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Old 08-02-2009, 02:31   #31
God Member
steeljack's Avatar

Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

The biggest problem as I see it , is that the politicians and the courts refuse to follow their own laws, ..........the politicians say "its too expensive to incarcerate these criminals , so they will pass a law that automatically reduces a 10 year sentence to 5.
The Judges in their own wisdom (or under political pressure) knowingly give sentences supposed to reflect the seriousness of the crime (for newpaper headlines) whilst tipping the wink to their pay masters that they know the miscreants will only do half the time .
And why are crimes against property and theft (insurable items)treated more seriously than crimes against a person (rape, GBH assault etc.) ?
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Accrington Web
Old 08-02-2009, 16:27   #32
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
The biggest problem as I see it , is that the politicians and the courts refuse to follow their own laws, ..........the politicians say "its too expensive to incarcerate these criminals , so they will pass a law that automatically reduces a 10 year sentence to 5.
The Judges in their own wisdom (or under political pressure) knowingly give sentences supposed to reflect the seriousness of the crime (for newpaper headlines) whilst tipping the wink to their pay masters that they know the miscreants will only do half the time .
And why are crimes against property and theft (insurable items)treated more seriously than crimes against a person (rape, GBH assault etc.) ?
I've never seen a crime against property treated more seriously than rape or GBH but maybe I'm missing something.
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