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30-08-2003, 07:28
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childhood memories
what is your worst childhood memory.
30-08-2003, 07:35
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Re: childhood memories
mine is going to blackpool with my auntie when i was six years old, we were on the beach and she sent me for an ice cream when i turned around after i had bought it all i could see was a mass of people.I could not find my auntie, started crying someone took me to the lost childrens centre on the front. she eventually found me, my mother went ballistic when we got home she never took me out again.
30-08-2003, 07:39
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Re: childhood memories
Dentist.. I can still smell the gas
School.. best years of your life my $%&*
Lentil soup.. Arrgh 
30-08-2003, 08:12
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Re: childhood memories
Wasn't so much the smell of the gas with me, but that awful thudding sensation as you were going under. Weird, vivid dreams under gas too.
Queueing for Nitty Nora at school and dreading her finding something.
One clear memory I have is when I was about 6. I was really ill -off school for about 5 months. During this time we were living with my aunty, as we had sold our house and were waiting for another. Our whole family was living in one room.
Then when we moved, I can remember being wrapped in a blanket & led in the back of the car.
Also remember it was bonfire night not long after & I wasn't allowed out.
Didn't get out of school work either. My Headmistress used to call up every week and kindly bring me work to do!
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
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30-08-2003, 08:26
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Re: childhood memories
Also remember, not long after I had started school, my mum decided I should go on the bus, as she wasn't feeling well. She took me to the stop and I got on, but it was the wrong bus, a secondary school special, and it didn't stop. The conductor eventually realised something was amiss and put me off the bus. I was standing there crying my eyes out as I didn't know where I was. (As it happens I was only on Victoria St but my school was on the other side of Ormerod St)
Eventually an elderly lady found me crying & took me to a policeman, who walked me up to school & took me in 10 mins late. All the kids wondered what I'd done!
Still have dreams about getting on buses and being dropped in the middle of nowhere even now.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke
I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
30-08-2003, 13:25
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Re: childhood memories
Hey, Janet i to had a similar experiance at B'pool. Pretty scarey wen your small and My Dad had to pay half a crown to get me back. Mum always saying she should av left me there.
30-08-2003, 17:47
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Re: childhood memories
i'm sure your mum did'nt mean that anne. it is very scarey when your so young , at least we are both still here none the worse for wear.
30-08-2003, 18:32
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Re: childhood memories
Being in hospital more than once when I was small.
It was different then, hospitals weren't geared to kids like they are today.
I remember it being sparse & dull, no all day visiting like you have now, and great big barred cots.
Don't remember ever going into any sort of play room, and almost no contact with staff unless they were attending you.
It was quite scary.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke
I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
30-08-2003, 19:06
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Re: childhood memories
Thats true Janet. I stil panic at the thought of getting lost and wont go anywere on my own if I can help ot.
31-08-2003, 19:01
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Re: childhood memories
mine is in blackpool at the age of 4, putting 10p in a clown in a glass box, it started laughing when you put the money in, then the whole thing tipped and smashed on the floor, i've been afraid of clowns ever since! :'(
01-09-2003, 14:41
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Re: childhood memories
I was about 5yrs old and we had to do P.E in our knickers and vest. I was in tears and so embarrassed i'd gone to school one morning, was told to get undressed but I couldn't because i'd forgotton to put any knickers on. Oh, the shame. :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
01-09-2003, 16:03
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: childhood memories
Being in the Kasbah in Tetuan (Morocco) aged 10 with my nanna, and dreading letting go of her hand, white child abductions very common there at the time. My dad used to joke that they would soon fetch us back! Very scary place, narrow alleyways incredibly crowded and smelly, livestock trotting around everywhere, killed to order. I would probably enjoy the experience now but was too terrified to appreciate it at the time 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
05-09-2003, 12:21
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Re: childhood memories
I remember in December when I was 11. I'd been grounded for being naughty. One day during the time I was grounded my dad said "get your coat on." I asked where we were going, as I wasn't allowed out, and he said "never mind, just get your coat on". We got in the car and started driving in slience from our house on Burnley Road along Queens Road and onto Whalley Road. I was fully aware the children's home was there and was convinced he was dropping me off (I had been REALLY naughty). I was trembling when he pulled up right in front of the children's home. We got out and.....
went to the house next door, where my dad told me to choose which of the little labrador puppies I wanted for Christmas!!
So what started out as my worst experience actually turned out to be one of the nicest gifts I've ever received! ;D
06-09-2003, 00:17
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Re: childhood memories
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Bless@Jo that brought a tear to my eye :'(
06-09-2003, 10:49
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Re: childhood memories
made me laugh that did jo. [smiley=dogrun.gif] [smiley=dogrun.gif] [smiley=dogrun.gif] [smiley=dogrun.gif] [smiley=dogrun.gif]
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