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10-04-2008, 09:25
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Re: Checking deliveries
The vans have a refridgeration section.
The driver always presents me with separate bags of 'chilled' and 'frozen' as the last items to hand over.
I suppose that they are instructed to draw your attention to them so that they can be put into your own refridgeration before anything else is stored away.
Ok .. thanks .. so nobody is going to get soggy peas then whilst waiting for Entwisi to check his items ... 
10-04-2008, 09:42
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Re: Checking deliveries
IMHO I'm paying £4.25 or whatever for a delivery they can wait till I've checked its all what I ordered and in good condition. I hate getting dented cans of stuff( which shouldn't be sold BTW due to teh coating in the tim becoming damaged and spoiling teh foodstuff)
They might be "doing their job", one of my complaints is that us as customers aren't told up front that you should sign for it unchecked and ring in any discrepancies. plus teh fact that I've been checking for > 3 years and no one has ever winged before.
10-04-2008, 09:48
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Re: Checking deliveries
Last edited by MargaretR; 10-04-2008 at 09:52.
10-04-2008, 10:43
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Re: Checking deliveries
i wouldnt want to sign for it either!!!
a complaint should be made
yummy mummy !!!!!!
10-04-2008, 12:12
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Re: Checking deliveries
Quite an interesting one this - first of all, it should be remembered that you cannot sign away your statutory rights. When you order goods, you are entitled to expect those goods to be of satisfactory quality - which includes freedom from minor defects etc. Signing that you have received the goods is not the same as signing to say you have received and examined the goods and accept that they are of satisfactory quality.
s.34 of the Sale of Goods Act (as amended) provides – “[unless otherwise agreed], when the seller tenders delivery of goods to the buyer, he is bound on request to afford the buyer a reasonable opportunity of examining the goods for the purpose of ascertaining whether they are in conformity with the contract…”
Now, that doesnt necessarily mean on your doorstep - and there is also the argument that if the terms and conditions which bind each sale imply your "unless otherwise agreed" acceptance that you waive this particular right, then Tesco will have covered themselves. I would however argue that such a term is unfair by virtue of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts regs as it would seek to restrict a consumer's statutory rights, and lets not forget of course that a term in a contract cannot take precedence over your rights in law.
Does that help?

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10-04-2008, 16:48
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Re: Checking deliveries
I once had an iceland home delivery and was given someone elses manky ready meals...... im glad i checked and got my own food back!
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
10-04-2008, 21:59
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Re: Checking deliveries
Originally Posted by entwisi
IMHO I'm paying £4.25 or whatever for a delivery they can wait till I've checked its all what I ordered and in good condition. I hate getting dented cans of stuff( which shouldn't be sold BTW due to teh coating in the tim becoming damaged and spoiling teh foodstuff)
They might be "doing their job", one of my complaints is that us as customers aren't told up front that you should sign for it unchecked and ring in any discrepancies. plus teh fact that I've been checking for > 3 years and no one has ever winged before.
Before you started this thread I'd never heard of a driver waiting whilst you check all your supermarket items that he's delivered.
I'm sure that it is normal procedure to sign, let the driver go and ring up with any discrepancies.
It's not normal to expect the driver to wait. Have you had several drivers waiting for you over the last 3 years or just the one?
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
10-04-2008, 22:25
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Re: Checking deliveries
I've used TESCO's delivery service for the past 4 years and found it a really excellent service. occaisionally there is an issue of some of their fresh produce being close to the use by date however easilly resolved by a call to customer services who offer a swift apology and refunds.
Although you do pay for the service I reckon its cheaper without the additions deposited in the trolly by the kids
Personally I dont agree that it's reasonable to check each and every item, Ian in checking your order has there ever been a shortfall?
Surely if every customer took your attitude then there would be delays, fewer deliveries and possible increase in charges.
and please could you learn how to spell "the"
11-04-2008, 10:40
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Checking deliveries
I wouldn't make the driver wait, but I would expect him to be polite with the customers that do, (even if it's only a polite, no I'm sorry I'm not given enough time to wait, please ring the store if there are any mistakes), bullying the driver with threats such as wait or take it back are just as bad as him being rude!
There are good drivers and bad drivers, but there are also good customers and awkward prigs!
Originally Posted by hedman2003
and please could you learn how to spell "the"
Perhaps when you have been reading entwisi's posts a little longer you will realise it's one of his little foibles, he doesn't do it on purpose, it just happens, I think he has even started a thread about it somewhere on site.
Now that you know, rather than being annoyed by such a minor quirk, if you where to be polite enough to search for the thread you might work towards understanding how much more annoying it actually is for entwisi?

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11-04-2008, 21:01
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Re: Checking deliveries
I wonder if you got the same driver we got for our non-delivery? We'd never ordered from Tesco online before and we didn't have a particularly large order. In fact having checked through the printout that we just got I saw that most of the items were ones and twos. It was hardly the world's biggest order but when the driver arrived he refused to unload it himself because he said there was too much for him to carry and he would 'be knackered' if he had to do it all. He asked if there was someone who could come and help him. I replied that there was only me. There was nothing online to say that we were ordering too much and that we needed to have someone here to help unload it. I've compared notes with other people and we didn't actually order more than other people have on a regular basis. That was 24th March.
When the guy wouldn't even open the back of the van because there was no-one here to help him unload I phoned Busman, but he was working and could hardly just knock off and come home. The driver refused to speak to him so he told me to tell him to just take the stuff back then. Busman complained to Tesco that night when he got home and they said they would get the store to phone me and apologise the next morning - no-one did. He complained to them that night again about the lack of phone call and again was promised that someone would ring me on Friday. They didn't.
Then to put the tin lid on it we got the credit card statement yesterday and we'd been debited but not been refunded! So off we went to Tesco Haslingden and saw someone who had nothing to do with home deliveries as the relevant person wasn't there but the person we did see sorted out the refund and gave us a print out of the order - which was when I checked to see just how much there was that the driver had been objecting to carrying. It was no more than Busman would have brought home in the car - the bulkiest being 10 bottles of water and 8 cartons of milk! The driver had even had the cheek to say that was more milk than a family needed and had asked if we were selling it in a shop!
11-04-2008, 21:06
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Re: Checking deliveries
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
I wonder if you got the same driver we got for our non-delivery? We'd never ordered from Tesco online before and we didn't have a particularly large order. In fact having checked through the printout that we just got I saw that most of the items were ones and twos. It was hardly the world's biggest order but when the driver arrived he refused to unload it himself because he said there was too much for him to carry and he would 'be knackered' if he had to do it all. He asked if there was someone who could come and help him. I replied that there was only me. There was nothing online to say that we were ordering too much and that we needed to have someone here to help unload it. I've compared notes with other people and we didn't actually order more than other people have on a regular basis. That was 24th March.
When the guy wouldn't even open the back of the van because there was no-one here to help him unload I phoned Busman, but he was working and could hardly just knock off and come home. The driver refused to speak to him so he told me to tell him to just take the stuff back then. Busman complained to Tesco that night when he got home and they said they would get the store to phone me and apologise the next morning - no-one did. He complained to them that night again about the lack of phone call and again was promised that someone would ring me on Friday. They didn't.
Then to put the tin lid on it we got the credit card statement yesterday and we'd been debited but not been refunded! So off we went to Tesco Haslingden and saw someone who had nothing to do with home deliveries as the relevant person wasn't there but the person we did see sorted out the refund and gave us a print out of the order - which was when I checked to see just how much there was that the driver had been objecting to carrying. It was no more than Busman would have brought home in the car - the bulkiest being 10 bottles of water and 8 cartons of milk! The driver had even had the cheek to say that was more milk than a family needed and had asked if we were selling it in a shop!
That's terrible, Willow.
You probably just had very bad luck there and got an awful driver. I'm sure that he was just trying it on and that it is not Tesco policy to have you hauling the shopping out of the van yourself. The trouble is that these drivers are representatives of their company, aren't they? Especially when it's your first order.....first impressions and all that. 
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
11-04-2008, 21:09
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Re: Checking deliveries
If it had been the first negative experience with Tesco it might not have been as bad but we had the exploding cola can saga too which they really didn't take responsibility for. Not impressed with them at all.
11-04-2008, 21:11
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Re: Checking deliveries
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
If it had been the first negative experience with Tesco it might not have been as bad but we had the exploding cola can saga too which they really didn't take responsibility for. Not impressed with them at all.
I don't suppose you'll be using them again then. I've never had a problem with a Sainsbury's driver in all the years I've been using them. I'd recommend you give them a go if you do any more online ordering. 
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
11-04-2008, 21:19
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Re: Checking deliveries
Oh yes, I forgot to mention that the driver also told us that because we had ordered so much we wouldn't be allowed to use Tesco online shopping again!
In spite of that Busman got an email from them the other day with a £5 voucher to use next time we order online!
11-04-2008, 21:19
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Re: Checking deliveries
Willow's experience amazes me. I have an order fortnightly. It often includes 20 litres of milk and at least 2 large bags of cat litter along with normal groceries.
The drivers have to carry it up a flight of 13 steps to my front door and there has never been a suggestion that the driver needed help
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