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Old 08-02-2009, 00:26   #61
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
I'm not saying that carole thatcher should be pulled up about saying gollywog.. it's a word/description of something..nothing more, but do we all in everyday talk speak about black people as gollywogs? ..seems so.. move on ... sort yerselves out..gollywog.. niggers.. coon.. are not accepted in the real world.
Of course I agree with you, but it does confuse people when words that were once used to demean a person, are then reclaimed. The past term of abuse is neutralised through a political reclamation.

A black person can call another black friend nigger, and that's ok.

The same thing has happened with homophobic names like queer.

Happily I think the vast majority of people wouldn't wish to offend anyone purely on the colour of their skin.

Perhaps Ms. Thatcher would have been ok to use the 'g' word, if she herself had been a golly.

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Old 08-02-2009, 00:31   #62
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
it's down to the BBC what they deem as punishment.
Oh is it indeed? Well, as far as I'm concerned, WE the British public have every right to make our opinion felt about how the BBC conducts its affairs because we pay their excessive salaries, their inflation-proof pensions, their self-indulgent programming schedules, the ridiculous fees they pay to non-talents like Ross (far in excess of what commercial broadcasters pay) out of OUR hardearned money. And from where I'm standing, they applied a totally inconsistent attitude to Thatcher's and Ross's misdemeanors and if I want to express an opinion about it, I sodding well will, so don't go telling me that it's "down the BBC" like they're some kind of superior moral authority...we pay their licence fee and they are OUR public servants!
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Old 08-02-2009, 00:32   #63
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
make yer mind up you started the thread, think as in yer opening post, its you who is letting personal thoughts come into this. most sane people despise her mam, but this is summat else.
make my mind up? mind was made up when I posted the thread and has not changed..if you mean I've soften on my post then I don't think so... wether it's Carole Thatcher or anyone else in what they say/do in public life is an isssue for exactly that.. they say things that will be scrutinised... if you think I soften on the attitude that you can call a black person a gollywog, nigger, coon, nignog and get away with it in the real world then of course you can in the pub full of white people... but I'm saying Carole Thatcher and her ilk would not.. and you know as well as me you would not.. so why say it in a room full of white peole and expect to get away with it ?
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Old 08-02-2009, 00:39   #64
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Oh is it indeed? Well, as far as I'm concerned, WE the British public have every right to make our opinion felt about how the BBC conducts its affairs because we pay their excessive salaries, their inflation-proof pensions, their self-indulgent programming schedules, the ridiculous fees they pay to non-talents like Ross (far in excess of what commercial broadcasters pay) out of OUR hardearned money. And from where I'm standing, they applied a totally inconsistent attitude to Thatcher's and Ross's misdemeanors and if I want to express an opinion about it, I sodding well will, so don't go telling me that it's "down the BBC" like they're some kind of superior moral authority...we pay their licence fee and they are OUR public servants!
Hear, hear.

Not that it'll make the slightest bit of difference, but normally Radio 2 plays most of the time in my home, but it gets switched off on Saturday morning, whilst Ross's show's on.

I don't have to make a conscience desicion not to watch his tv programme, as that's been dross for ages, and is just a platform for him to be 'funny', and the guests are just a filler.

I'm hoping he becomes the Simon Dee of this millenium, and vanishes from public view, and thus saving us all the bother of paying him £17 milion quid.
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Old 08-02-2009, 00:47   #65
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
make my mind up? mind was made up when I posted the thread and has not changed..if you mean I've soften on my post then I don't think so... wether it's Carole Thatcher or anyone else in what they say/do in public life is an isssue for exactly that.. they say things that will be scrutinised... if you think I soften on the attitude that you can call a black person a gollywog, nigger, coon, nignog and get away with it in the real world then of course you can in the pub full of white people... but I'm saying Carole Thatcher and her ilk would not.. and you know as well as me you would not.. so why say it in a room full of white peole and expect to get away with it ?
It always amuses me when we generalise about a group of people, in this case black people.

All people can be prejudiced, and can be guilty of racism, sexism etc.

The most overt racial abuse I've ever personally witnessed was in east Africa, and it was done by east African Asians to blacks.

There's very little condemnation from some sections of the black press when it comes to popular culture that talks about smacking bitches and 'ho's, and shooting batty boys.

Prejudice can be found everywhere, regardless of ethnic group.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 08-02-2009, 00:55   #66
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Re: Carole Thatchter

these dabates are good but can forget the main point.
you dont refer to a black person has a golly wog.
someone has experienced as a daughter of a pm who was voted for to represent all people living in the uk should know not to do that.if she said it on this occasion then she's probally said it many times before
' thatcher out ' thats what i say
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Old 08-02-2009, 00:56   #67
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Re: Carole Thatchter

But this is prejudice that is common.. I would give that some leway we have a TV presentor that seems to think.. in whatever envoriment she is in calling a black person a gollywog.. no exuse, not even an apolligy.. and it's all hands on deck for the members here.. disgraceful
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Old 08-02-2009, 00:59   #68
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by spignific View Post
these dabates are good but can forget the main point.
you dont refer to a black person has a golly wog.
someone has experienced as a daughter of a pm who was voted for to represent all people living in the uk should know not to do that.if she said it on this occasion then she's probally said it many times before
' thatcher out ' thats what i say
and that's without me saying Carole Thatcher looks like a mutant pig farmers off spring!
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Old 08-02-2009, 01:03   #69
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
But this is prejudice that is common.. I would give that some leway we have a TV presentor that seems to think.. in whatever envoriment she is in calling a black person a gollywog.. no exuse, not even an apolligy.. and it's all hands on deck for the members here.. disgraceful
I don't think anyone here has posted that they'd use the word golliwog to describe a black person.

I also don't think the sin's of the father, or in this case the mother, shouldn't be carried on this woman's shoulders, which applies to us all too.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 08-02-2009, 01:14   #70
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I don't think anyone here has posted that they'd use the word golliwog to describe a black person.

I also don't think the sin's of the father, or in this case the mother, shouldn't be carried on this woman's shoulders, which applies to us all too.
Many posters have seen it fit to use gollywog to describe black some mistake there.. carole thatcher is a normal person.. i don't care about what she thinks about anyone.. but again and her posh bods think it's ok to talk in the "jolly" descriptions from long ago.. Accy web members take this sort of lingo to be everyday talk.. I don't..and will confront anyone who does!
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Old 08-02-2009, 01:16   #71
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Many posters have seen it fit to use gollywog to describe black people.

Quote them.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 08-02-2009, 01:32   #72
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

Quote them.

do a qiuck have the best memory on this forum..I recall AccyBob saying "nigger" was in the dictionary therefore can be classed as a corect way to call black people.. I recall him calling new born kids ..born out of marraige as "bastards" because it is in the dicitonary know the stuff that has been posted on this site.. if you want to think it did not happen.. and maybe happen again it's your business.. but I don't forget..even after 10 pints of lager
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Old 08-02-2009, 01:44   #73
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Who the hell's AccyBob when he's at home? Are you sure you've only had ten pints of lager, Mancie?
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Old 08-02-2009, 01:49   #74
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Acrilyc bob a bloke that was held up as a hero here.. a bloke that summed up Accy ..
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Old 08-02-2009, 01:53   #75
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Re: Carole Thatchter

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Acrilyc bob a bloke that was held up as a hero here.. a bloke that summed up Accy ..
jeez mancie he aint been on fer months,n as fer hero in your mind only. 10 pints? quiet night then.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 08-02-2009 at 01:59.
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