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Old 25-02-2006, 13:20   #1
Resting in Peace

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Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

Travelling back from a business trip, with a colleague this week, spotted a headline in The Mail - 'Holiday reps. taped over our son's mouth for talking too much'. Already in a giggly mood, this set me off again.

Statements such as, the boy was so traumatised that he is frightened of going on holiday again, holiday was totally ruined, and words like trauma, stress and abuse, he is now quiet and withdrawn and suffering a complete personality change only proved to send me into more fits of laughter. Seemingly the tape was only over his mouth for a brief moment. Will never know the truth here, but feel was done with the consent of the child, and in the spirit of the moment. Of course, the report was accompanied by mother and child looking down in the mouth.

I love children, and would not like to see them hurt or humiliated in any way, however, when they finally get their free holiday out of Thompson, he won't be fit to go will he ?

Is it me ? Should I be appalled by this incident ?
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Old 25-02-2006, 13:29   #2
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

For goodness sake, will people stop at nothing to make a quick few quid. The kid probably thought it was hysterical at the time, just as I did when similar things happened to me as a child. When there are cases of real abuse out there eg. the 3 month old baby battered and burned to death by his father, why are we still paying lip service to these morons????
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Old 25-02-2006, 13:34   #3
Senior Member

Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

It is just pathetic the lengths folk will go to for a bit of publicity & plenty of cash. Can the rep in question not counter sue for the assault on his ear drums if the child was so noisy?
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Old 25-02-2006, 14:19   #4
God Member

Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

lot of assumptions here, maybe the child is quiet and shy and got picked for being so by the rep, it does happen, pick on the quiet one, hahaha, its his own fault for not joining in. That kind of embarasment would sent a shy child back in a shell.
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Old 25-02-2006, 14:41   #5
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

Yet another none-story being whipped up by the money for nothing brigade. The space wasted could have been used to publicise one of the many real horror stories of child abuse that unfortunatly go on every day.

Yes, there are two sides to every story Mad', and you tend to pick the wrong one.

As one of your contemporaries said to Alice:-

`Contrariwise,' continued Tweedledee, `if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.'
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Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 25-02-2006 at 15:05.
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Old 25-02-2006, 14:52   #6
God Member

Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

No, i rarely pick the wrong side, because i keep an open mind until i know the facts and look at it from both sides. I think my story is possible but even if true is hardly a news story worthy enough of newspaper space. there's far worse cases happen in every town every day.
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Old 25-02-2006, 14:54   #7
white rabbits

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Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

oh...if that would only work for yobo's...........wouldent life be great....not to mention tape sales going through the
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Old 25-02-2006, 14:55   #8
God Member

Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

Another assumption is that i'm named after the character in alice in wonderland. There's actually a lot more to it than that. be interesting to know why you all are called what you are called on here. why the ones who used their real names didn't choose an aka.
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Old 25-02-2006, 14:56   #9
God Member

Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

you'd never get away with that granny.
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Old 25-02-2006, 14:57   #10
Resting in Peace

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Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

Originally Posted by Madhatter
Another assumption is that i'm named after the character in alice in wonderland. There's actually a lot more to it than that. be interesting to know why you all are called what you are called on here. why the ones who used their real names didn't choose an aka.
But that's for another thread not this one
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Old 25-02-2006, 15:00   #11
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

Originally Posted by Madhatter
but even if true is hardly a news story worthy enough of newspaper space. there's far worse cases happen in every town every day.
I thought I'd said that in my post? (maybe not in those exact words), So without trying to repeat myself as you can do it for me, as usual you are taking the wrong stance just to be different!

Thank you, that used to be my job!

Oh look we could be twins!
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 25-02-2006, 15:02   #12
God Member

Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

yes correct, something you are good at here that we're not is keeping a thread on topic but i'm not starting it. I'm only using bandwidth cos someone mentioned kids and yobs

For the yobs i still think the stocks should be bought back.
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Old 25-02-2006, 15:04   #13
God Member

Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

no less I'm half agreeing with you, I still think that it's bullying and shouldn't be laughed at.
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Old 25-02-2006, 15:06   #14
white rabbits

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Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

Originally Posted by Madhatter

For the yobs i still think the stocks should be bought back.
me too....:engsmil:
Not a full brick
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Old 25-02-2006, 15:11   #15
Resting in Peace

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Re: Child abuse ? Why am I still laughing ?

Originally Posted by Madhatter
lot of assumptions here, maybe the child is quiet and shy and got picked for being so by the rep, it does happen, pick on the quiet one, hahaha, its his own fault for not joining in. That kind of embarasment would sent a shy child back in a shell.
Two sides to every story not just the side you jump to.
Seems the child was overly chatty and they probably did it to shut him up. Seems he had had some sort of hearing problem earlier in life and now making the most of it, but if his overchatting was some sort of 'condition', then would have been polite of the parents to mention this to the reps. initially. Maybe I am making assumptions and they bullied him .. just on the face of it amused me, and was worried thatI was turning into some sort of unsympathetic monster.
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