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Old 30-01-2007, 05:32   #16
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Re: Celebrity Squares.

i think the paparazzi do a thankless job and provide a vital and sometimes much needed service

its just a pitty every red carpet event dosnt provide a tunnel on route for them to chase people into
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Old 30-01-2007, 08:29   #17
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Re: Celebrity Squares.

I think hair dressers and nail salons must buy all the copies of 'Hello' etc. They have to be the most boring magazines in existence. Something to read while you wait? There's nothing in there to read!

Fans always seem to have had a curiosity about the oddest of things in their idol's private life though. When I ran a fan club umpty million years ago they used to ask me the sort of personal questions about Roddy that you wouldn't dream of asking most people about themselves. Why do they need to know these things? Imagine this in real life:

Mr A: May I introduce you to a colleage of mine, Mr. B?
Miss C: Oh nice to meet you Mr. B. Do you eat breakfast?
Mr. B: I prefer a glass of fruitjuice, do you wear pyjamas?
Miss C: Nah I prefer me wincy yette nightie.

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Old 30-01-2007, 10:23   #18
Apprentice Geriatric
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Cool Re: Celebrity Squares.

We’ve had out differences of opinion in the past garinda but on this occasion I have to agree with you totally.

In fact I was so taken up with your comments I reached for the Karma button only to be informed “You must spread some Karma around before giving it to garinda again.”

Drat! Drat! And double drat!

I will try to remember to reach for it again later.
Thanks for reading. If you have a few minutes to spare please visit my web site at
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Old 30-01-2007, 11:45   #19
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Re: Celebrity Squares.

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
We’ve had out differences of opinion in the past garinda but on this occasion I have to agree with you totally.

In fact I was so taken up with your comments I reached for the Karma button only to be informed “You must spread some Karma around before giving it to garinda again.”

Drat! Drat! And double drat!

I will try to remember to reach for it again later.


Me, the voice of reason.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 30-01-2007, 11:56   #20
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Re: Celebrity Squares.

I do occasionally read about celebs-Guilty!
But i dont spend a fortune just to find out what toothpaste Peter Andre uses-whereas i have friends who spend over a fiver a week on OK!,Now,etc and then moan about the fact they hardly have any money to spend on taking their children out/baby clothes/weekly shop etc.
The celeb world is soo over-rated but i am interested to a certain extent...i think its a case of dissapearing into a dream world for a few minutes because sometimes i would rather be reading about what Jordan is up to with Peter and the kids rather than worrying about how on earth Jack wedged that cheese sandwich into the DVD player,and how im going to get it out without it falling apart in the process.
But i also read chick lit to gain the same effect-so i am excused

Maybe you could compile a magazine at the end of each week about what you have been up to Garinda so i dont keep these mag producers in business?

Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling,Edna Ferber.

check out our wedding pictures taken by the lovely gareth at studio25....

Last edited by mrskitty; 30-01-2007 at 11:59.
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Old 30-01-2007, 12:14   #21
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Re: Celebrity Squares.

Originally Posted by misskitty View Post
I do occasionally read about celebs-Guilty!
But i dont spend a fortune just to find out what toothpaste Peter Andre uses-whereas i have friends who spend over a fiver a week on OK!,Now,etc and then moan about the fact they hardly have any money to spend on taking their children out/baby clothes/weekly shop etc.
The celeb world is soo over-rated but i am interested to a certain extent...i think its a case of dissapearing into a dream world for a few minutes because sometimes i would rather be reading about what Jordan is up to with Peter and the kids rather than worrying about how on earth Jack wedged that cheese sandwich into the DVD player,and how im going to get it out without it falling apart in the process.
But i also read chick lit to gain the same effect-so i am excused

Maybe you could compile a magazine at the end of each week about what you have been up to Garinda so i dont keep these mag producers in business?
I think perhaps you are right, it is an escape.

In the depression of the thirties, people were fascinated about the lives of the Hollywood stars, who helped them to forget about their day to day lives. People live Hedda Hopper, and Louella Parsons fed the American public tasty clues about the things the actors were really up to, and not the carefully airbrushed image the studio system tried to present of them.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 30-01-2007, 13:08   #22
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Re: Celebrity Squares.

I used to buy Now magazine, not entirely for the celebs but also fashion/make up, I haven't bought it in ages but all those magazines use the same photo's, the stories are often repeated, then the same picture will be printed again a few months later with a different story attached. I dont like the fact that air brushing photo's gives unobtainable goals to younger people. I agree with Miss Kitty however that it is escapism, though I would like the obsession with celebraty to be over.
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