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Old 25-01-2009, 23:04   #1
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China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal | World news |

A Chinese court has condemned two men to death and sentenced a company boss to life for their roles in the production and sale of poisoned milk that killed at least six children and made almost 300,000 sick.
they knew what they were doing was dangerous and they did it anyway,,, thats sick!
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 25-01-2009, 23:06   #2
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

Life is cheap in China - there are so many of them that nobody misses a few

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Old 25-01-2009, 23:14   #3
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

shame it aint as cheap here.
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Old 25-01-2009, 23:19   #4
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

how awful!!!!

makes you think about stuff in more detail when you have babies yourself.
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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Old 25-01-2009, 23:23   #5
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

summat to remember - in china by law, each couple is only allowed 1 child. no wonder the public are brassed off.
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Old 25-01-2009, 23:23   #6
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

No one got punished here for inflicting severe disabilities on thousands of babies in the mid 60s
.....remember thalidomide
Pharmacutical companies are the evil in our midst

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Old 25-01-2009, 23:26   #7
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
No one got punished here for inflicting severe disabilities on thousands of babies in the mid 60s
.....remember thalidomide
Pharmacutical companies are the evil in our midst
that was a big scandal what went down in attempt to cover/defend what the cause was. like i said pity life aint as cheap here.
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Old 25-01-2009, 23:38   #8
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

I would have thought Thalidomide production would have stopped after the 60s incident , but it seems its still in use for various treatments.
Thalidomide 'offers new hope for prostate cancer patients' | Mail Online
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Old 25-01-2009, 23:40   #9
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

Actually the rules on children are a bit more detailed than only being allowed one child.

Farming families are allowed to try a second time after having a girl because the law recognises the importance of having boys to help with the labour.

I have a friend on the internet who lives in china so I asked her about this once and she was talking about it in far more detail, but its certainly not as simple as that.

Also, the chinese class their birthday as the day of conception
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Old 25-01-2009, 23:41   #10
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

well if ya look at the test results on the link, i'd pass on it.
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Old 25-01-2009, 23:42   #11
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

I personally think this is a harsh but fair sentence for once, and I'm against the death penalty. However this was just greedy and inhumane. Risks shouldn't be taken with any human beings life, be it an adult or young babies.
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Old 25-01-2009, 23:44   #12
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Actually the rules on children are a bit more detailed than only being allowed one child.

Farming families are allowed to try a second time after having a girl because the law recognises the importance of having boys to help with the labour.

I have a friend on the internet who lives in china so I asked her about this once and she was talking about it in far more detail, but its certainly not as simple as that.

Also, the chinese class their birthday as the day of conception
interesting that cheers blaze, our waitress last week was from a town enviroment so was only goin off what she told us.
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Old 26-01-2009, 10:28   #13
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I personally think this is a harsh but fair sentence for once, and I'm against the death penalty. However this was just greedy and inhumane. Risks shouldn't be taken with any human beings life, be it an adult or young babies.
So you don't agree with the death penalty but you think this is fair sentence, yet another oxymoron. Myself I think that would have been a fair sentence for Hindley, Brady, Huntley Sutcliffe and the like, but instead we keep them in a virtual life of luxury at a cost of millions to the tax payer
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Old 26-01-2009, 19:44   #14
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

wonder if "Sky" will have it on Pay Per View?
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Old 26-01-2009, 19:46   #15
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Re: China to execute two over poisoned baby milk scandal

i'm sure there was a case in the 90s in this country about some idiots trying to sabotage baby food jars, sure i read about the case in one of my criminology books
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