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Old 22-09-2007, 21:32   #16
God Member


Re: Child benefit to Poland!

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Well said, Westender. Then they wonder why we feel resentful towards these that come over. It's hard not to when it feels like we're being pushed to the bottom of the pile.
WE ARE being pushed to the bottom of the pile, this country is a disgrace
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Old 22-09-2007, 21:35   #17
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
WE ARE being pushed to the bottom of the pile, this country is a disgrace
Well I am there already so I am ok. Its bad down here and would not recommend it to anyone.

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Old 23-09-2007, 09:52   #18
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

Typical, heard about this the other day. not on IMO.

Wonder how they will get on when its realised they have over paid the polish/other foreign claiments, im sure they will be able to get it back.

It like why do we have to issue all our benefit information in ALL the foregin languages anyway.
Everything is OK
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Old 23-09-2007, 10:35   #19
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

Its stupid. If i went over there i probably wouldnt even be Able to get a job or benefits so how come they can come over here and milk our country for all we have and then just leave as soon as they have enough money to retire off in there own country. And as for them doing the low paid jobs that us brits wouldnt do what a load of nonsense i have done several low paid jobs in bad conditions and never once did i complain about it. The benefit system in this country is messed up. I am currently in a part time low paid job (i earn roughly 40-50pw) and have that topped up to the exact same amount id be on if claiming jsa, i also have a young son and the only benefit we get for him is child benefit, and because me and my girlfriend dont live together we are unable to claim anything else. Yet the polish seem to be getting handed benefits just for the sake of it. I used to be really patriotic and proud of my country....not any more im not.
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Old 23-09-2007, 10:49   #20
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

How about this then!!!!!
BBC NEWS | UK | Some Poles 'claim benefit twice'

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Old 23-09-2007, 11:47   #21
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

I think its disgusting they shouldn't be given benefits of any kind, if they choose to come to our country they should have to prove that they can support themselves and their families. How does our country benefit by them being here, its not like we need them in the jobs when we have enough people out of work that could be made to do those jobs.
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Old 23-09-2007, 12:00   #22
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

What really annoys me about all this we are made to think British people won'/wouldn't do these jobs. NOT TRUE, I have known people who have done these low paid jobs for years(six months at one place then six months at another) then round in a circle. These people weren't costing the country anything as they weren't entitled to these benefits. All they asked was that they get overtime rates when they worked overtime. Now we have got people who will work for a pittance because it is topped up with benefits and our people out of jobs.
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Old 23-09-2007, 12:02   #23
Accy Red

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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

Why the bloody hell do I bother working and paying my taxes to keep these spunging job stealers. It's a disgrace the sooner we get out of the EU and send these people back the better. They take our jobs, houses, health service, taxes, they don't pay road tax and they even send the money earned and stolen back to Poland.
When it comes to voting in the General Election please remember this thread and vote for a party who will deal with this big problem, POPE OUT !!!

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Old 23-09-2007, 12:10   #24
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong but it's the EU rules that are to blame, ( we can blame our government for keeping us in the EU when all we do is pay out for it. ). You can claim child benefit if you are an EU citizen wherever you are in Europe. I think the problem arises because the payment is made depending where the claimant is living, not where the child is living. As the benefit is a percentage of the average income for the country concerned it is obvious we pay out more than other countries where the national income isn't as high.

As bad as it is that other EU citizens are taking benefits from us, there are probably a damn site more non EU residents taking our benefits which wouldn't be the case if we went to live in their countries.
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Old 23-09-2007, 12:13   #25
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
As bad as it is that other EU citizens are taking benefits from us, there are probably a damn site more non EU residents taking our benefits which wouldn't be the case if we went to live in their countries.
So true the asians have been doing it for years.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 23-09-2007, 12:23   #26
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

One thing that annoys me is the press are not reporting that a backlash has started against the spunging Eastern Europeans, reports of violence up and down the country are available to read on the internet, this has happened in this area but nothing reported. If people are desperate they will fight back instead of just whinging and doing nothing, don't make these people welcome, I'm not asking that anyone commits a violent act just small things like ignoring them if you're asked for directions.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 23-09-2007, 12:30   #27
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

This thread has put me in a bad mood, I normally get weekends free from the eastern europeans because at work I'm now a minority in my own country, time to get off the computer and find something else to do until the crap starts again tomorrow.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 23-09-2007, 13:02   #28
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

I was talking to an asian taxi driver about the polish people yesterday and all he said was "atleast people dont talk badly about asians any more because of them". Id say 10-15% of the people i serve when im working are polish, they dont make any effort to learn our language they just point at what they want and then shove a handful of change on the counter, if i wasnt such an honest person i could make a fortune just by taking 50p each off all of them. I have worked with a lot of polish people and they never understand basic instructions, i worked at a factory in clitheroe and a polish worker was stood infront of a forklift that was trying to get past him, he just stood there completely ignoring everyone telling him to move then when one guy gave him a gentle nudge in the right direction he turned round to him and said "touch me again i sue you". They really know how to play us for fools dont they.
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Old 23-09-2007, 14:59   #29
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

I read that Margaret and it just about puts the tin lid on it doesn't it?

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Old 23-09-2007, 15:02   #30
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Re: Child benefit to Poland!

The latest figures are;since January 2004 1,038,470 immigrants from 24 different EU countries have gained a National Insurance number.

Polish immigrants number 460,780 (equivalent to the population of Liverpool).
72,230 from Lithuania,68,220 Slovakians,32,730 from the Czech Republic,12,440 from Bulgaria and 32,230 from Latvia.
On top of this each month we have 1,400 from France,1,100 from Germany and 900 Italians.

Add to this Dutch,Greeks,Finns,Maltese and Portugese all who are entitled to work here and claim any benefits they qualify for.

Migration Watch informs that we are having to build 200 houses every day for the next 20 years to accomodate immigrants to our shores.
Obviously the figures do not include immigrants from outside the EU, countries in Africa and Asia have many applicants to enter the U.K.then add the illegal immigrants(who knows?)

For those who think all this boosts our Nations economy in the first 3 months of 2007,Polish workers alone sent home £1 Billion;up 25% on the previous quarter.This was stated by the National Bank of Poland.
We can then see that our future economy will be strained.
Again what do we do?
Answers on an unstamped postcard to Mr.Gordon Brown.

Last edited by Lampman; 23-09-2007 at 15:10. Reason: Spelling
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