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Old 24-07-2012, 06:50   #76
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by duggie View Post
housing benefit have never paid me a penny, I am lucky you may say because I have a job and yes I probably am. If your disabled or over retirement age then I think housing should be free, if you are cabable of working then get on your bike as an old tory mp once said and get a job

I tell you what, we'll swop shall we? I'll have your job, you can struggle on benefits for a few months, maybe that will knock the arrogant attitude to those not working out of you.
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Old 24-07-2012, 08:23   #77
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by Less View Post
I tell you what, we'll swop shall we? I'll have your job, you can struggle on benefits for a few months, maybe that will knock the arrogant attitude to those not working out of you.
Less you may have hit on a solution to the problem there. Let those in work swop with an unemployed person for a while so they really get a feel for what it's like and the person without a job gets some respite from their situation.
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Old 24-07-2012, 18:15   #78
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

I wonder if Duggie was referring to the people for whom unemployment is a lifestyle choice and have never worked and have no intentions of doing so, rather than people who have lost their job and are desperate for work?
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Old 24-07-2012, 18:24   #79
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post
I wonder if Duggie was referring to the people for whom unemployment is a lifestyle choice and have never worked and have no intentions of doing so, rather than people who have lost their job and are desperate for work?
No, Duggie was lumping all together, if we could be reached in one easy sweep he would crush all people claiming just as he would crush a bug, after all he is superior, he's never been in a position to need to claim, (far above the mortal).
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 24-07-2012, 18:28   #80
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post
I wonder if Duggie was referring to the people for whom unemployment is a lifestyle choice and have never worked and have no intentions of doing so, rather than people who have lost their job and are desperate for work?
Doubt it, some people class all unemployed as layabouts and scroungers without considering they might be there themselves one day.
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Old 24-07-2012, 18:38   #81
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by Less View Post
No, Duggie was lumping all together, if we could be reached in one easy sweep he would crush all people claiming just as he would crush a bug, after all he is superior, he's never been in a position to need to claim, (far above the mortal).
Well he sure gives that impression to me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 24-07-2012, 19:15   #82
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Well he sure gives that impression to me.
You're very impressionable though cashy
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Old 24-07-2012, 19:16   #83
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Doubt it, some people class all unemployed as layabouts and scroungers without considering they might be there themselves one day.
as more jump on camerons bandwaggon of all people out of work been scum more find themsleves out of a job each day and having a dramatic change of opinion when it happens to them


if you do currently have a job and a nice TV be sure to get rid of it if you become unlemployed because apparently you havnt to have nice things when unemployed even if you did work hard to buy them when you had a job
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Last edited by accyman; 24-07-2012 at 19:20.
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Old 24-07-2012, 19:18   #84
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
as more jump on camerons bandwaggon of all people out of work been scum more find themsleves out of a job each day and having a dramatic change of opinion when it happens to them
Um funny that seeing unemployment as just dropped for the forth month on the trot accyman
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Old 24-07-2012, 19:23   #85
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Um funny that seeing unemployment as just dropped for the forth month on the trot accyman
need to make their minds up because last weeK on the radio it said unemployment for under 25's was up and so was the amount of school leavers not getting a job.

Lets face it every party that has been in power has fudged figures to make things look beter than what they are.
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 24-07-2012, 19:25   #86
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

last wee on the radio? - do you still get good reception?

When I tried to do that as a quote it came up with a capital K on the end of the offending word - what if I had been trying to talk about something very small?
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Old 24-07-2012, 19:28   #87
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
last wee on the radio? - do you still get good reception?

When I tried to do that as a quote it came up with a capital K on the end of the offending word - what if I had been trying to talk about something very small?
im english i would have said tiny
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 24-07-2012, 22:49   #88
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Smile Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by Less View Post
I tell you what, we'll swop shall we? I'll have your job, you can struggle on benefits for a few months, maybe that will knock the arrogant attitude to those not working out of you.
To set the record straight I am self employed which means I find my own work by whatever means I have at my disposal.
Nobody pays me a wage, nobody pays me to go on holiday for 5 weeks a year and nobody gives me any money to help pay my household bills. If I don't get of my backside and find work I dont eat, simple.
some weeks I earn jack poo, other weeks are good but at least you have a regualr amount of free money ever week. try paying a bill when you cant claim any benefits because you are self employed.
For those who cant find a job then perhaps you should try working for yourself but then again you probably wouldn't like having to work about 80 hours per week, working week ends,working till 9 at night, doing all your accounts, chasing money owed, the work goes on and on.
Best to just sit at home and whinge eh.
Just think that my hard work and my taxes keep you in cigarettes and the odd beer or two.
There are two types of people in this world, the haves and the have nots, We can then divide these groups into probably another 50 groups but generally the group that I am offended by are the ones who can work but choose not to, these people should be targetted and helped into work but to do that the country will need to make it a little less comfortable for them. end of rant and goodnight
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Old 25-07-2012, 06:51   #89
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by duggie View Post
To set the record straight I am self employed which means I find my own work by whatever means I have at my disposal.
Nobody pays me a wage, nobody pays me to go on holiday for 5 weeks a year and nobody gives me any money to help pay my household bills. If I don't get of my backside and find work I dont eat, simple.
some weeks I earn jack poo, other weeks are good but at least you have a regualr amount of free money ever week. try paying a bill when you cant claim any benefits because you are self employed.
For those who cant find a job then perhaps you should try working for yourself but then again you probably wouldn't like having to work about 80 hours per week, working week ends,working till 9 at night, doing all your accounts, chasing money owed, the work goes on and on.
Best to just sit at home and whinge eh.
Just think that my hard work and my taxes keep you in cigarettes and the odd beer or two.
There are two types of people in this world, the haves and the have nots, We can then divide these groups into probably another 50 groups but generally the group that I am offended by are the ones who can work but choose not to, these people should be targetted and helped into work but to do that the country will need to make it a little less comfortable for them. end of rant and goodnight
I have no free money, I worked and paid into the system for over 40 years I have been employed and an employer in the past, unlike you though I don't blame the unemployed for the situation they are in, they aren't the parasites you imagine them to be, you however are proving yourself to be exactly the sort of person that would have anyone less fortunate than yourself starve, you think it's all they deserve.
Not a very nice man at all.
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Old 25-07-2012, 06:54   #90
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Re: Changes To Housing Benefits

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Thats rather imposible if you think about it
Why is it impossible? It said it on the BBC news mate so it's gotta be right!
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