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Old 17-06-2013, 19:06   #31
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

50p, that`s eggstortionate.
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Old 17-06-2013, 19:09   #32
God Member

Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

when asked by police why accyman threw a frying pan at the MP he replied that "the egg was in it"
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 18-06-2013, 02:32   #33
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

Actually, no, I have read your posts Guinness and to be honest, they are insulting.

How on earth can you expect people to get involved and make the carnival a spectacle to remember if all you can do is belittle the efforts of those who have tried?

I am sorry the floats weren't up to your standard - but they were better than anything you put into the procession, which appears to have been nothing. I really hope you at least found it in your heart to donate to the collections for local causes, because if not, you have no right whatsoever to pass judgement - especially where your sweeping generalisations are downright incorrect:

"the fire service most definitely don't have a spare engine they can send along" : really???

"it looked pretty pitiful" "it was rag tag" - congratulations, you just put down a good 400 people (mainly children) who did their best - some of whom have already told me they are very insulted by your words:

"we don't have the industry to provide the volunteers" - here's one of our 14 volunteers helping us on the day:

We overcame a lot of obstacles to keep this event going - this very site blocked attempts to promote this years event (ironically enough, because we didn't follow the rules).

It is very easy to sit behind a computer and criticise anonymously, but I felt the need to defend the many people you have angered and disparaged. Constructively criticise the way the event was organised, by all means, but don't dare to criticise the few people in the area that did put some effort in.

You are, of course, welcome to attend any of our committee meetings in the future to discuss your feelings further.

Dave Berry
Carnival Organiser
[email protected]
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Old 18-06-2013, 06:34   #34
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

I didn't see the fire engine, quite prepared to eat my words on that one.

If people are upset, sorry about that too, wasn't my intention. And once again I'll say that there is no doubt that lots of hard work went into it. And your own personal conviction and dedication is obvious from your posts.

You are correct it's very easy to sit behind a computer and criticise. Doesn't change the fact that I believe it is a pale shadow of what it once was. And like I've already said...good luck next time
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Old 18-06-2013, 07:23   #35
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Next time we'll be in it to win it, lol.
I've heard a few people say that after this years, looks like it could get messy

Personally I thought this years carnival was a turning point in what had become an event which was gettiing smaller each time.

2 years and we can all take Gayle and her crew on and make it better
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Old 18-06-2013, 07:53   #36
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

Lovely pics and I would say to you....Very Well Done, for making a good job in very difficult circumstances....and more power to your elbow for the next one.

And if you can't get the MP to go in the cage, then maybe you could get a very vociferous conservative councillor(who has ideas above his station, and need not be named) to stand in.
I would come and chuck rotten tomatoes at him.
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Old 18-06-2013, 08:18   #37
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Lovely pics and I would say to you....Very Well Done, for making a good job in very difficult circumstances....and more power to your elbow for the next one.

And if you can't get the MP to go in the cage, then maybe you could get a very vociferous conservative councillor(who has ideas above his station, and need not be named) to stand in.
I would come and chuck rotten tomatoes at him.
I once remember a mate of mine who I was having a pint with in the local, he just said, out of the blue, I see your mate's putting up again, who's that I said, Britcliffe, I see he's standing for't council again, ya I replied, Can't stick the bloke myself, each to his own I replied, but I always vote for him, why's that I asked, he's the only one that gets out done.

Last edited by Neil; 20-06-2013 at 12:46. Reason: *'s
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Old 18-06-2013, 09:09   #38
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

Originally Posted by ffberryb77 View Post
Actually, no, I have read your posts Guinness and to be honest, they are insulting.

How on earth can you expect people to get involved and make the carnival a spectacle to remember if all you can do is belittle the efforts of those who have tried?

I am sorry the floats weren't up to your standard - but they were better than anything you put into the procession, which appears to have been nothing. I really hope you at least found it in your heart to donate to the collections for local causes, because if not, you have no right whatsoever to pass judgement - especially where your sweeping generalisations are downright incorrect:

"the fire service most definitely don't have a spare engine they can send along" : really???

"it looked pretty pitiful" "it was rag tag" - congratulations, you just put down a good 400 people (mainly children) who did their best - some of whom have already told me they are very insulted by your words:

"we don't have the industry to provide the volunteers" - here's one of our 14 volunteers helping us on the day:

We overcame a lot of obstacles to keep this event going - this very site blocked attempts to promote this years event (ironically enough, because we didn't follow the rules).

It is very easy to sit behind a computer and criticise anonymously, but I felt the need to defend the many people you have angered and disparaged. Constructively criticise the way the event was organised, by all means, but don't dare to criticise the few people in the area that did put some effort in.

You are, of course, welcome to attend any of our committee meetings in the future to discuss your feelings further.

Dave Berry
Carnival Organiser
I think You are being over sensitive, I've just re-read the first post:-

Originally Posted by Guinness View Post

I remember the days when there would be 20 or 30 brightly decorated wagons, pack after pack of cubs, brownies and guides, 2 or 3 JCB's for chucking your spare change into, followed by people picking up coins that had been missed. Displays by the army parachute (red devils?) team, fire engines, police dog displays, loads of stalls with games like hoopla and darts etc..etc..etc.

No doubt some very hard work has gone into this, but in the end it looked pretty pitiful. Is this something that should be consigned to history or am I remembering through rose tinted glasses and it was never very good?
He put forward an opinion that was all, nothing insulting and asked an important question, past it's sell by date?

It would appear that the answer to that question is no, it's smaller, yes but people do have an interest.

You made an attempt, you intend to do it again, well done for that, however this is a site about Hyndburn and it's district, he is a regular poster not someone sitting anonymously behind his computer, the result of the thread is I think positive, most people seemed to enjoy it.
don't dare to criticise the few people in the area that did put some effort in
Not only is he free to criticise onsite, I again think you are being oversensitive, without feedback you wouldn't know what he or anyone else thought of the efforts put in nor would we know that you
promise, 2015 will be bigger and better.
Isn't that a criticism? if it's going to be bigger and better then obviously you weren't satisfied with it as it was? Had it been perfect you may have said 'make 2015 just as good'.

I hope after the event in 2015 you come back on and thank him for giving you the determination to improve.
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Old 18-06-2013, 11:49   #39
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

Personally I dont think Dave was being oversensitive I imagine Dave and his team have put endless hours into preparing the Carnival for the people of the town and some of the language used in the original post was far from constuctive.

Once again we see the inner sanctum of Accyweb defending it's own - how dare a newby dare to question an established member (no doubt I'll now be told if i don't like it I should go elsewhere)

The other year a poster was castergated because they were promoting an event as part of the carnival but there must be an ulterior motive involved because they were new - is this really the way to welcome new members (tin hat on ready for the abuse from the usual suspects!!)

From me grateful thanks to the Carnival Committee in putting on the show, yes it is smaller than previously but it is the times we live in - lets look forward to the next being bigger and better
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Old 18-06-2013, 12:07   #40
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Carnival - past its sell by date?

Your opinion, reading too much into the in's and out's of AccyWeb as usual!
I bet Guinness is pleased, promotion at last, welcome to the clique!
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Old 18-06-2013, 14:07   #41
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

Guinness, I am intrigued. How did you get into the 'clique'?

Did you have to stand with your left trouser leg rolled up and your other foot plonked in a bucket of lukewarm tripe......did you have to promise to buy all the other members of the clique a pint of their favourite tipple...or was it something more saucy?

Please do tell. I have been here a long time and I haven't found my way into the clique yet...maybe I'm not trying enough
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Old 18-06-2013, 14:21   #42
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Carnival - past its sell by date?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Guinness, I am intrigued. How did you get into the 'clique'?

Did you have to stand with your left trouser leg rolled up and your other foot plonked in a bucket of lukewarm tripe......did you have to promise to buy all the other members of the clique a pint of their favourite tipple...or was it something more saucy?

Please do tell. I have been here a long time and I haven't found my way into the clique yet...maybe I'm not trying enough
When he divulges the secret can you let the rest of us know?

So we can join?

Life's strange, it won't be long before someone on the Carnival Committee, comes on here and tells us their insane ideas are always rejected by the main members.
I've said it before, if I am a member of the clique why has nobody official told me?
I for example, get nutters and frustrated newbies saying I am,
why doesn't someone print a certificate and issue it to we, the elite?
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Old 18-06-2013, 14:23   #43
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Your opinion, reading too much into the in's and out's of AccyWeb as usual!
I bet Guinness is pleased, promotion at last, welcome to the clique!
Just another know it all, that knows nowt, in my view. That probably makes me one of the usual suspects?
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Old 18-06-2013, 14:28   #44
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Carnival - past its sell by date?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Just another know it all, that knows nowt, in my view. That probably makes me one of the usual suspects?
Now that's a bit harsh!
Certainly not the way to welcome Guinness into the inner sanctum!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 18-06-2013, 14:32   #45
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Re: Carnival - past its sell by date?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Now that's a bit harsh!
Certainly not the way to welcome Guinness into the inner sanctum!
See what not quoting does pmsl.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 18-06-2013 at 14:39.
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