal stuff but want to try something stronger so go underground. I mean who would only drink shandy when you can have a single malt ?
Also, tobacco and alcohol are easily taxed due to high quantity. Brewing your own tastes like crap, takes hours and might do you for a night. Tobacco requires the right weather and the land. Weed would be almost impossible to tax. Becoming self sufficient on weed is perfectly do-able, even on a joint a day. It would be impossible to tax and therefore there is no point in the government legalising it.
23-05-2009, 12:54
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by SamF
If it was legalised it would be the weak stuff, there would still be a market for the strong stuff and I believe that it would increase criminal activity. People start off the the weak legal stuff but want to try something stronger so go underground. I mean who would only drink shandy when you can have a single malt ?
Also, tobacco and alcohol are easily taxed due to high quantity. Brewing your own tastes like crap, takes hours and might do you for a night. Tobacco requires the right weather and the land. Weed would be almost impossible to tax. Becoming self sufficient on weed is perfectly do-able, even on a joint a day. It would be impossible to tax and therefore there is no point in the government legalising it.
That is why I dont think it should be legalised.
Decriminalise IMO would be a better option, introduce some sensable laws on usage and the amount you can legally have in you possession. This would free up police resorses as most police know weed isnt that bad a problem. If people where allowed to grow there own for personal use this could reduce crime as there would be less demand on the black market for it and the quallity would be better also for the user.
Also Hemp as a product has Many, Many uses people just hear cannabis and think of smoking it, when there are loads of other uses.
For example, if we harvested hemp to be made into paper we could reduce the amount of trees being cut down greatly. I read somewhere that 1 arce of hemp is the same a 4.1 acres of trees. Trees take years to grow, hemp takes about 3-4 months per crop.
23-05-2009, 13:12
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by Eric
Never used drugs, eh ... that means you have never taken a drink 
I used to drink like a fish Eric, but I can take it or leave it, he only drink problem I have now is I can't afford it  Ciggies are a drug too, but the first time I was asked to cut down by a doctor I gave up, haven't had one for 31 years. When we talk about drugs its chemical substances taken for kicks like Cocaine, Ecstasy and the like, I look at it this way, I put enough prescription drugs in my body ust to say alive, why would I want to smoke Cannabis for kicks
23-05-2009, 13:32
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Re: Cannabis
I'm a non smoker and never tried pot or skunk.
I cannot say that I don't do drugs because I do drink alcohol. I like to think I know the limit of my measure when it comes down to alcohol and hopefully have a good idea of what it does to me (makes me silly, melancholy and then I go bye-byes) and how I then appear to others.
I used to sniff glue while making Airfix kits until my nose got stuck to the rudder of a Fokker DR1 triplane.
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23-05-2009, 13:38
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by theprisoner
I'm a non smoker and never tried pot or skunk.
I cannot say that I don't do drugs because I do drink alcohol. I like to think I know the limit of my measure when it comes down to alcohol and hopefully have a good idea of what it does to me (makes me silly, melancholy and then I go bye-byes) and how I then appear to others.
I used to sniff glue while making Airfix kits until my nose got stuck to the rudder of a Fokker DR1 triplane.
Ya prisoner its a real fokker when that happens 
23-05-2009, 13:42
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by jaysay
When we talk about drugs its chemical substances taken for kicks like Cocaine, Ecstasy and the like, I look at it this way, I put enough prescription drugs in my body ust to say alive, why would I want to smoke Cannabis for kicks
Cocaine, Ecstacy are mane made, prepaired, bit like perscription drugs. and even perscription drugs are taken for kicks and are more dangeress.
Cannabis is straight from the ground, grown, dried and consumed, a natural herb, but what im trying to get across is that it has many other uses that are not being taken advantage of due to the stigma palced on it.
You may find cannabis could help you, have you tried it for you ailments? and you dont have to just smoke it, it can be made as a food ie cakes, cookies, drink, smoothy ect.
One other point is that you can regulate cannabis use, once you have popped a few pills you can stop the effects they are happening regardless, cannabis can be regulated by the user, once they have had enough they can stop the intake.
No one has been reported (As for as I know) from dying from cannabis alone, how many die from alchol and tobacco each year?
23-05-2009, 14:37
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Cocaine, Ecstacy are mane made, prepaired, bit like perscription drugs. and even perscription drugs are taken for kicks and are more dangeress.
Cannabis is straight from the ground, grown, dried and consumed, a natural herb, but what im trying to get across is that it has many other uses that are not being taken advantage of due to the stigma placed on it.
You may find cannabis could help you, have you tried it for you ailments? and you dont have to just smoke it, it can be made as a food ie cakes, cookies, drink, smoothy act.
One other point is that you can regulate cannabis use, once you have popped a few pills you can stop the effects they are happening regardless, cannabis can be regulated by the user, once they have had enough they can stop the intake.
No one has been reported (As for as I know) from dying from cannabis alone, how many die from alchol and tobacco each year?
The word abuse has always to be used Mr D when you talk about alcohol and baccy as for prescription drugs, its bad enough taking them to help your medical condition let alone taking them for kicks, I'm on one drug which is often abused and is very addictive, yet I only use for its intended purpose, even then only when required
23-05-2009, 14:47
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Thought I would bring this back into the debate, as since it was posted, Cannabis has been classified back to Class B.
Can you see any differences from when it was a class C?
This is one substance (HEMP) that is being so miss informed on its shocking. The uses that this could bring into the modern world should be allowed to be developed much more than it is now.
Propoganda is why its being classed as being so bad as it would be a danager to other Multi Million ££ $$ Business's.
The medical benefits need to be looked into more aswell.
I say Decrimanalise (SP). Not re Class, Even most police (The Good Ones) will not bother with cannabis as they know and see the real truth.
This and other recent post's shows were your thought's have been coming from lately, are you a recent convert?
Suddenly seeing the world through psychedelic glasses? Wanting a return to your missed youth?
So far as Cannabis is concerned, welcome new user as someone that has used it every day for over 40 years allow me to tell you first hand, it is not addictive, it causes no mental harm whatsoever, (KILL, KILL, destroy the vermin!), and you will soon find that when people ring up about a motor accident you will dribble down the 'phone, telling them, "Hey don't bother me with you're problems.... **** happens!".

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23-05-2009, 17:19
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Cocaine, Ecstacy are mane made, prepaired, bit like perscription drugs. and even perscription drugs are taken for kicks and are more dangeress.
Cannabis is straight from the ground, grown, dried and consumed, a natural herb, but what im trying to get across is that it has many other uses that are not being taken advantage of due to the stigma palced on it.
You may find cannabis could help you, have you tried it for you ailments? and you dont have to just smoke it, it can be made as a food ie cakes, cookies, drink, smoothy ect.
One other point is that you can regulate cannabis use, once you have popped a few pills you can stop the effects they are happening regardless, cannabis can be regulated by the user, once they have had enough they can stop the intake.
No one has been reported (As for as I know) from dying from cannabis alone, how many die from alchol and tobacco each year?
Tend to agree with this .... back in the 70s there was a study done in the US ... if anyone is interested, google National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, otherwise: The Shafer Commission.
23-05-2009, 18:26
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by andrewb
Well that's the point of the rest of my post. Clearly cannabis doesn't affect your mind. It's a lot harder to cure mental illness.
Theres increasing evidence to suggest that long term use of cannabis can lead to psychosis particularly among those starting in their teens, however its not the major cause of schizophrenia.Smoking joints can harm your cognitive function as well as increase the risk of serious respiratory illnesses.Cannabis is a trigger for mental health problems smoking it under the age of 18 can double your chance of developing psychosis.
23-05-2009, 20:23
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
Theres increasing evidence to suggest that long term use of cannabis can lead to psychosis particularly among those starting in their teens, however its not the major cause of schizophrenia.Smoking joints can harm your cognitive function as well as increase the risk of serious respiratory illnesses.Cannabis is a trigger for mental health problems smoking it under the age of 18 can double your chance of developing psychosis.
Provide links please
23-05-2009, 22:39
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Re: Cannabis
plus its a killer like alcohol if you drive or use machinery.i dont like this drug culture its only fueling the flames of anti-social behaviour and lining the dealers pockets.why should we the taxpayer pay for people getting stoned everyday and not working a day in their life and creating total anarchy.if labour do this i will never vote for them again.what happened to,drugs are for mugs its an effen disgrace..  
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