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23-05-2009, 23:58
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Re: Cannabis
Do you have an opinion about driving under the influence of Prozak?
Many prescription drugs alter mental states and perception.
24-05-2009, 09:17
Resting in Peace
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Do you have an opinion about driving under the influence of Prozak?
Many prescription drugs alter mental states and perception.
Don't mention Prozac to me Margaret, I was prescribed this about 15 years ago, I took 1 tablet around 15 years ago and it had me crawling up the wall, the most frightening experience I've ever had, just 1 25mg capsule could turn me into a shacking shell of a person in two hours 
24-05-2009, 10:33
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Re: Cannabis
used to smoke it a lot. A hell of a lot but dont touch it anymore, just alcohol for me now(which is infact one of the worst drugs hehe) i am not against canabis and there is nothing much wrong with it but some people abuse it too much and where its not addictive as such some become dependant on it and fool themselves into thinking its their entire life
24-05-2009, 10:37
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
Theres increasing evidence to suggest that long term use of cannabis can lead to psychosis particularly among those starting in their teens, however its not the major cause of schizophrenia.Smoking joints can harm your cognitive function as well as increase the risk of serious respiratory illnesses.Cannabis is a trigger for mental health problems smoking it under the age of 18 can double your chance of developing psychosis.
some african/jamican smokers of cannabis have the opinion that it is good for for ashma and breathing. Peter tosh the musician believed this to be true.
The thing is. resin form of cannabis is that when they make it they put all kind of chemicals with it... so you are actually smoking plastic hardners etc, of which i imagine can increase the risk of respiratory illness
24-05-2009, 10:45
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by Less
This and other recent post's shows were your thought's have been coming from lately, are you a recent convert?
Suddenly seeing the world through psychedelic glasses? Wanting a return to your missed youth?
So far as Cannabis is concerned, welcome new user as someone that has used it every day for over 40 years allow me to tell you first hand, it is not addictive, it causes no mental harm whatsoever, (KILL, KILL, destroy the vermin!), and you will soon find that when people ring up about a motor accident you will dribble down the 'phone, telling them, "Hey don't bother me with you're problems.... **** happens!".

Not at all, Im still in my youth.
Im may, or may not be a new user or have been a user for many years or even be a total none smoker, or I could know a large different group of users who show that most things that people say about the subject they are talking rubbish.
But is completely erelivent to the debate.
Originally Posted by Eric
Tend to agree with this .... back in the 70s there was a study done in the US ... if anyone is interested, google National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, otherwise: The Shafer Commission.
In US history, cannabis was banned in 1937, but before this it was used a lot, at one time in virgina it was ILLEGAL not to grow hemp.
Im sure I read something the Henry Fords first Model T was build to run a hemp gasoline and the car its self was constructed from hemp. (cant confirm if this is true or not),
Quite a intertsting read if you look into the FACTS.
Originally Posted by turkishdelight
Theres increasing evidence to suggest that long term use of cannabis can lead to psychosis particularly among those starting in their teens, however its not the major cause of schizophrenia.Smoking joints can harm your cognitive function as well as increase the risk of serious respiratory illnesses.Cannabis is a trigger for mental health problems smoking it under the age of 18 can double your chance of developing psychosis.
Joints contain tobacco.
Smoking it weed could cause psycosis, being a none smoke you can still suffer from psycosis, taking perscribed medication can cause psycosis.
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
plus its a killer like alcohol if you drive or use machinery.i dont like this drug culture its only fueling the flames of anti-social behaviour and lining the dealers pockets.why should we the taxpayer pay for people getting stoned everyday and not working a day in their life and creating total anarchy.if labour do this i will never vote for them again.what happened to,drugs are for mugs its an effen disgrace..  
Not all users are on the dole, infact the same can be said about alcohol.
Anti Social behaviour is more alcohol fuled, but this lines the goverments pocket so that ok.
Drugs are for mugs, So when the doctor perscribes pill's you tell him Im no mug and refuse the medication.
Originally Posted by jaysay
Don't mention Prozac to me Margaret, I was prescribed this about 15 years ago, I took 1 tablet around 15 years ago and it had me crawling up the wall, the most frightening experience I've ever had, just 1 25mg capsule could turn me into a shacking shell of a person in two hours 
That says a lot for a perscription medication.
24-05-2009, 10:52
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by Restless
used to smoke it a lot. A hell of a lot but dont touch it anymore, just alcohol for me now(which is infact one of the worst drugs hehe) i am not against canabis and there is nothing much wrong with it but some people abuse it too much and where its not addictive as such some become dependant on it and fool themselves into thinking its their entire life
I can agree with this, its down to abuse, most things can be bad for you if they are abused and no mater what it is they will always be people who use it different to others.
Originally Posted by Restless
The thing is. resin form of cannabis is that when they make it they put all kind of chemicals with it... so you are actually smoking plastic hardners etc, of which i imagine can increase the risk of respiratory illness
Yes its poision, I had a list at one time that showed all the things added, to UK Soap Bar (Solid/Resin) Nasty Stuff.
Green/Skunk whatever you want to call it is sufering the same with the fact its harder to aquire they are tainting it with, bits of glass, sand, silacone ect to increase the weight.
If people where allowed to grow there own the quality would be better and safer for the users.
24-05-2009, 10:57
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Re: Cannabis
Eurggh there are so many weak arguments being made remind me to come back to this thread in a couple of weeks.
24-05-2009, 11:53
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Green/Skunk whatever you want to call it is sufering the same with the fact its harder to aquire they are tainting it with, bits of glass, sand, silacone ect to increase the weight.
It must be these things dropping off my spliff that keep burning holes in my tea-shirt.
By the way isn't glass made of sand and isn't sands main constituent silicone? (apologies for spelling that word correctly).
Though I do find it shocking to think that a dealer in illegal substances would stoop to such underhand methods just to make some extra money.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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24-05-2009, 12:07
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by Less
It must be these things dropping off my spliff that keep burning holes in my tea-shirt.
By the way isn't glass made of sand and isn't sands main constituent silicone? (apologies for spelling that word correctly).
Though I do find it shocking to think that a dealer in illegal substances would stoop to such underhand methods just to make some extra money.

You need a better supplier.
No need to apologise for correct spelling, I cant spell, its educational for me to see my mistakes corrected, takes me back to being at school.
Glass, Sand, Silicone  must be some way connected then, happpen there is some connection to the mega corps and world domination.   
24-05-2009, 12:08
Resting in Peace
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Not at all, Im still in my youth.
In may, or may not be a new user or have been a user for many years or even be a total none smoker, or I could know a large different group of users who show that most things that people say about the subject they are talking rubbish.
But is completely erelivent to the debate.
In US history, cannabis was banned in 1937, but before this it was used a lot, at one time in virgina it was ILLEGAL not to grow hemp.
Im sure I read something the Henry Fords first Model T was build to run a hemp gasoline and the car its self was constructed from hemp. (cant confirm if this is true or not),
Quite a intertsting read if you look into the FACTS.
Joints contain tobacco.
Smoking it weed could cause psycosis, being a none smoke you can still suffer from psycosis, taking perscribed medication can cause psycosis.
Not all users are on the dole, infact the same can be said about alcohol.
Anti Social behaviour is more alcohol fuled, but this lines the goverments pocket so that ok.
Drugs are for mugs, So when the doctor prescribed pill's you tell him Im no mug and refuse the medication.
That says a lot for a perscription medication.
But for prescription medication I wouldn't be here today 
24-05-2009, 12:10
Resting in Peace
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by SamF
Eurggh there are so many weak arguments being made remind me to come back to this thread in a couple of weeks.
Ah Sams back with the wealth of experience of all his 19 years 
25-05-2009, 17:50
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Re: Cannabis
fact. most druggies who spend most of there time smoking it have hardly any teeth left....
26-05-2009, 15:51
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
fact. most druggies who spend most of there time smoking it have hardly any teeth left....
Is this tobacco your referring to?
If not can you show where you get your FACTS from. 
26-05-2009, 16:01
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by ***Mr D***
Is this tobacco your referring to?
If not can you show where you get your FACTS from. 
Whatever do you need fact's for? Just make them up as you go along, it seems to have worked for you so far.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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26-05-2009, 16:04
Resting in Peace
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Re: Cannabis
Originally Posted by Less
Whatever do you need fact's for? Just make them up as you go along, it seems to have worked for you so far.
   Nice one Less 
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