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Old 22-12-2005, 00:06   #16
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Re: Chav scum hoodies in Ozzy

Originally Posted by the real michael
over the years ive had 3 cars literally smashed to pieces (the latter one got all the windows broke and live fireworks were thrown into the car, presumebly
to torch it) on discovery i rang the police..which is a futile excercise for sure
the little illigitimates even congregated at the top of the street and the police
could do nothing... i blame all this on lack of discipline in the home...
(plus over 4 years my premiums went up 400% even with 5 yrs no claims
pricing me out of the rat just a humble padestrian!)

even in the 30,s when there was a real time of poverty children were well
behaved to blame poverty for acts of vandalism and theft is a downright lie...lack of discipline and morals has brought these problems to everyones front what are we going to do about it? i dont condone vigilanteism(?) but what else is there? bad children come from bad parents
no excuses whatsoever..100% proven (look at the child then look at its
mum and dad,if its got one .... society has caused this to happen ...
no self discipline ... even the monarchy is disgustingly corrupt (queen knights queen) ...some things are ww3 ... its just a case of "when"...
The government and mrs windsor have overstepped the mark...
and we (society) are going to pay dearly ...with the lives of our brethren...
You should be encouraging more people in your area to turn to homosexuality. Less kids, less crime.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-12-2005, 00:22   #17
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Re: Chav scum hoodies in Ozzy

its a million dollar idea!!!!
YMCA booming through the streets of Ossy, Sharon O for mayor; Ossy has found the answer!!
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Old 22-12-2005, 01:55   #18
Get`A`Grip's Avatar

Re: Chav scum hoodies in Ozzy

This sort of thing does`nt just happen in ossy you know it`s everywhere, and who`s to blame ? i say look in the mirror, you can`t just blame the parents, if they play violent video games then go out and kill somebody it`s the parents fault for keeping them in the house.
At the end of the day the goverment are too soft, you here the police moaning they can`t do anything because it`s the law, who`s f***ing law ? some ****** from another country sat behind a desk with there big fat arse hanging over the chair and his secretary blowing him off while he decides what measurements or weights we the people of England can use. You vote for the goverment who promise to this that and the other if you vote them in, then dont do anything once there in and you vote for them again at the next election. We won two world wars on the fields with men fighting to protect the future of the British, men and women who died so you could live the life how you wanted, and how do we repay them ? by sitting back and doing nothing while the whole country go`s pear shaped moaning about petrol prices going up up and away on the same day BP annoucing profits of 1 million pound a minute, and what do we do ? sweet FA apart from moan about it. i say get off your backside and do something about it there must be million`s who feel the same, million`s more who would vote for you to live a life without fear of leaving the house or letting the kids go to the park with friends, we need a goverment with a pair of balls, you break the law, you do hard time no matter what the crime, you kill you hang. These are my thoughts and if you dont like them, it`s somthing else to moan at. :engsmil:
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Old 22-12-2005, 03:27   #19
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Re: Chav scum hoodies in Ozzy

Bout time someone said it, well said Sir.
Totally agree.
We didnt just talk and moan about those nasty Germans trying to blow us up - we went over there and gave 'em what for! So stop moaning and DO something about it.
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Old 22-12-2005, 11:24   #20

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Re: Chav scum hoodies in Ozzy

Originally Posted by garinda
You should be encouraging more people in your area to turn to homosexuality. Less kids, less crime.
Your just looking for a larger gay pot to choose from
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Old 22-12-2005, 12:56   #21
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Re: Chav scum hoodies in Ozzy

Originally Posted by Neil
Your just looking for a larger gay pot to choose from
Yuk no, I only date 'straight' people.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 22-12-2005 at 13:43.
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Old 22-12-2005, 13:36   #22
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Re: Chav scum hoodies in Ozzy

Originally Posted by garinda
Yuk no, I only date 'staight' people.
What's one of those

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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Old 22-12-2005, 13:44   #23
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Re: Chav scum hoodies in Ozzy

Originally Posted by park381
What's one of those
I can't even write straight.

Give me a chance, I've only just woke up.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-12-2005, 13:46   #24
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Re: Chav scum hoodies in Ozzy

Originally Posted by garinda
I can't even write straight.

Give me a chance, I've only just woke up.
OK seeing that it's you

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein.

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