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Old 20-04-2006, 02:31   #1
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Changing sex/tattoos.

A Mancunian male to female transexual is to have the tattoos she had done, whilst serving in the merchant navy, removed at a cost to the tax payer of £2,500 plus travel costs.

The former sailor, currently unemployed, and who fathered nine children, from who she is estranged, thinks the removal of the tattoos will allow her to wear more short sleeved outfits, as well as to make her look more 'ladylike'.


I think a good slap might be more in order.

Women all over the country, depending on their postcodes, are being refused herceptin, which could help stop the spread of their breast cancer.

The whole of the NHS needs to prioritise it's treatment plans, and spend the money were it is most needed.
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Old 20-04-2006, 07:32   #2
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

According to Century FM news yesterday, this person also had their gender reassignment surgery on the NHS, which must have cost a fortune. She should be made to pay for the removal of these tattoos, just like the majority of people have to do.
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Old 20-04-2006, 08:16   #3
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

A woman from the health trust said 'the removal of the tatoos wasn't taking money away from any more serious healthcare'
So why is it that cancer patients can't have a drug that prolongs life but this person can a) have a sex change b) have tattoos removed?
I agree, for once, with the media it is downright disgraceful.
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Old 20-04-2006, 09:57   #4
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

How can it not be taking money away from others that might need it? Do they have a pot of money to spend on certain treatments which has to be used every year? Or is it a case of use it or lose it? A perfect example to me of fund mismanagement in the NHS!!! People cant get the drugs they need or the treatment they need for a better quality of life yet someone can change sex and have tattoo's removed. What next "change my DNA from thate of a male to that of a female so I am "ALL WOMEN!!!" (no offence intended ladies)

ITS STUPID AND UTTER MADNESS. How many patients needing hip replacements are loosing out, how many beds, how many baby ICU's, cancer victims etc etc etc when this kind of thing happens????

If they want to change sex LET THEM FIND THE CASH THEMSELVES TO PAY FOR IT I would rather see my hard earned taxes go to those that need it thanks not something like this.

Going for a walk my blood is starting to boil!!!!

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Old 20-04-2006, 10:16   #5
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

The world has gone flippin MAD!!!! my blood is boiling too! people are dying out there coz of lack of funds and waiting lists for the hell can they justify this!!!
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Old 20-04-2006, 10:31   #6
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

I totally agree with you. Last June i had reconstructive surgery done in my middle ear. The surgeon used bone and skin grafts from my skull. He also used Latex to help the grafts adhere as i have that much scar tissue from previous operations. I am deaf in my right side and hearing imparred in my left side. 4 weeks after surgery my body rejected the Latex with such force it shot the Latex out through my ear drum and some has remained intack. Imagine what i am going through with this foreign body that my body is reacting to on a daily basis.
The surgeon said it needed removing pretty damn quick ....

Almost 12 months later and im still waiting, the damage its done is severe and im waiting on a massive operation now.

So not happy to hear abot the sex change having her tattoes done
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Old 20-04-2006, 12:21   #7
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

The cost of the gender reassignment, undertaken in 2001, cost the NHS £20,000.

While I have no doubt there are some genuine cases, I do question the validity of someone who fathered nine children by three different women, and from whom he/she is estranged, from having it.

Did this person pay towards the upkeep of the nine children? Or did they expect the State to pay for those results from his/her former life?

If they want the tattoos removed, that they had done whilst in the navy, they should get a job, and save up like everyone else would have to.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 20-04-2006, 12:29   #8
I am Banned


Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

I agree that she should of had to pay for both sex op & tattoo removal!!
there are many people unable to have children & have to pay privately, like anything else 'health' should be priority not insignificant cosmetic surgery. That person should of considered the consequences of tattooes before paying money to have them - so why should tax payer fund removal? for reason of ladylike what an excuse!!! pathetic!!!
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Old 20-04-2006, 12:38   #9
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

The only valid reason I can agree with for gender realinement is if a baby has the misfortune of being born a hemaphrodite. Anything else should be paid privately.

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Old 20-04-2006, 12:44   #10
I am Banned


Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
The only valid reason I can agree with for gender realinement is if a baby has the misfortune of being born a hemaphrodite. Anything else should be paid privately.
Yeh i agree with that
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Old 20-04-2006, 19:22   #11
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

I dont agree with the NHS funding tattoo removal, I agree this person should save up and pay for it herself.
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Old 20-04-2006, 20:01   #12
Resting In Peace
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

Its interesting to read that this person has waited so long for the gender reassignment, I mean that whilst being a male has fathered nine children before realising "things" are not right, whilst I do not understand what it feels like to need a sex change, I do feel that in some cases these folks are in need of some sort of counselling of the highest order to see the root of their problems with their gender as in my humble opinion once the op is done there is no turning back. I feel that there must be a mental health issue here and before taxpayers money is used to fund this operation all alternatives must be discussed and a thorough assessment of the individual must be carried out. I get cold shivers even thinking of having this type of mutilation being done to mself. As for the tattoos it is the same thing, I have tattoos and I would not dream of having them removed, if that was the case I would not have had them in the first place, they are part of me. There again that is what makes the human race unique, we are all different with different views.
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Old 20-04-2006, 20:13   #13
God Member

Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

I resent paying for tattoo removal. People are like sheep having them done. I'm having one cos my mate is having one. I don't like any more than a couple of small ones on girls. Girls bodies are perfect the way they are.
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Old 20-04-2006, 21:10   #14
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

Tattoo's are horrible anyway.. i wonder how many people regret having had them done ,once the novelty has worn off...
Like the majority of decent people i think priority of N.H.S. money should go to people that are sick. not sickening people
Not a full brick
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Old 20-04-2006, 21:15   #15
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Re: Changing sex/tattoos.

I can't begin to understand the hell that a person who believes that they are the wrong sex can be going through, but I don't think the NHS should be paying for their tattoo removal.

I have a very small tattoo on my ankle and I personally love it but if I ever wanted it removing I don't think it should be anyone elses responsibility but my own.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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