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07-02-2009, 12:46
Resting in Peace
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Re: Carole Thatchter
Did think the poll tax was harsh .. particularly if there were more than one adult in the house, however, as myself being one adult plus young child never thought the old rates system was fair either, as was paying the same as 'more adult' occupied houses.
Think the council tax now is pretty fair ... but that is because there is just me and get 25% discount. Still doesn't seem fair for 2 adults only though as against 4 adults in the next house. Never will be perfect, but council tax is a reasonable compromise.
07-02-2009, 13:29
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Re: Carole Thatcher
Originally Posted by jaysay
to right I did, it may have been good Idea for properties down south but for properties like here in Hyndburn it was ill thought out, the concept was okay, but the application was crass, to say the least. Because your a member of a political party doesn't mean you have to support that party come-what-may
I agree with you (must be one of the only times)  
07-02-2009, 13:35
Full Member
Re: Carole Thatchter
This topic has really made my blood boil, more than anything has for a very long time. Yes I know I need to get a life.
But common sense has to prevail it wasn't just a random black person. It was somebody who had a distinct look of a "very huggable Golliwog" just like the guy who looks like a thumb. Same difference.
07-02-2009, 13:41
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Re: Carole Thatchter
She was indiscreet but it wasn't worthy of all this fuss.
There are far worse words used on tv
07-02-2009, 15:01
Resting in Peace
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Re: Carole Thatchter
Originally Posted by MargaretR
She was indiscreet but it wasn't worthy of all this fuss.
There are far worse words used on tv
This is the second time in two days you made me nearly fall off my stoll, where do you come up with these pics Margaret    
07-02-2009, 15:20
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Re: Carole Thatchter
Originally Posted by jaysay
I look at the political cartoons before I read the news
The Independant is especially good for that
Opinion - The Independent
07-02-2009, 19:15
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Carole Thatchter
Originally Posted by jaysay
If you keep falling off your stool, either go more regularly, get a larger toilet or stop reading accyweb whilst you're in there!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
07-02-2009, 20:02
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Re: Carole Thatchter
Well looks like most posters have jumped to the defence of "Carole"... seems it's OK to call black people gollywogs because there was once one on a jar of jam or you had a gollywog badge when you were little... well jolly hockey sticks, I wonder if miss Thatcher would call Serena Williams that name in person?..no.. perhaps the prostpect of a swift right hander would have made her think better of it!
07-02-2009, 23:24
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Re: Carole Thatchter
Surely, the people most able to judge whether the remark's offensive or not are the people who would be on the receiving end of it. And as the vast majority of black people who have expressed their views seem to think that it is offensive to a greater or lesser extent, then, yes, she was out of order. But, in my opinion, the BBC have hugely over-reacted. A rap across the knuckles and an apology would've been enough. That odious creep Ross's humiliation of an elderly man was far worse and he's still kept his job complete with vastly over-inflated salary.
07-02-2009, 23:28
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Carole Thatchter
Originally Posted by Mancie
Well looks like most posters have jumped to the defence of "Carole"... seems it's OK to call black people gollywogs because there was once one on a jar of jam or you had a gollywog badge when you were little... well jolly hockey sticks, I wonder if miss Thatcher would call Serena Williams that name in person?..no.. perhaps the prostpect of a swift right hander would have made her think better of it!
not really a matter of defending her, matter of the big deal made of it. nowt in comparison to what "Ross" got away with.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
07-02-2009, 23:50
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Re: Carole Thatchter
like I say.. seems the reaction is to call black people gollywogs is no big deal.. why then don't you try it out on a black person? you all think it's no big thing..try it out.. call a black man/woman you do not know in person a gollywog.. then it could turn out to be a "big deal"...some do call black people niggers or nig nogs when in what they presume is an enviroment were no offence will be taken.. but for myself I don't like that sort of stuff.. because it puts me under pressure to laugh or confront that person... so again .. why call a black person a gollywog?.. and why should you get away with it?
Last edited by Mancie; 07-02-2009 at 23:56.
08-02-2009, 00:00
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Re: Carole Thatchter
Originally Posted by Mancie
like I say.. seems the reaction is to call black people gollywogs is no big deal.. why then don't you try it out on a black person? you all think it's no big thing..try it out.. call a black person you do not know in person a gollywog.. then it could turn out to be a "big deal"
I wouldn't dream of calling a black person a golliwog because I know they'd probably be offended. I also wouldn't dream of phoning a 78-year old man and leaving smutty remarks about his grandaughter on his ansaphone. The fact is that the BBC have been totally inconsistent in their approach. In fact, they've made things worse in Carole Thatcher's case by reviving a word which had by and large fallen out of common usage, all of which could've been avoided by a quiet reprimand behind the scenes.
08-02-2009, 00:11
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Carole Thatchter
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
I wouldn't dream of calling a black person a golliwog because I know they'd probably be offended. I also wouldn't dream of phoning a 78-year old man and leaving smutty remarks about his grandaughter on his ansaphone. The fact is that the BBC have been totally inconsistent in their approach. In fact, they've made things worse in Carole Thatcher's case by reviving a word which had by and large fallen out of common usage, all of which could've been avoided by a quiet reprimand behind the scenes.
dont think anyone would dream of calling em one, nor would i dream even less of doing what ross n brand did, some can't see the differance in severity.  n as fer calling a black person "nigger" as mancie says, i hear black people call each other that occasionally, n same with certain words of other ethnic origins, seems to me many of em don't make such a big deal or they wouldn't use it themselves, or is it only wrong for whites to use these words? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
08-02-2009, 00:14
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Re: Carole Thatchter
I'm not saying that carole thatcher should be punished up for calling someome gollywog.OK it's a word/description of something..nothing more, but do we all in everyday talk speak about black people as gollywogs? ..seems so.. move on ... sort yerselves out..gollywog.. niggers.. coon.. are accepted between black people.. as is pomme bastard between white people..but .come on .. we all know what is right and wrong to say in certian enviroments.. and to call someone a gollywog is not on.. it's down to the BBC what they deem as punishment.
Last edited by Mancie; 08-02-2009 at 00:21.
08-02-2009, 00:20
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Carole Thatchter
Originally Posted by Mancie
Carole is an orrible moron.. just like her mum.. dad .. and brother.. been banned (for a while) for calling a black tennis player a "gollywog"..slip of the tongue we may say..but how much longer do we have to suffer these people who recieve a very nice salary from the media letting their personal thoughts creep into an already sensitive situation... my view.. what a family.. the dregs of Maggie.
Originally Posted by Mancie
like I say.. seems the reaction is to call black people gollywogs is no big deal.. why then don't you try it out on a black person? you all think it's no big thing..try it out.. call a black man/woman you do not know in person a gollywog.. then it could turn out to be a "big deal"...some do call black people niggers or nig nogs when in what they presume is an enviroment were no offence will be taken.. but for myself I don't like that sort of stuff.. because it puts me under pressure to laugh or confront that person... so again .. why call a black person a gollywog?.. and why should you get away with it?
Originally Posted by Mancie
I'm not saying that carole thatcher should be pulled up about saying gollywog.. it's a word/description of something..nothing more, but do we all in everyday talk speak about black people as gollywogs? ..seems so.. move on ... sort yerselves out..gollywog.. niggers.. coon.. are not accepted in the real world.
make yer mind up you started the thread, think as in yer opening post, its you who is letting personal thoughts come into this. most sane people despise her mam, but this is summat else.   
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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