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Old 19-10-2013, 09:31   #1
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Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

a friend of mine as had her 2 poisoned when she took them to the vets they said its de,icer thats killed them.and now another one as died.somebody must be putting this down for cats,the vet said de,icer is sweet and cats like it
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Old 19-10-2013, 09:35   #2
God Member

Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

or could it be that winter is on its way and people are getting tehir cars ready for winter and putting de-icer and anti freeze which also kills cats into tehir cars.Cant blame a car owner if someone elses pet walks onto their drive and starts licking up whats spilled onto their driveway.

or you could be correct and someone is fed up of tehir kids stepping into other peoples pets crap left on tehir property and has gone to extreem measures to cure teh problem but my money is on it been the first suggestion which does happen a lot according to a vet.

dogs like it too but dogs are usually attended to by tehir owners so dragged away from it

not a cat vs dog argument but cats are left alone to do as they please and unless you see exactly whatis happening you cant really say someone is deliberatly poisoning cats when theres other more likely reasons
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Last edited by accyman; 19-10-2013 at 09:39.
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Old 19-10-2013, 11:03   #3
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

Cats are not supposed to be able to taste sweet things(or that is what a learned friend once told me). I have had cats for many years and only one of them ever showed any interest in sweet imperials.....the vet told us it was the mint that attracted him, not the sugar.
I still have just one cat...and although I let her out for a wander,she always comes back and uses her litter tray...not any gardens.
She has been trained to a litter tray since we first got her.
Some pet owners are irresponsible...that goes for the owners of dogs as well as cats...but responsible cat owners will ensure that their animal does not foul anyone elses garden by ensuring they are litter trained.

My husband would be very upset if our cat was poisoned in this is cruel and inhumane.
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Old 19-10-2013, 12:31   #4
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

My cat is the same Margaret, in fact when he's been out he'll ask to come in to use his litter tray.
(A cat I used to have a few years ago also loved mints. although she preferred polos - she could sniff 'em out if I had a pack in my handbag - she never ate them, just licked 'em to death)
AccyMan is right, these could have been accidents - at least I hope so, would be horrible to think anyone would do that on purpose
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Old 20-10-2013, 15:03   #5
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

Lady loves to eat indian food
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Old 20-10-2013, 16:42   #6
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Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
Lady loves to eat indian food
Is that some sort of skit of the milk tray advert?
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Old 20-10-2013, 17:25   #7
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

i have a fussy cat, Bella wont eat anything but whiskas cat food, tried her with felix and every other brand and she wont touch it, the only other food she will eat is ham, not the cheap stuff though, it has to be boiled, she wont even drink cat milk, Lady (lemonade) on the other hand tries to eat everything, but whiskas makes her throw up, up until 2 years ago i wasnt a cat lover but i would never have done anything to hurt them..even though one is now wrecking my entire house
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Old 20-10-2013, 18:15   #8
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Is that some sort of skit of the milk tray advert?
Less you're really on form today!
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Old 20-10-2013, 18:46   #9
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Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Less you're really on form today!
Strangely enough, I always feel on form, but occasionally I get close to doing it right.
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Old 21-10-2013, 15:39   #10
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

My friend's cat died from poisoning last year, was heartbreaking.

Not easy to know if it was deliberate though-there are some heartless folk about.
A lot of cases are down to ingesting poisoned prey.
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
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Old 21-10-2013, 18:08   #11
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

Originally Posted by Sunflower49 View Post
My friend's cat died from poisoning last year, was heartbreaking.
Of course it is.

Originally Posted by Sunflower49 View Post

Not easy to know if it was deliberate though-there are some heartless folk about.
Of course it isn't and yes there are, therefore surely your friend should take responsibility and not let the cat out?

It was her pet and roamed where she wasn't in control.

Originally Posted by Sunflower49 View Post
A lot of cases are down to ingesting poisoned prey.
Really? Who Poisons the so called Prey?
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Old 22-10-2013, 13:22   #12
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Of course it is.

Of course it isn't and yes there are, therefore surely your friend should take responsibility and not let the cat out?

It was her pet and roamed where she wasn't in control.

Really? Who Poisons the so called Prey?
Yes owners of cats (especially tomcats which are inclined to wander) take this risk. I know she has adopted a new cat now which isn't allowed out, aside from in her garden which is secure. I don't think I could own a cat for this reason, aside from poisoning there are a lot of dubious dog owners and busy roads, around where I live now.

Gastropod poison as well as rodent poison is often also toxic to cats, as well as insecticide which can poison a cat that eats grass or plants.
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
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Old 22-10-2013, 13:43   #13
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

my garden must be pretty damn safe for cats judging by the amount of cat shat they leave behind.

if people cant be arsed looking after a pet and want something low maintainace might a suggest a fecking goldfish.You can always drag it along in a bowl on a skateboard if you want to walk it and they can survive a good 30 seconds out of water of you want to cuddle it.

and the biggest upside of all is when it dies you can flush it down teh loo which although can be done with a cat it does require a bit more effort
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All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 12-09-2015, 18:45   #14
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
or could it be that winter is on its way and people are getting tehir cars ready for winter and putting de-icer and anti freeze which also kills cats into tehir cars.Cant blame a car owner if someone elses pet walks onto their drive and starts licking up whats spilled onto their driveway.

or you could be correct and someone is fed up of tehir kids stepping into other peoples pets crap left on tehir property and has gone to extreem measures to cure teh problem but my money is on it been the first suggestion which does happen a lot according to a vet.

dogs like it too but dogs are usually attended to by tehir owners so dragged away from it

not a cat vs dog argument but cats are left alone to do as they please and unless you see exactly whatis happening you cant really say someone is deliberatly poisoning cats when theres other more likely reasons
Thought I would resurrect this thread,not Fern Gore but driving home from work through Baxenden towards Accrington last Thursday at about 7pm,I spotted a ginger cat,on it`s front paws licking the top of a car`s front bumper.
The car was parked outside the chippy.
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Old 13-09-2015, 01:53   #15
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Re: Cats being poisoned in Fern Gore

Maybe the car had just run over a badger?

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